How will they rule ??!

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I know you love Trump but be fair. He’s cognitively not all there just like Biden. 39 minutes of standing on stage. 39 f’ing minutes of standing there listening to music. He was there for a Q&A session, took 4 questions (could hardly answer them, only rambled incoherently), then said how about we listen to some music. Then proceeded to stand there for 39 minutes awkwardly while everyone had to pretend dear leader isn’t insane. My guess is he gets cease and desist letters from the estates of Sinead O’Conner, Prince, and from guns and roses today too. Do you have any idea how long November Rain is? He stood there the whole time while it played lol. It’s INSANE this guy is going to be PRESIDENT again but somehow the left screwed it up. The right handed them a layup and they missed.

Good god you are among the dumbest idiots to ever walk the planet. Please get your news from ANYWHERE other than the paid social media DNC hack.

The simplest of searches show this was due to multiple medical emergencies in the crowd. Would have taken you less than 3 seconds.
The amount of money they spend on bus fuel in Louisville alone is ridiculous. That's what happens when you have busses picking up kids in the east end and shipping them to the west end and vice versa.

My best friend is retired and drives for FCPS. He is all over the map picking up kids for only a select grouping of schools.

Bus drivers should pick up kids in that school's district only. If your kid is out of district and goes to a magnet school, high level program or is recruited for sports to name a few examples, then getting that kid to school should be on the parents.

I know you love Trump but be fair. He’s cognitively not all there just like Biden. 39 minutes of standing on stage. 39 f’ing minutes of standing there listening to music. He was there for a Q&A session, took 4 questions (could hardly answer them, only rambled incoherently), then said how about we listen to some music. Then proceeded to stand there for 39 minutes awkwardly while everyone had to pretend dear leader isn’t insane. My guess is he gets cease and desist letters from the estates of Sinead O’Conner, Prince, and from guns and roses today too. Do you have any idea how long November Rain is? He stood there the whole time while it played lol. It’s INSANE this guy is going to be PRESIDENT again but somehow the left screwed it up. The right handed them a layup and they missed.

Call me when he starts shaking hands with thin air and squatting having bowel movements while his wife has to lead him off stage.

Liberals questioning Trumps mental health are hilarious after the clown show (that you all said was normal) we just witnessed the last 4 years. “End of quote!” “Repeat the line!”

I know you love Trump but be fair. He’s cognitively not all there just like Biden. 39 minutes of standing on stage. 39 f’ing minutes of standing there listening to music. He was there for a Q&A session, took 4 questions (could hardly answer them, only rambled incoherently), then said how about we listen to some music. Then proceeded to stand there for 39 minutes awkwardly while everyone had to pretend dear leader isn’t insane. My guess is he gets cease and desist letters from the estates of Sinead O’Conner, Prince, and from guns and roses today too. Do you have any idea how long November Rain is? He stood there the whole time while it played lol. It’s INSANE this guy is going to be PRESIDENT again but somehow the left screwed it up. The right handed them a layup and they missed.

Try watching what actually happened vs looking at POS DNC shills.

Every time you post, I always feel so bad for Sammy.

My opinion is that Trump only won because he was running vs Hillary.
Had the Dems sent almost anyone else against Trump than Hillary, they would have won (maybe big);

You couldn't be more wrong.

Their only other option was Bernie, and he would have been destroyed on a national level w/ his policies/beliefs. The country was definitely not ready for that.
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What was the other reason they put Hils on the ticket for 2016, and fixed the outcome in 2020? What else did they need to accomplish?

The path to international takeover of this country begun under her husband with help from govt agencies needed to be finalized. China and other countries couldn't directly buy up land and industry. Up until that point those scenarios had been blocked due to public outcry. The propaganda bill and orders were not yet all-encompassing in every form of media.

For some reason BO didn't deliver on the rest of the deal while he was in office. China was publicly and openly pissed. He was supposed to confiscate guns and open the borders wide for infiltration and industry so China could buy the ports. But he didn't

Then the next admin nixed them buying the ports for strategic reasons, only delaying that for a few years since China, Dominion, and Smartmatic were able to rig the election. Something hidden from public eyes with the news trickled put at a slow drip.

Something else needed to be done for the WEF and others to be rewarded for funding campaigns and helping to launder money back to crooked politicians, was accomplished with opening land purchases to international institutions and govts. That something else was allowing banks to sell land/homes to private companies without first offering them to the public that might occupy them.

Banks throughout the country were sitting on foreclosed homes by the hundreds and thousands that were secured by loans that put the banks upside down in regard to equity in them. The losses they'd incur due to selling them at a discount would've been overwhelming. So what did they do?

They couldn't dump them on the market or home prices would tank FURTHER costing them even more. They had to either bring them to market slowly and hope for the best and that prices would go up, OR they could do something much better for them and bad for the economy (if not 100% ILLEGAL in almost any other industry).

They could hoard them and create a "housing shortage."

This way they could artificially decrease the supply of homes available so that competition would drive home prices upwards. And that's exactly what it did. It drove them up FAST. People were selling their homes for up to 40% over listed and supportable values. 40%! THIS SINGLEHANDEDLY drove prices up to the point that banks could recoup their money without big losses from the previously foreclosed homes. It put them in the black.

