Agree and disagree.
Ads will be run on all platforms, not just cable news. And cable news may not be as prevalent, but is still a major factor.
Thune isn’t one to give into Charlie Kirk. He wants to keep the majority in the Senate.
Gaetz just won’t be a popular vote in a lot of these states that are up for Senate. And that does come down to what voters think about them.
And yes, Collins and others aren’t straight party line (don’t like the term RINO, it’s very constituent depending appeal)…but that’s as good as you’re going to get if you want a Republican elected in Maine. Better to have someone who votes with you 70% of the time than 10% of the time.
But like I said earlier, having Tim Scott as NRSC Chair is huge. He is well liked by all, raises a shit load of money (has folks like Larry Ellison in his corner), has helped out a lot of these folks up for re-election, and is extremely savvy behind the scenes.
Going to be interesting. And again, not saying you’re wrong…but there are a lot of nuances.