Don't worry. There will be plenty of referrals from congress to the justice dept for criminal investigations. The lid is going to blow off in many areas. The left has no idea what is coming for them. Little time to shred evidence but with a real JD that will base hires on ability rather than DEI...thing will get interesting.Why can’t someone just tell each and every Democrat to GFT and not play their games? So sick of the right being subjected to this shit.
The DOJ needs to be absolutely operating with a revenge in mind. At first, I didn’t care but these people should absolutely burn and have what they did to others, applied to them.
Pelosi should have her home raided and arrested for money laundering and a shit load of Dems for treason. Tie them up in court like they did to Trump. Burn every BLM and Antifa nut to the ground.
Split this country and be done with these POS.