How will they rule ??!

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** Wise Words Department **

"You are worried about what man has done and is doing to this magical planet that God gave us. And I share your concern. What is a conservative after all but one who conserves, one who is committed to protecting and holding close the things by which we live...And we want to protect and conserve the land on which we live - our countryside, our rivers and mountains, our plains and meadows and forests. This is our patrimony. This is what we leave to our children. And our great moral responsibility is to leave it to them either as we found it or better than we found it."

-Ronald Reagan
Man-O-Man... Thought Ole Candace was more sensible. She was good to listen to a few times, i think with Charlie Kirk... I haven't followed her closely, has her politics been outed? Just not sure but this was a rough piece...

While I agree with some takes not with the broad "liberal" strokes she took...

I guess I must be a prospective terrorist as well...

Anyone blaming it on PTSD is not well strung or in tune either..... (Guess the guy is trying to get a VA pension...)

Imo she has some emotional issues or something. Shes smart, well spoken, and attractive. She just snapped at some point and went way out there.

Sucks for her because she had a presumably good gig with Shapiro and co plus a growing presence.
Imo she has some emotional issues or something. Shes smart, well spoken, and attractive. She just snapped at some point and went way out there.

Sucks for her because she had a presumably good gig with Shapiro and co plus a growing presence.


I knew something had happened. I read a couple snippets previously but didn't read deeply. A shame though as she had it going on...
Is it from this quote “The New Orleans terrorist and the guy who blew up the Tesla truck both had served at the same army base. Given what we know about the history of sadistic government programs in our military, this brings forth more questions than answers."

Because I don’t see any issue with this quote as we do bad shit, well, mostly the CIA but still.

Candace is on the outs cause she noticed too much about a certain group and now the well is drying up. But she was a grifter that the right propped up cause she’s black.

It was from that but other items I have read as well. I do not agree with you using "we" in the context you did. Even mostly. "She" seemed to lump in the entire military and I fully do not agree with that. "We" do have some seriously bad actors in the FBI, CIA, EPA, USDA, DOD, and many other agencies but I am not one to categorize "all" or even near all or group like "she" did. That in itself is racist... the worst type. What we DO have is seriously bad and flawed "Leaders" in so many agencies. They have allowed and even inspired too much bad.

I spent three years at Fort Bragg very close to where the people named did but to hear it stated now I need to be on that terrorist watch list. Not this Ole boy... Take care...
It was from that but other items I have read as well. I do not agree with you using "we" in the context you did. Even mostly. "She" seemed to lump in the entire military and I fully do not agree with that. "We" do have some seriously bad actors in the FBI, CIA, EPA, USDA, DOD, and many other agencies but I am not one to categorize "all" or even near all or group like "she" did. That in itself is racist... the worst type. What we DO have is seriously bad and flawed "Leaders" in so many agencies. They have allowed and even inspired too much bad.

I spent three years at Fort Bragg very close to where t people named did but to hear it stated now I need to be on that terrorist watch list. Not this Ole boy... Take care...

It's the lib Dem admin and bureaucrats that need to be on watch lists and kept from positions of authority.
It's the lib Dem admin and bureaucrats that need to be on watch lists and kept from positions of authority.

Seriously, rid this country of about 300 people and we have what? 300 Million or so that will live very happily, content, and safely at home and abroad... How foolish so many are at this point...

If not for "those" people (Yep, completely racist towards them...) We'd be debt free, and seriously happy as would a whole LOT of the under-privileged because the American people are generous people without being made to give...
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Man-O-Man... Thought Ole Candace was more sensible. She was good to listen to a few times, I think with Charlie Kirk... I haven't followed her closely, has her politics been outed? Just not sure but this was a rough piece...

Which piece? Has she put out something new?

While I agree with some takes not with the broad "liberal" strokes she took...

I guess I must be a prospective terrorist as well...

Anyone blaming it on PTSD is not well strung or in tune either..... (Guess the guy is trying to get a VA pension...)

I think she had a falling out with Shapiro over her freedom of speech, ie questioning things Israel was doing or has done. Then, since she's been on her own, she's had a lot of controversial stuff on her podcast, and discussed things that are taboo for most people who want to make money and remain marketable.

Unlike Rogan, who questions things and let's people talk, yet still at times challenging their viewpoints, she has taken on viewpoints rather than remaining neutral. While that is her right and I think she's got some courage in doing so, it's also made her a huge target of a lot of monied people.

It's not that her questions are wrong, but simply that she's questioning them, that is hurting her, and it seems she's being less careful with her words than she used to be. People are now picking her apart about everything.

I know she's not anti-military, but either she doesn't have the ability to speak well on the subject, or she's gone to generalizations and lashing out because people won't speak with her that used to do so. Some of that wasy/is influenced by Shapiro and now she's painting herself into corners with that broad brush you mentioned.

It's sad, but that's the way that industry works, and you'd think she'd know that. She could still recover during Trump's term in office, but I think she may have burned a bridge whose rebuild even Trump won't want to touch.
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Which piece? Has she put out something new?

