McCain Jr. is having a meltdown on twitter because he was caught with his fingers in the pie again. Kind glad to see this asshole's mask starting to slip. The RINOs have rode his squeaky clean military hero record bs for to long.
Liberalism simply put is
- Wanting no personal accountability for one's actions, but placing blame on others wholly or in part.
- It demands no accountability for itself, only others.
- It is a collective that is everchanging and seeks out (and most often finds) the lowest elevation.
- It is the spore leading to all denial of rights because it does not require anyone to deny their own desire, and thus does not defend the rights of those harmed by the desires of other liberals.
- It is the rationalization and justification of actions that infringe upon the rights of others by those who would allow the collective to do the same.
You seem to be under the impression that the Left is intelligent.It's hilarious that the brainwashed igits on the "left" have ZERO idea what is conservative and what isn't. They have no fkng clue. CNN vomits it up and they are fighting over spoons to eat it up off of the floor.
The only "right" in politics is constitutionally conservative. "Moderates" are those on the fence with regard to some constitutional principles. The "left" is staunchly anti-constitution.
-Fascism is not conservative. It denies free speech to all.
-Socialism is not conservative. It denies some of the ability to pursue their livelihood while allowing and even funding others to pursue theirs at the expense of others.
-Communism is not conservative. It is fundamentally anti-rights and anti-choice. As with socialism, the collective overrules the individual in all matters.
-Islam is not conservative. It is a political system that is against freedom of speech and choice. There is no choice other than Islam.
-Racism is not conservative. It denies the personhood of anyone based on their physical attributes, and thus would deny rights to anyone based on things as superficial as skin color.
-Federalism is not conservative. It elevates the govt as rulers above the people rather than correctly defining them as servants of the people.
-Criminality is not conservative. Abuse of the people and the law is unconstitutional. This is why conservatives turn on those within the Republican party when they are in violation of the constitution. Liberals embrace them FOR THE SAME REASON, as long as they bend the knee.
Conservatism is a belief in allowing adults to make good or bad choices for themselves, but not allowing the bad choices to go unaccounted for legally speaking. In other words-
- If you choose to have intercourse and conceive, you chose the result/consequences as well.
- If you choose to murder someone, you have chosen to forfeit your own life.
- If you cause someone to defend themselves (and that for which they are responsible), you have chosen the result of that defense even if it means your death.
- If you choose to deny someone else of their God given rights, whether acting alone or in concert with a govt official or dept, you and any accomplices accept the loss of your individual and collective rights and confiscation of and return of all property gained by the unconstitutional acts in your possession or passed on to others. In the event that any property was destroyed then restitution through other means is required to make whole the person and/or family wronged.
This is just a summary and some examples for those that dont comprehend the differences. It is by no means an exhaustive or complete list, but it should give most people some clarity (providing they have reasoning ability).
"Dick" is the perfect name.Dick is asked if he deserves a pay raise. Dick says he doesn't know anything about a pay raise. Then he immediately says good, politicians are principled, hard working servants and are owed a pay raise. Reporter restates the question. Durbin then attacks the media and how much money the reporter earns. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 He says no one watches them anymore, so why is the reporter compensated the same. 🤣🤣🤣
Dion/shinner/kba couldn't have argued the whataboutisms any better than dick.
I concur. Way too many billions spent on non-citizens like illegal immigrants, Ukraine, etc…Not enough spent on hurting US citizens.The fact Hurricane relief dollars needs to be voted on and isn't just there in a disaster relief general fund to begin with is ludicrous. When a disaster hits our soil, there should be an assessed cost of the disaster to communities and the victims and all other foreign aid or nen-essential spending suspended and those funds directed towards our own citizens in rapid fashion through direct payments or deploying the National guard or hiring contractors to rebuild critical infrastructure pronto.
"Dick" is the perfect name.
Some jokes write themselves.
We all knew this when they were doing their best to hide him during the campaign.
I heard that some people were not able to walk down a path at Mammoth Cave Park....oh the humanity.
The gall of people...
What's wrong with some civility? If you disagree with someone you work with, are you a dick to them?Welp, first QUIT calling him your colleague.. like you're good buddies.... That at first MAY help perception... Like calling your realtor or your lawyer your friend... They will take from you every dime they can and you're are too stupid to realize every time you call them your friend they take MORE. (Not pointed at you ukalum1988 but in general.)
ALL the people behind and involved in this need to go to JAIL.We all knew this when they were doing their best to hide him during the campaign.
Apparently Team Elon used AI to read the 1557 page bill.