Pitino at BBM

Revisionist history at its finest in this post. He didn’t give an FU to the entire crowd. He did that the a particular group as he walked out. He never received any punishment from the NCAA for the UL stuff. We used to use that same point to defend Cal. He banged a chick in a restaurant and paid for her abortion. Do you think he’s the only coach to ever cheat on his wife? If those things happened while he was here, they would hold a lot more weight. Everyone deserves a chance to make amends. He donates to UK NIL, he has openly supported Pope, and he’s said he wishes he never left. If reconciliation was not possibly for any of us when we wronged others, then we would all be alone. It’s time to reconcile and accept leave that past in the past.

I'm all for that. But I've yet to read an apology for any of that behavior. As far as the violations, lol. Cal wasn't "clean" but his violations were Camby taking money from an agent (supposedly without Cal knowing, and the NCAA saying he had no way to know) and then at Memphis Rose had someone else take a test for him (again NCAA saying Cal had know way to know); both those things were also off campus to my knowledge. The UofL stuff was much much worse. Prostitutes in dorms man. And there's no way that didn't get around campus. He knew. He may not of said "Ok, do that" but he sure didn't step up and correct it.

Again, I'm no Pollyanna, I know risqué stuff is done to attract recruits. But that was literally two crimes. 1 being the prostitution. The other being underage solicitation of minors. And that was by one of his right hand people. If you truly believe "he didn't know" I've got some oceanfront property to sell you in Wyoming.
Nah, him leaving when he implied he wouldn't and then coming back to take the UofL job over the Michigan job was the worst thing he did.
Leaving like coaches do all the time after saying they won’t? Is that what you mean? Louisville is a better job than Michigan at that time and it’s not debatable. It’s a better job today. He did what was best for him professionally just like any of us would do. He wasn’t born and bred into the rivalry like we were so his perspective is a little different than ours. If you think either of those were done specifically to be malicious to BBN, I don’t know what to tell you.
Leaving like coaches do all the time after saying they won’t? Is that what you mean? Louisville is a better job than Michigan at that time and it’s not debatable. It’s a better job today. He did what was best for him professionally just like any of us would do. He wasn’t born and bred into the rivalry like we were so his perspective is a little different than ours. If you think either of those were done specifically to be malicious to BBN, I don’t know what to tell you.

He left us as soon as he saw the opportunity to go back to the pros (which he wasn't great at btw- he lasted a grand total of 4 years at the Celtics and ;eft because he sucked). I'm not dissing what he did for us. But he left us as soon as he could and even he said it was a mistake. He used us and jumped. I'm not overly upset about it, but it was kind of crappy.
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He left us as soon as he saw the opportunity to go back to the pros (which he wasn't great at btw- he lasted a grand total of 4 years at the Celtics and ;eft because he sucked). I'm not dissing what he did for us. But he left us as soon as he could and even he said it was a mistake. He used us and jumped. I'm not overly upset about it, but it was kind of crappy.
He didn’t leave as soon as he could. That is more revisionist history. He was approached yearly and didn’t leave until arguably the greatest sports franchise came calling. He had multiple opportunities to leave prior to the Celtics job but didn’t.
Our fans are hilarious. How could you want this guy anywhere near our program? One of the last times he was in Rupp he gave the entire crowd a big FU. While at UL, he hired strippers for underage recruits and players. He is the only coach to ever have a national championship stripped from him. He banged some skank on a restaurant table and then made her get an abortion.

