You’re the only other person on the MAGA side that’s admitted it’s price gouging so far so credit to you. And obviously Trump isn’t going to fix it either but people on here think he will, which is moronic. Shit just costs what it costs now, pretty simple actually. Sad but true. Most people voted on the economy but my point is that the economy is already good by all metrics but grocery prices and the costs of other goods. People seem to think that’s Biden’s fault and that Kamala would address it despite the fact she’s the only one that’s said it’s price gouging and has plans to go after it. This time next year when prices are still the same, I guess MAGA will just blame someone else for it. The others that voted for Trump just because of grocery prices will have to live with that choice for 4 years. By then he’ll be the oldest president ever and god only knows what else he will have done by then.