How will they rule ??!

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They keep trying to dehumanize the fetus by saying it is not human. I have challenged them in the past to show me where that fetus can be manipulated or changed to be anything other than human. They never answer that challenge. Why? Because there is nothing that can be introduced anytime during the pregnancy that would change that human fetus into anything else. It would only kill it.

If it wasn't human, what need would there be for an abortion? It's really that simple. You can't end something that hasn't begun. That's why they don't call removing a dead baby an abortion. It's why they don't call removing cancer an abortion. It's why they don't call removing necrotic tissue an abortion.

If the fetus isn't alive, there is no need to abort the process of birth, for a birth can't take place without life, and therefore the process already cannot take place. Life doesn't spontaneously appear from nothing. Only life begets life.

So "abortion" is by definition ending life, and a human life at that, which is murder.
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Come on VHcat, you are better than using circular arguments

No. They aren't

. We've already gone over that being able to be claimed as a dependent has no bearing on if someone is a person. Are you smart enough to even know why carpool lanes exist?

If the trolls say "sychronized swimming" will you stop feeding them?

That fact that you are using that in this argument suggests that you don't, which means you are dumber than I thought.

It's worse than that. They are dumber than you never thought possible plus infinity.

The reason an unborn child doesn't count in carpool lanes is because an officer cannot visibly establish the occupancy of a vehicle before making the traffic stop. It doesn't validate your position that an unborn child isn't a person. You really let your arguments get more and more ridiculous as you lose.

Because simply by engaging with them they get all they crave, the loss is yours. They know they are wrong and don't care. They want what they want, and what they want is to force their wrong upon you. That's why they're ok with rapists, pedos, and murderers voting, as long as they vote Democrat.
I've said over and over you're free to make those laws according to your personal moral code. But until you do fetuses are not people.
There are laws already you dimwit. We've been pointing them out to you but you keep ignoring it. My goodness you are so blind to your cause it's disturbing. You're like a programmed robot that glitches out when it runs into a command it wasn't programmed for. You're liberal talking points are failing you so you just ignore the arguments you can't dispute.

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, also known as Laci and Conner's Law, is a federal law in the United States that recognizes an embryo or fetus as a legal victim if injured or killed during the commission of certain federal violent crimes. Signed into law by President George W. Bush on April 1, 2004, the Act allows for separate charges to be filed for harm done to the unborn child in addition to charges related to the harm of the pregnant woman.

Here is the law, already on the books, that you keep claiming we are free to make. If something can be killed, it is alive. If it has human DNA and is alive, it is a human being. If it is a human being on US soil, it has rights.
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Again, why does this law exist? It wouldn't be necessary if they were already people, right? They would already be covered. They aren't charging them with an additional crime.
Let it be known to everyone on this board, that Dion did not believe African Americans who were slaves were actually people. If they were people, we wouldn't have needed a law to tell us so. I always thought you were racist but now you have proven it to me with your own logic.
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They keep trying to dehumanize the fetus by saying it is not human. I have challenged them in the past to show me where that fetus can be manipulated or changed to be anything other than human. They never answer that challenge. Why? Because there is nothing that can be introduced anytime during the pregnancy that would change that human fetus into anything else. It would only kill it.
And I've replied repeatedly, yes you can. You can absolutely introduce different DNA and hybridize. You could make a glowing jellyfish person if you wanted.
Let it be known to everyone on this board, that Dion did not believe African Americans who were slaves were actually people. If they were people, we wouldn't have needed a law to tell us so. I always thought you were racist but now you have proven it to me with your own logic.
His rake stepping on that is interesting for sure.
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No. They aren't

If the trolls say "sychronized swimming" will you stop feeding them?

It's worse than that. They are dumber than you never thought possible plus infinity.

Because simply by engaging with them they get all they crave, the loss is yours. They know they are wrong and don't care. They want what they want, and what they want is to force their wrong upon you. That's why they're ok with rapists, pedos, and murderers voting, as long as they vote Democrat.
You are right and I'm doing the same thing I've gotten on to others for doing. My bad. The slaughter of millions of babies every year is just a big deal for me and I let myself get swept into a pointless argument. I'll stop responding to him and we can get back to our regular scheduled programming. Thanks for pulling me out of the muck.
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There is nothing that says legal status is conveyed upon birth. That's a statement you keep spouting but there is nothing in the laws that back that up.
Notice he didn't say "birth." He said "toddlers." He truly believes you should be allowed to kill infants after they are born. Just put him on ignore. If everyone ignored these idiots they would go away.
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And I've replied repeatedly, yes you can. You can absolutely introduce different DNA and hybridize. You could make a glowing jellyfish person if you wanted.
It's kind of scary what scientist can or are willing to do when it comes to messing with human DNA.

