How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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It is evident Kamala’s entire strategy for this interview is to minimize or entirely avoid answer any questions herself, and instead just try to blast Trump.

And again with the overt hand gestures… and, dare I say it… some attitude. Interesting she attacks Trump as being “unstable” while she is progressively losing her cool throughout this interview.
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It's not just Ramsey reporting it. I've been seeing it for weeks. I hope it's not accurate. We've got enough problems fighting acknowledged leftists without not being able to count on supposed allies.

Analysis of exit poll/survey data after the election should help us know who we can really count on to help us save our Republic in crisis time.

If these numbers were factual and or abnormal from other election cycles Kamala would be winning in a landslide. This claim appears to have originated from this guy Barna who is some sort of Christain "sociologist," not a pollster. I would like to see the numbers and or polling for this if it exists.
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If this causes us to lose our Republic and drown in leftist shit then they're no better than demo☭rats, IMO.
You could use some enlightenment as to why Christians are shying away.

Think of it this way.

The country isn't what it once was, and even the citizens in the country have no interest in doing what's right anymore. They don't care enough to save their own country. Life on this planet is similar to the days of Noah. So Christians are like, "Well if you folks don't care enough about the country to save it, then why is it worth saving at this point?"

I'm a Christian and served in the military. And I'm voting Trump. But I have to admit, this is no longer the same country I fought for in the Cold War. I find less and less reason to care at this point.

Christians should do their civic duty. The Bible commands it. But given that it's voluntary in this country, and most of what goes on is horrifying and distasteful, I can understand why a lot of Christians are like, why bother?

There's absolutely NOTHING that guarantees Christians rights and freedoms. Most of the Bible takes place when Christians and/or the children of Israel were either slaves or hunted. What God wants is obedience and heart devotion. He doesn't guarantee prosperity and peace.
I certainly hope that in the future Taco Bell doesn't win the franchise wars like in Demolition Man because, I don't eat Taco Bell. I would be resigned to be having to eat Rat Burgers which would be an upgrade really.
I say this with all sincerity.

My list of "The best fast food items in existence, breakfast, lunch, or dinner."

1. Taco Bell's Steak Breakfast Crunchwrap
2. Everything else.
Bret Baier: “Vice President why did you…”

Harris: “ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!”

Of course Dem/libs have taken every opportunity in the last 8 years to attack Trump....
but one of the historic unwritten rules of a political campaign is to end your campaign on the positives of how you are a good candidate.

Unless you're behind. Then going scorched earth is all you have.

Hence Harris' constant attacks on Trump?
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Charlie Kirk is not leftist media. He is a leading MAGA leader.

I don't know much about George Barna except I think he specializes on surveys regarding religion.

Hopefully it will not be a problem.

(I never mentioned "leftist".) I know of Charlie Kirk well..... Reading what he posted: NEW—According to new survey data by George Barna. (Charlie Kirk just pointed to the news. He didn't make it.)

Oh, George Barna:

Stand by my comments.
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Harris literally had the gall to say Trump is the one trying to lock people up for disagreeing with him. Seriously? What in the hell have her and Biden been doing weaponizing the justice department on horse shit charges trying to rid themselves of a political opponent. Holy shit, she is dense as hell. So unhinged!!

It's tactic.

Accuse your opponent of that which you yourself are guilty so as to create confusion. No one does this quite like, that is to say not nearly as well, not nearly as effective, as the modern political left. They do it because it works exceedingly well on the low-information.

There's not anything about this candidacy that is not hoax; the gaslighters and the gaslit.
The media wishes and fabricates (LIES)...

Out of ALL these "polls" I have NEVER had even one call from a pollster. That in itself is almost mathematically impossible.

I doth think there is something fishy in the "media" polling process. I guess they have their "pollees" on speed dial...
Hopefully, Kirk is using his podium to get the old one's off the couch.
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That's how millions die in gulags and concentration camps. Then when the govt shuts down the churches, they say, "Why is this happening to good people?!"

How long did it take for the Russian Church to recover from what happened to it in the 1800s? 81 years if I'm not mistaken. And then only because Stalin needed the Christians to win the war with Germany, after his 20yrs of brutal oppression. They thought they'd returned to prominence with the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, but soon found that that was just a ploy by the Bolsheviks to gain favor and power.

Once Stalin took over he killed 100,000 priests for the socialist and communist cause.

When you can HELP a neighbor, you DO IT. You don't stay home and shut the curtains when people are robbing them. You man up and help repel them.
Yeah well voting for a president in a faraway place doesn’t stop any of that when you can’t even say with confidence it’s being counted unfortunately
Speaking of the Christian vote....and lack thereof. This is an organization that is targeting registered Christian voters who don't vote, or vote sporadically. You go to their website and download a prepared letter. or letters (ever how many you want to send)..address (or addresses) of these targeted sign it and maybe hand write a note....address it to the voter....and mail it. Letter is about getting them to the voting booth, being aware of the un-Christian positions of Dem/libs, etc. The letters targets the swing states.
Idea is that perhaps a 'personal touch' from a fellow Christian will prompt them to vote.