Nobody on this board wanted him anywhere near us when all that was going on. Short memories on many of you. I personally cannot stand him, regardless of his abilities to coach or passion for the game.
Regardless of what any of us think, our current coach loves Pitino and says he’s “my guy.” He is going to be around the program’s coach no matter what.
The middle finger is overblown. Those that it bother say it was towards the entire fan base. Let’s not act like he stood at mid court with double fingers extended as he spun around to the entire crowd. He was walking out and appeared to have the finger directed at most a small group of fans. We don’t know what was said to get the finger response but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was warranted. Like I said in an earlier post, Rick deserves blame for the animosity between he and BBN but we are not blameless.
Pitino, is that you? Coming in for madness and have a CatsIllustrated account? Really took a 180.
Pitino, is that you? Coming in for madness and have a CatsIllustrated account? Really took a 180.
Not even close but the inaccuracies being posted in this account are absolutely ridiculous. I was a student at UK from 94 to 99 so I was there during most of Pitino's time. The posts in this thread like he left at the first chance he had are at best stretching the truth and at worst lies.
Not even close but the inaccuracies being posted in this account are absolutely ridiculous. I was a student at UK from 94 to 99 so I was there during most of Pitino's time. The posts in this thread like he left at the first chance he had are at best stretching the truth and at worst lies.
What’s accurate is that he’s selfish & one of the biggest liars the sport has known. A great coach, yes. So was Bobby Knight who was a total dick. I’m not going to share the same apartment complex with my hypothetical ex wife who wants to be friends now that she has nobody.
What’s accurate is that he’s selfish & one of the biggest liars the sport has known. A great coach, yes. So was Bobby Knight who was a total dick. I’m not going to share the same apartment complex with my hypothetical ex wife who wants to be friends now that she has nobody.
He is no worse than any other high major successful coach. He’s driven to win and with that comes characteristics that aren’t the best. Rupp had them. Call has them. All successful coaches have them. The only person who suffers if you let those things define a person is you. Everyone has redeeming qualities as well. However none of that changes the fabrications posted in this thread about him. You don’t have to be friends with your ex wife(depending on the reason for the divorce) but if you let that hate consume you than you lose in the end. It’s ok to forgive and move on. In fact it’s better physically, mentally, and emotionally if you do. Otherwise, you go through life as a miserable old man. More power to you if that’s how you want to live.
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He is no worse than any other high major successful coach. He’s driven to win and with that comes characteristics that aren’t the best. Rupp had them. Call has them. All successful coaches have them. The only person who suffers if you let those things define a person is you. Everyone has redeeming qualities as well. However none of that changes the fabrications posted in this thread about him. You don’t have to be friends with your ex wife(depending on the reason for the divorce) but if you let that hate consume you than you lose in the end. It’s ok to forgive and move on. In fact it’s better physically, mentally, and emotionally if you do. Otherwise, you go through life as a miserable old man. More power to you if that’s how you want to live.

Somebody once told me that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and then waiting for the other person to die. The older I get, the more I realize the absolute truth of that statement.
He is no worse than any other high major successful coach. He’s driven to win and with that comes characteristics that aren’t the best. Rupp had them. Call has them. All successful coaches have them. The only person who suffers if you let those things define a person is you. Everyone has redeeming qualities as well. However none of that changes the fabrications posted in this thread about him. You don’t have to be friends with your ex wife(depending on the reason for the divorce) but if you let that hate consume you than you lose in the end. It’s ok to forgive and move on. In fact it’s better physically, mentally, and emotionally if you do. Otherwise, you go through life as a miserable old man. More power to you if that’s how you want to live.
Hes 100% worse than 99% of coaches in the profession. And it’s about letting people back in that don’t deserve it. Who has proven time and time again he doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. Never used the term hate either. I personally have no desire to be around somebody or let somebody back in who has proven to everybody who they really are. A great coach and a shitty person.

You cheer for him and give him what he wants & That’s fine.

I’ll pass.
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Hes 100% worse than 99% of coaches in the profession. And it’s about letting people back in that don’t deserve it. Who has proven time and time again he doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. Never used the term hate either. I personally have no desire to be around somebody or let somebody back in who has proven to everybody who they really are. A great coach and a shitty person.

You cheer for him and give him what he wants & That’s fine.

I’ll pass.
Blah blah blah. You could have summed it up much faster by saying “I am a miserable person who hold a juvenile grudge because I don’t like people who choose to do what they feel is best for themselves personally.” I’m beginning to think you are a Card fan who is just trolling because the only fan base who may have legit complaints about him is them. Most of the stuff you say you are mad about happened when he was their coach. Otherwise, you choose to dislike him simply because he made what he thought were the correct professional decisions when he took other jobs.
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Blah blah blah. You could have summed it up much faster by saying “I am a miserable person who hold a juvenile grudge because I don’t like people who choose to do what they feel is best for themselves personally.” I’m beginning to think you are a Card fan who is just trolling because the only fan base who may have legit complaints about him is them. Most of the stuff you say you are mad about happened when he was their coach. Otherwise, you choose to dislike him simply because he made what he thought were the correct professional decisions when he took other jobs.
Def a Pitino burner account
Hes 100% worse than 99% of coaches in the profession. And it’s about letting people back in that don’t deserve it. Who has proven time and time again he doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. Never used the term hate either. I personally have no desire to be around somebody or let somebody back in who has proven to everybody who they really are. A great coach and a shitty person.

