How will they rule ??!

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European week limits...if the limit was 12 weeks here yoid be talking about how this is Handmaids tale. France! Also, the UK one has tons of stipulations...not the just rip it out i don't want it.

We not doing the centrist in europe thing?
I'm not a centrist anywhere. Centrists suck. Generally people who haven't thought through issues enough to have opinions. Sad.
About the same number as Republicans did when they were in the minority. It's crap no matter who does it and one of the main ways Congress avoids accountability. They should be legislating, not sitting at perpetual impasses.
The actual numbers are Democrats used the filibuster 314 times in Trumps 4 years vs. Republicans using it 175 during Obama's 8 years. All previous Presidents had 69 combined.

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I've yet to witness our resident left-leaning posters challenge or disprove such data.
You won’t find a right leaning poster who has the guts to say it though. Imagine saying this to the women you interact with each day. That would not go well, even though it’s true, and that is itself the problem.

Can’t live with ‘em…
While watching Milton updates on ABC News channel, they broke in to give other 'big' stories. Namely, Biden calling Trump a liar about FEMA funds being stolen to help illegal migrants and not US citizens affected by Helene.

Two facts:
1. HHS Secretary Mayorkas stated that FEMA had almost run out of money and they weren't sure if they had enough remaining to assist hurricane relief efforts. Mayorkas said that, not Trump.
2. Someone at the NY Post, I'm guessing upon hearing #1, looked up and found $1.4B have been spent of HHS/FEMA money since fall of 2022 on ILLEGAL migrant support/assistance. Almost $650M of that was spent this year. That's not Trump's words or figures - that's research done by the NY Post.

While using the word 'stolen' is inflammatory, the facts are that FEMA funds (from taxpayers' pockets) were used to assist illegal immigrants who, under Federal law, are criminals to the detriment of US citizens dealing with the aftermath of Helene (and soon Milton). 'Stolen' is too aggressive of a word but 'misappropriated' would not be. Trump, as usual, used inflammatory language but he did NOT lie. Those taxpayer dollars that were supposedly set aside for humanitarian aid for US citizens (not criminals who should not be here in the first place) have been diverted, probably illegally, but certainly inappropriately. Since open borders seem to be a plank in the Dems platform, one could reasonably assert that taxpayer dollars were spent to create more Dem voters from the ranks of illegal immigrants. That may not be true, but it is reasonable to conclude, given the facts above and the multiple instances recently of non-citizens being registered to vote.

Google FEMA funds migrant assistance and you'll see NBC, ABC, NPR, MSNBC, etc stories that state none of the above is true. According to them, FEMA did NOT divert funds to assist illegal immigrants. Trump is lying again. Etc., etc. The MSM all got their talking points directly from the DNC and, like good little soldiers, have propagated the story that FEMA did not do anything that Trump claimed. Even though, of course, it is 100% true. MSM is not only silent when a Dem tells a bold faced lie, they disseminate it far and wide so that gullible Americans come to believe it.

I don't believe Trump will win but, if he does, anything he can do to clean out the Deep State and gut the MSM would be fine with me. I'm not sure he could accomplish much with all the Dems and several Reps not willing to do anything he's for, but a guy can dream. If possible, I'd freeze every single one of the major networks and Big Tech (not X) out. No interviews, no access. They're going to only publish negative articles about him anyway, why give them any access? They'll publish what they want to regardless of whether it's true or not.
Politics used to be compromise. From my viewpoint, only Republicans are expected to compromise now. I hardly ever hear or read about Democrats compromising now. How many times did the Dems filibuster during Trumps presidency?
Democrats have the record for filibuster.

Compromise for democrats is R's signing off on anything put in front of them. They arent interested in compromise, hence why they've tried to destroy the Supreme Court...they want any whim they have shoved through.
ANYONE traveling for an abortion out of Texas....Not just minors.
Typical illinformed and ignorant MAGA dumbass fascist. 🤡

As usual you didn’t read the story you actually linked. Most of that article deals with gender transition care and the small segment about abortion specifically says that the state offering the abortion doesn’t have to respond to the Texas counties demands. You are absolutely the person Kamala is counting on. Fixated on a single settled issue like abortion while ignoring the pure stupidity of the person you’re voting for. There has to be a break between blue and red states. And you need to go reside in a blue one where you can murder infants up to and after birth. There is no coming to a compromise. This country is irreparably broken.
How is a pink cake with blue frosting "raw sex acts"?
And i was led to believe capitalism was evil...turns out ppl don't do anything for a buck.

Also, not a serious request, it was harassment. He didn't offer the products the wanted, and considering he allowed them in the store, alowed them to buy any product he had.

Which, also proof either theyre false requests or ppl are incredibly dumb in Colorado bc should be a huge market to open a "big gay cake shop" to fill these requests. Could even open it across the street...but nope.
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Kinda doubt that was why you were banned. I figure they are still pissed about the Covid thread.