I'm a person that just shakes my head when people keep messing with nature...but, people keep doing it. Oh well. I won't live long enough to worry about it.
STOP letting these panicking leftists dictate the topic. They ONLY want to talk abortion, because they know Kamala has ZERO to offer the country.

Just IGNORE them.
STOP letting these panicking leftists dictate the topic. They ONLY want to talk abortion, because they know Kamala has ZERO to offer the country.

Just IGNORE them.
That's the only thing the left has left to play. They fail on everything else...and they fail on that as well.

I haven't followed but I'm sure that the last 2 hurricanes that 'have' or are hitting the US is because of GLOBAL WARMING according to the pink thong wearing lefties. News alert...hurricanes happen every year. In fact, PLANET EARTH NEEDS hurricanes to help cool the environment you dumbasses! Take away the hurricanes and see what damn knuckle dragging primates.
Come on VHcat, you are better than using circular arguments. We've already gone over that being able to be claimed as a dependent has no bearing on if someone is a person. Are you smart enough to even know why carpool lanes exist? That fact that you are using that in this argument suggests that you don't, which means you are dumber than I thought. The reason an unborn child doesn't count in carpool lanes is because an officer cannot visibly establish the occupancy of a vehicle before making the traffic stop. It doesn't validate your position that an unborn child isn't a person. You really let your arguments get more and more ridiculous as you lose.
Name a single thing that requires two people a pregnant woman can do. Just one.
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, also known as Laci and Conner's Law, is a federal law in the United States that recognizes an embryo or fetus as a legal victim if injured or killed during the commission of certain federal violent crimes. Signed into law by President George W. Bush on April 1, 2004, the Act allows for separate charges to be filed for harm done to the unborn child in addition to charges related to the harm of the pregnant woman.

Here is the law, already on the books, that you keep claiming we are free to make. If something can be killed, it is alive. If it has human DNA and is alive, it is a human being. If it is a human being on US soil, it has rights.
Ok so let's dissect this: "that recognizes an embryo or fetus as a legal victim if injured or killed during the commission of certain federal violent crimes." So why would this be necessary if they were already people so could be victims? And what about at all other times than when they're the victim of a crime? It specifically says exactly what I've been saying, they aren't legally recognized outside those times that the law creates.
This Hurricane Milton stuff is crazy. Glad we have the National Hurricane Center to warn everyone that it’s coming. Don’t forget Project 2025 wants to completely close that agency to own the libs. Maybe Trump can just warn us with his sharpie drawings again.
The local news in Florida is reporting better info than the Hurricane Center.... But carry on
Let it be known to everyone on this board, that Dion did not believe African Americans who were slaves were actually people. If they were people, we wouldn't have needed a law to tell us so. I always thought you were racist but now you have proven it to me with your own logic.
They're humans, but they weren't legal persons with legal rights. They were legally property. That's the distinction we've been talking about this entire time.

Nice photo op for Trump. Cheesing again like when he stood on the graves at Arlington. Oh and he offered to sign the Jewish prayer book today too. As if his autograph would make it more special. Moron.
Dude... You don't even respect veterans. You only bring that up to try to drive voter away from Trump. You'd shit on a veterans grave if you could get abortion past birth.
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Notice he didn't say "birth." He said "toddlers." He truly believes you should be allowed to kill infants after they are born. Just put him on ignore. If everyone ignored these idiots they would go away.
I just repeated @Blue Bigfoot's hypothetical:
But a toddler is a person? Once again your side engages in magical philosophy that something a few inches south of a vagina is a human being, but a few inches still north makes it a not a human being. If I take a DNA swab, take it to a lab and ask them what it is, it's coming back as 100% Homo Sapien 100% of the time. The DNA lab isn't wrong. Your warped and convenient thinking is.

Yes it’s a problem. Its callled the Logan Act. Doesn’t matter what fantasy world Trump lives in, he’s not President. Putin is at war with one of our allies. Trump can’t be engaging in diplomacy with him. Jesus Christ.
Weird you didn't bring this up when democrats were going around the world behind Trump when he was president and telling world leaders to ignore him. Kerry, Clinton, Obama all went to foreign countries to meet with leaders after they met with Trump in order to change policy.