You cheer for him and give him what he wants & That’s fine.

I’ll pass.
Were you for or against forgiveness for Pete Rose?
Were you for or against forgiveness for Pete Rose?
Do you mean Forgiveness as in putting him in the HoF?

I’m not going to pretend I know everything Pete Rose did outside of betting on his teams to win. If that’s all it was, not point shaving, throwing games…then yeah I think he should’ve been allowed to be nominated for the HoF.

If he was a POS human and repeatedly did stupid, selfish stuff (which I know nothing about whether he did or not) or bet on his team to lose, then no. I just haven’t done research on the matter.
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Were you for or against forgiveness for Pete Rose?
Forgive Rose for what? Going to Philadelphia? No problem. For betting on baseball? Sure. For his failures of character? Nothing changed with Rose. He was who he was. And off the field he was never a person to be admired. I don't know where you come down on this FT, but I never really understood why many seem to not be able to separate being a fan of the player from idolizing the person.
Forgive Rose for what? Going to Philadelphia? No problem. For betting on baseball? Sure. For his failures of character? Nothing changed with Rose. He was who he was. And off the field he was never a person to be admired. I don't know where you come down on this FT, but I never really understood why many seem to not be able to separate being a fan of the player from idolizing the person.
If he only bet ON the Reds, I think he should be in the Hall. If he bet against them, not so much. Baseball could have a really amazing wing of it's Hall for disgraced but otherwise Hall worthy players. Rose. Cobb. Shoeless Joe. Bonds. Clemens. McGwire. Sosa. Palmeiro.
Bwhahaha. No one cares Grandpa.
Do you spend your whole day like this?
I'm going to go make a bowl a cereal, and IDGAF if you don't like Lucky Charms or not. Then I'm going to watch Matlock, and you can suck a D if it's season 3.
alright little fella calm down lmao, you are taking this way more serious than it actually is lmao
Im surprised that Rick would show interest. I mean, he coached uofL.......

And if he stayed another year at UK.....he probably would have another championship.

At least the relationship seems positive right now.
I personally don’t want him around the program. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. Had he not burned Louisville, he would never be trying reconcile with UK.

Some of you really think a 72 year old man who has shit on multiple universities wouldn’t do it again given the chance? And you want to welcome the guy back who gave the fans the middle finger (literally), left for a rival, couldn’t tell the truth to save his life, etc?

Hope you give your wives that much grace.
Argue with a wall, man. With Pope here, Pitino will have a standing invite. You might need to follow another team if this is going to bother you that bad.
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Just because that's common in NY doesn't mean that's how you act down here, and towards "family" no less. It was bad enough he took the UofL job over the Michigan job seemingly just to spite us. That finger was personal and it was uncalled for.

Imagine if Cal did that now at Arky? We'd be rightfully a little pissed.

He's a multi-millionaire HOF college basketball legend flipping off regular folks, that's pretty crappy. Be the bigger dude and walk on. Laugh it off and go home to your riches. Why be so low? Oh no, a bunch of (probably drunk) college fans of a rival team potentially said something mean to me. How dare those peasants?!

Even worse, he lied about afterwards saying he was "brushing his hair" or something like that. Like, BS dude. In the words of a former UK coach, "There's no crying on the yacht."

Remove that God awful tattoo and apologize for flipping off fans at Rupp and he can absolutely come home.
So you honestly willingly believe he took the UL to spite UK fans? That’s your rebuttal??? And did you consider him family while he was at UL? It sure doesn’t sound like it. Again you don’t know the vulgar words said to him so don’t judge him. You kinda sound like a bitter ex tbh. And I’d laugh and it would validate my wanting CCC gone 5 years ago if he flipped off fans not acting appropriately. You think all the fans that day said hi Rick your family and he flipped them off? You are nuttier than Kamala if you think that.