You have also become the latest target of our narc leftist, "but I swear I'm a moderate", fellow posters who show up to ridicule your posts. I have to wonder if at least one of them isn't a mod.
Lol you're probably right. I got banned for a year for posting a thread about replacing Mitch McConnell due to his health decline. i figured at least one poster/mod has a connection to the McConnell camp.
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Come on VHcat, you are better than using circular arguments. We've already gone over that being able to be claimed as a dependent has no bearing on if someone is a person. Are you smart enough to even know why carpool lanes exist? That fact that you are using that in this argument suggests that you don't, which means you are dumber than I thought. The reason an unborn child doesn't count in carpool lanes is because an officer cannot visibly establish the occupancy of a vehicle before making the traffic stop. It doesn't validate your position that an unborn child isn't a person. You really let your arguments get more and more ridiculous as you lose.
C'mon man ... his mom drives him in the carpool lane all the time. That makes him the resident expert. ROLLEYES!
The actual numbers are Democrats used the filibuster 314 times in Trumps 4 years vs. Republicans using it 175 during Obama's 8 years. All previous Presidents had 69 combined.

Wait, Dion lied?!?!?

And i was led to believe capitalism was evil...turns out ppl don't do anything for a buck.

Also, not a serious request, it was harassment. He didn't offer the products the wanted, and considering he allowed them in the store, alowed them to buy any product they had.

Which, also proof either theyre false requests or ppl are incredibly dumb in Colorado bc should be a huge market to open a "big gay cake shop" to fill these requests. Could even open it across the street...but nope.
You're right it's not about the cake, it's about the discrimination. Duh. These constitutional questions need to be answered. Now we just have longer to wait.
Mode question...Is AIChatGPT a mod? I got banned for a week a few weeks ago for posting a mean GIF directed at AIChatCPT. The crazy thing is the GIF was never taken down.

I think it’s a kba account that he set up to post in gyero. Like a fresh start to only use in that thread. When he posts elsewhere with that one, his inner asshole always shines through. Stan can verify.
As usual you didn’t read the story you actually linked. Most of that article deals with gender transition care and the small segment about abortion specifically says that the state offering the abortion doesn’t have to respond to the Texas counties demands. You are absolutely the person Kamala is counting on. Fixated on a single settled issue like abortion while ignoring the pure stupidity of the person you’re voting for. There has to be a break between blue and red states. And you need to go reside in a blue one where you can murder infants up to and after birth. There is no coming to a compromise. This country is irreparably broken.
Nah. After Trump loses, MAGA is gonna dissolve and the country can return to what it was before the MAGA mania.
Wait, Dion lied?!?!?

He's wrong, he didn't understand his own link. Will you be this shocked to find out that Republicans in the first two years of Biden used it 336 times, breaking the Democrats' record for a Congress of 328 under the last two years of Trump?
Harris called DeSantis to offer help.
Trump is spreading lies and conspiracy theories to frighten the gullible storm victims.
Harris is the only adult running for President.
Harris didn’t call and didn’t need to. DeSantis said he was satisfied with Biden’s response and acknowledged he talked to him.

RDS also made the point that he didn’t give 2 shits about the politics of all this, he had people in danger and dying.

The stupid ass harpy Harris is simply the 3rd wheel of the bike and is just getting her face on tv. You goofy ass Dems love to take advantage of disasters.
Just a complete f'n own

Even the dead man agrees

Meanwhile @sambowieshin friend is cos playing again trying to make a campaign ad, disgusting:

And making up complete lies, which Sam claims he's concerned about. It's the law that it's illegal to price gouge in Florida during a disaster. Just despicable behavior by a fake candidate

Not at all. It's nothing more than DeSantis throwing red meat to his base and sucking Trump's Vienna sausage like he always does.
He knows the Feds are gonna give him whatever he wants right now regardless of how he treats Kamala.
Harris didn’t call and didn’t need to. DeSantis said he was satisfied with Biden’s response and acknowledged he talked to him.

RDS also made the point that he didn’t give 2 shits about the politics of all this, he had people in danger and dying.

The stupid ass harpy Harris is simply the 3rd wheel of the bike and is just getting her face on tv. You goofy ass Dems love to take advantage of disasters.
Hilarious... as Trump lies and fear mongers about FEMA running out of money during a GD disaster.
Stupid Clowns
If Trump doesn’t win, they no longer need cover. They can just seize all of Musk’s assets. Trump’s to for that matter.
Yep. They've all been coming out and saying what they really think lately. Seize Twitter and make it run by the government and I even saw one brain surgeon say that NASA should takeover SpaceX and just launch their own rockets.... NASA used to do that but cost got so high that they broke their budget on launches and had to hire it out. Dems are so uninformed on everything.