"Would you like to buy a piece of Alex Jones?"

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No, you’re defending lies against dead children. Your too ignorant to know that’s wrong
LOL. Like LiberL’s give a flick about dead kids. Research Jocelyn Nungary since i promise you don't know her name. She died slowly and in complete terror just so Liberfilth could import new voters. I’ve never seen a more sanctimonious POS than today’s Liberal.
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Why do people want to act like children? Threatening to fight someone over a message board.

This country is losing its mind and its soul over this stuff. You use to be able to disagree with someone without threatening them and people who said crazy things in public were ridiculed and dismissed as crackpots and you moved on with your day.

I read something recently that Tip O’Neil once said about governing. You fight like hell during the day and then at night you share a bottle of scotch and get things done.
LOL. Like LiberL’s give a flick about dead kids. Research Jocelyn Nungary since i promise you don't know her name. She died slowly and in complete terror just so Liberfilth could import new voters. I’ve never seen a more sanctimonious POS than today’s Liberal.
You’re in full political hijack mode of this thread, but I listened to a Lex Fridman interview with Vivek Ramaswamy recently, and he talked a lot about how many conservatives, particularly on the internet, only talk about what they “disagree” with “liberals” on.

While obviously you’re trolling intentionally here, I find it interesting that about 95% of your posts are about “liberals”, and not about any kind of vision of philosophy for conservativism, other than the absence of whatever you deem “liberal”.

Thank you in advance. Im sure you will take this to heart.
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You’re in full political hijack mode of this thread, but I listened to a Lex Fridman interview with Vivek Ramaswamy recently, and he talked a lot about how many conservatives, particularly on the internet, only talk about what they “disagree” with “liberals” on.

While obviously you’re trolling intentionally here, I find it interesting that about 95% of your posts are about “liberals”, and not about any kind of vision of philosophy for conservativism, other than the absence of whatever you deem “liberal”.

Thank you in advance. Im sure you will take this to heart.
I get called liberal by auth-right, and called a republican by auth-left. The joys of being a libertarian.
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The 1st amendment grants you freedom of speech. That is all. It does not protect you from the consequences of that free speech. Thus libel and defamation. It's not complicated.
LOL. Liberal's can say anything they want with no repurcussions yet they try to ruin the lives of republicans for anything they say that differs. Liberals are the lowest form of life and what's funny is how angry they are now that Musk and others have totally exposed their lack of a spine. Funny to watch Liberals squirm like the spineless cowards they are.
The 1st amendment grants you freedom of speech. That is all. It does not protect you from the consequences of that free speech. Thus libel and defamation. It's not complicated.
The constitution does not ''grant'' anybody anything. It puts our natural ''god-given'' rights on paper, to protect them from government. The rights in the bill of rights, are god-given. And thus cannot be infringed on. It's amazing how few understand this.
LOL. Liberal's can say anything they want with no repurcussions yet they try to ruin the lives of republicans for anything they say that differs. Liberals are the lowest form of life and what's funny is how angry they are now that Musk and others have totally exposed their lack of a spine. Funny to watch Liberals squirm like the spineless cowards they are.
You should get some help.
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The constitution does not ''grant'' anybody anything. It puts our natural ''god-given'' rights on paper, to protect them from government. The rights in the bill of rights, are god-given. And thus cannot be infringed on. It's amazing how few understand this.
The God who gives the right to free speech is the same God who commands “thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

To suggest that a “God-given” right is therefore also a limitless right is not at all consistent with the context under which that right was enshrined in the Constitution.

The right to free speech is appropriately limited when that speech infringes upon the rights of another. If someone lies to another person in order to obtain that person’s money, they have committed fraud and should be punished. Free speech has never, and should never, permit speech that defrauds.

It’s the same for perjury, and the same when someone maliciously lies to defame another person. These are limited instances where it is appropriate for people to face consequences for intentionally making false factual statements.
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The God who gives the right to free speech is the same God who commands “thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

To suggest that a “God-given” right is therefore also a limitless right is not at all consistent with the context under which that right was enshrined in the Constitution.

The right to free speech is appropriately limited when that speech infringes upon the rights of another. If someone lies to another person in order to obtain that person’s money, they have committed fraud and should be punished. Free speech has never, and should never, permit speech that defrauds.

It’s the same for perjury, and the same when someone maliciously lies to defame another person. These are limited instances where it is appropriate for people to face consequences for intentionally making false factual statements.
God given means natural rights. You’re disagreeing with the founders here. The point is, we are born with human rights, and they are enshrined in the constitution to protect them from the government.
God given means natural rights. You’re disagreeing with the founders here. The point is, we are born with human rights, and they are enshrined in the constitution to protect them from the government.
I’m not disagreeing with the founders. As I mentioned, the framers never viewed free speech as a limitless right.
I'm no fan of Alex Jones by any means but what has been done to him is absurd. You can't convince me that what he has done is worthy of being sued for a billion dollars. It's nuts.
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I'm no fan of Alex Jones by any means but what has been done to him is absurd. You can't convince me that what he has done is worthy of being sued for a billion dollars. It's nuts.
It’s not absurd if you’re familiar with not only the defamation, but also Jones’ behavior during the trial. A perfect example of this is his behavior in March of 2022.

Jones was ordered to sit for depositions to occur on March 23 and 24. On March 21, Jones filed a motion for a protective order stating that a doctor had ordered him to go immediately to the hospital for a medical emergency. Jones refused, so the doctor provided a note for the protective order stating Jones needed to remain home under direct supervision of a doctor and shouldn’t attend the depositions scheduled for later that week.

The next day, March 22, there was an emergency hearing to consider the protective order. Jones’ attorney stated that Jones was currently at home and that the condition was serious enough that the doctor was physically present in Jones’ house.

Here’s the best part. When the plaintiff’s attorney was given the opportunity to speak, he informed the court that they should visit the Infowars website. What they would see, is that at that very moment, Jones was not at home. He was at his studio doing a live broadcast.

So Jones was caught red handed in another lie and attempting to ignore yet another court order. The judge denied the motion and ordered Jones to appear for the March 23 and 24 depositions.

On March 23, the plaintiff’s attorneys arrived at the location in Austin for the deposition. Despite knowing he was caught in another lie, Jones still had the nerve to not show up. Another emergency hearing was held that afternoon, with the judge reiterating the order for Jones to appear the next day to be deposed.

On March 24, the plaintiff’s attorneys arrived at the location again. And again Jones never showed up. So the plaintiffs filed a motion for contempt the next day.

That was Jones’ approach the entire time. If someone is going to compulsively lie to the court, repeatedly ignore court orders, defame victims who the jury is likely to sympathize with, as well as continue to insult the victims during the trial, then they deserve to be punished to the fullest extent that the law will allow.

Every single thing Jones did during the trial was shockingly egregious.
I'm surprised no one has said "if it can happen to him, it can happen to you!" yet. That's a classic line that's been used in the recent past to stoke fear and try to get folks to stick up for national bullshitters. It's not hard being the opposite of someone like Alex Jones and I'm pretty confident that most Americans are disgusted by him.