No. Millions of empty houses across the country helped spike inflation and hurt the economy.
We only have to look at China to understand that building housing we don't need doesn't fix an economy. They have at least 1 entire city that had almost no residents in it. Building projects started simply to keep up appearances and keep people working.
What we have to ask is this-
How is it that almost EVERY western and developed country outside of the Middle East is in massive debt and their economy is failing?
How is that even possible? (Besides govt fraud, waste, abuse, and theft, of course.) How can every country be in debt no matter what resources or products they produce? If you were sitting in a room with the last 80 people in existence, how would it be possible for them ALL to be in massive debt?
You would realize that someone at some point had to have fooled every last one of them into believing in a PERCEIVED DEBT STATUS.
But how? How could someone do that? And how could so many be fooled even generations down the line?
Someone simply played a shell game. A Ponzi scheme. They just never stopped moving the pieces. They said they would "finance" the govt, that didn't need "financing" until the people offering the financing fomented and paid to bring about a war within the populace.
Create the crisis to lead to the solution you already possess. Wars, recessions, uprisings, protests, terrorism, depressions, scarcity, gluttony, inflation, theft, crisis after crisis until the population gets tired of fighting it- then throws resources at it. All planned and all well executed.
You just have to control the flow of information, which is how the Rottschild empire started with news of the battle of Waterloo. Trading Places with Eddie Murphy is a modern retelling of the story with some obvious twists.