I think she had a falling out with Shapiro over her freedom of speech, ie questioning things Israel was doing or has done. Then, since she's been on her own, she's had a lot of controversial stuff on her podcast, and discussed things that are taboo for most people who want to make money and remain marketable.

Unlike Rogan, who questions things and let's people talk, yet still at times challenging their viewpoints, she has taken on viewpoints rather than remaining neutral. While that is her right and I think she's got some courage in doing so, it's also made her a huge target of a lot of monied people.

It's not that her questions are wrong, but simply that she's questioning them, that is hurting her, and it seems she's being less careful with her words than she used to be. People are now picking her apart about everything.

I know she's not anti-military, but either she doesn't have the ability to speak well on the subject, or she's gone to generalizations and lashing out because people won't speak with her that used to do so. Some of that wasy/is influenced by Shapiro and now she's painting herself into corners with that broad brush you mentioned.

It's sad, but that's the way that industry works, and you'd think she'd know that. She could still recover during Trump's term in office, but I think she may have burned a bridge whose rebuild even Trump won't want to touch.

Thanks, I had hoped that was not the case. I am not much on Shapiro myself, just something about him doesn't sit well. No exact reason... I did sure like Candice but do not take the time to stay up on so many though I'd like to. Thanks again.
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Seriously, rid this country of about 300 people and we have what? 300 Million or so that will live very happily, content, and safely at home and abroad... How foolish so many are at this point...

Probably more like 3000-30k, but yeah, and they are a very diverse group of asholes along the entire spectrum. Klas Swabb, Bill Gnats, Necropsi, Chuck Slummer, Cheney, Omar, SoreOs, Soteros, Klinton, Maxi Wafers, the Bartender, Gritta Thumberg, etc.... without even mentioning the Brandon cabinet and such...
Thanks, I had hoped that was not the case. I am not much on Shapiro myself, just something about him doesn't sit well. No exact reason... I did sure like Candice but do not take the time to stay up on so many though I'd like to. Thanks again.

Same. I got bits and pieces here and there about the situation between them is all.
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I've been ramping up my NYC boycott to the next level, btw. I'm no longer watching anything with NYC associations. No longer buying products made there or watching things produced there, after refraining from watching NYC teams or sports events.

Outside of Buffalo, all things NY are being eliminated. Will be doing the same for Cali also.
So, now President Trump is...wait for it..... "petulant", do you believe the lengths the "media" will go to find a word to use against President Trump. What "Gravitas" won't work? I seriously mean P_SS on these stoops. and I mean that word in the stupid sense as my Dad would have used it...

Ole Thune can do it, he can buffer the "petulant" President Trump! Just Stooooopid...

Those "Fargin Bastiges!"
  • Haha
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Imo she has some emotional issues or something. Shes smart, well spoken, and attractive. She just snapped at some point and went way out there.

Sucks for her because she had a presumably good gig with Shapiro and co plus a growing presence.
She's dumber than dirt, that's her issue. I, like many, thought she was good and then I saw some things she said on Foxnews and I was like "she'll never be on there again." Tucker used to have her on and her takes are pure babble. She only knows the very basics of any topic and has been trying to make a name for herself. The more she talked, the more people tuned out since she can't hide how dumb she is.
Probably more like 3000-30k, but yeah, and they are a very diverse group of asholes along the entire spectrum. Klas Swabb, Bill Gnats, Necropsi, Chuck Slummer, Cheney, Omar, SoreOs, Soteros, Klinton, Maxi Wafers, the Bartender, Gritta Thumberg, etc.... without even mentioning the Brandon cabinet and such...

Don't ask me how I know but I do. It is much closer to three hundred. Once those would be fully removed the other "sheeple" would toe the line quickly. The "richies" would toe the line quickly IF their "loopholes" would be taken away and laws already on the books were actually enforced. (Yes the rich are flaunting now because they can and are allowed to do it. They could be put in line quickly.) It is the law-makers and influencers who influence those with influence. That is why you see me typing so much about enforcing laws already on the books. We as a country already have plenty of laws. It is the enforcement that is severely tainted and illegally causing empowerment.
Biden would give the nuclear codes to the Boston Marathon bombers if it got him an ice cream cone and another "10% for the big guy." He's a muppet right now
Bidumb and McCornhead. Should be a new comedy show.

That's interesting. In an unrelated topic, "By 2019, FBI Director Christopher Wray noted that the percentage of African-American new agents at the FBI Academy had more than doubled over the previous five years, rising from 4% to 9%"


FBI abuses security clearance to ‘purge’ conservatives, views them as ‘unworthy’ of employment: whistleblower

All governments should stop recording the race/ethnicity of all employees & new hires & destroy all files on such.
I believe she would call it the Malvinas.

attractive and built?....internet rules say BS without photographic proof.
I don't have any of those pictures anymore. Wife made sure of that. I used to have a lot of pictures (especially beaches in France) of my ex-wife and others on the beach (made sure angle included others) but not anymore.
3 holdouts that voted for 3 different people. None of them want to be Speaker and all three support Johnson. 🤦

I'm sick of both parties. Just close the border, build the dam wall and drill.
If they all voted for the same person, with 215 Dims, that person would become Speaker. Duh.