One problem... those rising prices/sales values also artificially drove a lot of homebuyers out of the market, creating a different vacuum and a little panic. "Fortunately" the plandemic that popped up, aided in and distracted people from their plan. How lucky.

It put a different admin in the White House and allowed internationally owned companies that profited off of years of insider trading (with info shared by the politicians they funded) and rigging to buy up residential housing by the county size. They did so unabated and may have brought to fruition the WEF saying, "you shall own nothing, and like it." This has driven housing prices up further, and "in order to cool the rampant inflation" (which they knowingly caused) banks and the fed raised interest rates. (killing growth and pushing even more buyers out of the market)

Just delayed by 3-4 years

(All of this is courtesy of my friend that used to be a mortgage broker. Hope he doesnt mind my edits and such.)
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Children’s well being and education ought to come before money in my book but that’s just me. Government school is like a burning building… why would anyone leave kids in the hands of the state now that we know how bad it is ?

Again, you whiffed on the core problem. Congrats on lacking depth as well as the understanding, empathy, and mercy of your claimed savior, proving its just lip service or a purposeful fraud.

Some families cannot AFFORD anything other than public school, much less afford to home school. A lot of families need both parents working right now, and some families are two household families due to divorce. Maybe you'll learn that firsthand in the next few months so it will be clear to you how callous your comments are. I hope you don't have to have that happen to gain understanding.
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Ummmm, you know that there are already laws to address this, right? As usual, you want redundant laws passed, when the problem is one of enforcement, not legislation.

Take a break, come back later, and do better.

It's been repeated here for years at this point.

If they don't get it, it's because they don't want to get it. You can lead a horse to water, but forcing their head under for 5 minutes won't make them drink any sooner.
Wow. Broke, Illegal Shoplifters have decimated retail.

It’s so tiresome. Who isn’t fatigued by this stuff? By this stuff, I mean groups who commit tons of crime in areas and then complain they live in food deserts and businesses leaving.

Gee, wonder why? It couldn’t be anything other than “people are racist.”
It's not the Mini Coopers lesbians adore, its the PT Cruisers. and Subarus

Weird. I've been seeing lesbians driving Expeditions and Tahoes lately, with an occasional prius or rav4. Suburban and country housewives now..... they're driving Subarus and SUVs. Lol. As if make and model say anything anymore.

What tells you who is driving what are the bumper stickers and the window vinyl. Level of window tint is another indicator.
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Socialist was only in the name because they co-opted a previously existing group. And killed all the socialists. Read Hitler and the rest’s writing on any economic topic and you see for yourself. But here're his own words directly addressing your contention. From an interview with a Nazi-sympathizing American journalist in 1932:

"Why do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party program is the very anthesis of that commonly accredited to Socialism?"

"Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal [health or well-being]. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality and, unlike Marxism, it is patriotic. We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our Socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the State on the basis of race solidarity. To us, State and race are one…"
Reality says:

Kamala Harris is like an AI robot with a bad glitch: she literally makes no sense.

You can practically smell the desperation.

She’s really bad at using teleprompters. She has to hesitate each time she looks at it so her tiny brain can attempt to process what it says before screwing it all up.
Good god you are among the dumbest idiots to ever walk the planet. Please get your news from ANYWHERE other than the paid social media DNC hack.

The simplest of searches show this was due to multiple medical emergencies in the crowd. Would have taken you less than 3 seconds.

Try watching what actually happened vs looking at POS DNC shills.

Every time you post, I always feel so bad for Sammy.
You guys should google also, not that difficult to do. Yes, 2 people had medical issues and he played music then too. But then cut the whole event short and asked Noem to help him play all “his favorite songs”. So they closed with 39 minutes of him standing there awkwardly playing music and everyone on stage like WTF is going on and what am I doing up here. Even Noem didn’t know what to do. But sure, act like it didn’t happen.
You guys should google also, not that difficult to do. Yes, 2 people had medical issues and he played music then too. But then cut the whole event short and asked Noem to help him play all “his favorite songs”. So they closed with 39 minutes of him standing there awkwardly playing music and everyone on stage like WTF is going on and what am I doing up here. Even Noem didn’t know what to do. But sure, act like it didn’t happen.

Not a surprise the only ones freaking out and sensationalizing this are you looney lefties.

Not a surprise the only ones freaking out and sensationalizing this are you looney lefties.
lol hopefully you learn how to use google though before you bend over backwards to say Trump didn’t do this or that.

Trump is held to such a low standard that even him standing on stage for 39 minutes listening to his “favorite songs” doesn’t hit your radar. And that was after not being able to cognitively answer 4 questions prior to that. If Biden had done that, you’d be screaming it to everyone.
I disagree. My opinion is that Trump only won because he was running vs Hillary. And that Hillary's only chance to win was to run against Trump. Both parties typically vote the more extreme candidate, the more left/right leaning candidate in their primaries, and then often in the general election the one that can appear more moderate wins. (of course there are other considerations, like how is the economy on election day, etc...)
Had the Dems sent almost anyone else against Trump than Hillary, they would have won (maybe big); and had the Reps sent almost anyone else against Hillary than Trump, they would have had a bigger win. Hillary drew more people (many of whom might not normally vote) out to vote AGAINST HER than other candidates typically have. And Trump had that same factor in 2020 and will again in 2024. The "anyone but ..." crowd.
This post is a ridiculous hindsight, 20/20 retrospective that isn't based on any facts, yet a coping response as to why an opposition candidate rocked a hand picked mainstream candidate.

Trump only won because it was Hillary? First, Hillary was handpicked by the DNC and Democrat elites. If it was truly the will of the people Bernie would've had above a 50% shot to be the Presidential candidate. Even then Trump would've smoked Bernie based on enthusiasm and voter turnout. Hillary is a better candidate than Kamala yet they're covered way differently.

Trump galvanized a portion of the electorate that hadn't been possible for a Republican in a quarter century. Trump rocked her in states that no one polled or predicted was possible.
lol hopefully you learn how to use google though before you bend over backwards to say Trump didn’t do this or that.

Trump is held to such a low standard that even him standing on stage for 39 minutes listening to his “favorite songs” doesn’t hit your radar. And that was after not being able to cognitively answer 4 questions prior to that. If Biden had done that, you’d be screaming it to everyone.

That was brought on by the medical emergencies and it’s pretty sad you can’t see that. It’s also a guy that isn’t feeling any pressure. He knows all he needs to do it sit back and let Kamabla keep talking her way into a landslide loss.
Kamala Harris is like an AI robot with a bad glitch: she literally makes no sense.

You can practically smell the desperation.

Reminds me of when Biden said Romney would put blacks in chains.

Never mind that we have had four years of Trump. We know what life is. The left are the ones who consider "MAGA Republicans a threat to our country." STFU, Kamala, you skank.

This party wanted people fired, to lose custody of kids, denied access to hospitals, and even support imprisonment for not taking a bogus Big Pharma jab. They selectively prosecute-- BLM and Antifa and illegals do what they want but if you committed the greatest sin of all--be a conservative walking into the Capitol then you get solitary confinement and prison.

These people tried to imprison and kill their opposition. They are the embodiment of pure evil and an out of control government. Democrats should never be at the wheel of leadership and certainly not a person who has never worked in the private sector and is only concerned with personal ambition with what corrupt BS she can leverage.
It's as simple as this... the lies, the inculcated mass delusion shared by our resident leftists is simply used ot continue the grift.

It's not Her handouts that you need to succeed: it's for them to stop wasting so much of what they take from you.

Everybody who wants what's best for America has to support this Government Efficiency plan!!!

And Elon is the perfect person for the job.

Why do you LiBeRaLs hate this????

Seriously. WHY? What the Hell is your problem???

crickets (chirp, chirp, chirp)
I disagree. My opinion is that Trump only won because he was running vs Hillary. And that Hillary's only chance to win was to run against Trump. Both parties typically vote the more extreme candidate, the more left/right leaning candidate in their primaries, and then often in the general election the one that can appear more moderate wins. (of course there are other considerations, like how is the economy on election day, etc...)
Had the Dems sent almost anyone else against Trump than Hillary, they would have won (maybe big); and had the Reps sent almost anyone else against Hillary than Trump, they would have had a bigger win. Hillary drew more people (many of whom might not normally vote) out to vote AGAINST HER than other candidates typically have. And Trump had that same factor in 2020 and will again in 2024. The "anyone but ..." crowd.
So you think any other Republican in 2016 would’ve won Pa, Wi, and Michigan? Something no Rep had done in 30 years?
You also think Trump getting 75 million votes and the Democrats pulling every shenanigan voting wise in 20, so much so that 55-65% of the public thinks it was stolen, which it was , is people choosing “ anyone but”.
If the election in 20 was straight up Trump wins, if it’s straight up this time or his turnout is too big to rig he’ll win. In 20 the Dems and establishment Reps were in on it, I don’t think the establishment reps will be this time.
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That was brought on by the medical emergencies and it’s pretty sad you can’t see that. It’s also a guy that isn’t feeling any pressure. He knows all he needs to do it sit back and let Kamabla keep talking her way into a landslide loss.
No he had told Noem before the event which songs he wanted to close with. I don’t think anyone expected it to go 39 minutes. Also there is nothing (absolutely nothing) you guys won’t defend that he does. I mean yeah he feels so little pressure that he can have the dj play several of his favorite songs for 39 minutes while he stands around? It’s ok to admit he’s not perfect. It’s easy for me to say that about Kamala. If she stood there for even 5 minutes doing nothing while songs of hers were playing, I’d call it out for the stupidity it is.
No he had told Noem before the event which songs he wanted to close with. I don’t think anyone expected it to go 39 minutes. Also there is nothing (absolutely nothing) you guys won’t defend that he does. I mean yeah he feels so little pressure that he can have the dj play several of his favorite songs for 39 minutes while he stands around? It’s ok to admit he’s not perfect. It’s easy for me to say that about Kamala. If she stood there for even 5 minutes doing nothing while songs of hers were playing, I’d call it out for the stupidity it is.
No one cares.