How will they rule ??!

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The media makes a flap about all sorts of crap. Trump conspiring with Russia was not based on one flippant remark at a rally. You don't really believe that, it's idiotic. Actions > words.
100% I do. That is the only thing that the Russia hoax was fueled by. The Dossier was fake PROVEN FACT...funded by Hillary and discredited as so by the inquisition. So there was NO substance to anything about Trump Russia. NOTHING.
So you believe Walter got the most votes in Presidential history legitimately?
The rest of your opinions are starting to come into focus for me.
Don't know Walter, but I believe Biden got enough votes in enough states legitimately to win. Understand I'm not invested in the MAGA movement. Also, you clearly haven't been paying attention as I've said it a 100 times here in the last 3.5 years.
double dipping with "consulting" fees is tax evasion. That's how you funnel money into the family without paying proper tax rates. The IRS has pretty limited capacity to fight fraud like that which is why every rich person gets away with shit like that. Writing off a bankrupt casino while still receiving a interest in the new spun off entity is also tax fraud.
The bum is bankrupt. If the banks call in his debt he will have to firesale his garbage assets. the only asset he has that makes any money is NY Trump Tower and with real estate value plummeting there he isn't getting full value.
It all just shows how horrible Trump is at business. Every entity he is involved with hemorrhages money except Trump Tower. His only positive income stream for like 20 years was royalties from Apprentice and overseas licensing. He used that money to buy up golf courses and resorts that all lose money. And now he pays to keep all those assets running with 420mil in personal loans with fraudulent financials because nobody would loan to his business. He lost 1.4billion from a damn casino! How freaking stupid to you have to be to lose multiple fortunes in a business where people just hand you all their cash.
Heh. Back in the real world....

No other president in the entire history of our country made up fake electors for his VP to unilaterally recognize in an attempt to seize power after losing an election. You keep ignoring that fact. Trump is a unique evil.
And you keep ignoring the fact that millions of illegal votes swayed the election results.
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Drumpf is their original German family name before they changed it. Not an intentional mispronunciation. Did you not know that? Did you think liberals just made up a funny-sounding nickname for Trump like he does?
Hussein is Obama's real middle name. So why was it something that sent you to your feinting couch when said? Fraud? Hypocrite?
Hussein is Obama's real middle name. So why was it something that sent you to your feinting couch when said? Fraud? Hypocrite?
Because it was used as a pejorative. Racistly. Were you being kind when you said it? No? Oh, so why would someone use his just actual middle name as an insult? Would they have used "LARRY" as an insult had that been his middle name? No? Oh, I get it...
That's interesting. You believe that, let's say, a policy plank touting a 23 week ban on abortion with the obvious exceptions, would still be too draconian and would not cause enough votes to swing to Republican? Yet, poll after poll show a huge majority are against late term abortions. In my opinion, there are plenty of voters who are 100% against a total ban (or a very short time period like FL's 6 weeks) AND late term. Right now, they feel they have to vote D as the R's aren't giving them much to work with and this issue is very important. Match the state's abortion ban with the murder statute and I believe, for a chunk of voters, this would take abortion as THE deciding issue off the table and those voters would then look to immigration, the economy, crime, foreign policy, etc. as determinants of their vote where, I believe, the R's have a lot more going for them than do the D's.

Yes, there are zealots on both sides that will NEVER vote 'for' abortion and others who wouldn't support any restriction on it, but they're not going to change their mind regardless. I believe, and I'm certain I could be way off here, that there is a sizable number of voters who are so concerned about a total ban that they feel the only choice is Harris/Walz even if they promote unlimited abortion rights. Marrying the abortion limitations to the murder statute is defensible, logical, and, my guess, many states have set that time limit around the 20-24 week mark which, politically, is reasonable, imo.

So, it's interesting to me that you believe going further than Vance did last night would be a bad move politically. You may be right. But, it sure doesn't make logical sense to me.

I don't know what polls say but i know what votes say. Votes say that sole issue really hurt what should've been a midterm wave. Even in ky voters didn't vote as anticipated.

The left brainwashed two generations of women into thinking murdering babies is somehow intertwined with being female even though the exact opposite is true. It will take a generation to undo that. We never get the opportunity if we dont politically compromise.
100% I do. That is the only thing that the Russia hoax was fueled by. The Dossier was fake PROVEN FACT...funded by Hillary and discredited as so by the inquisition. So there was NO substance to anything about Trump Russia. NOTHING.
Except coordinating on releasing the hacked DNC material, coordinating on micro-targeting including giving the Russian government their own internal campaign voter data, the Trump Tower meeting, and Paul Manafort's lobbying on behalf of the campaign, right? Except that stuff?
It's tricky for sure. It just seems like an area where repubs are just going to have to concede a bit. I know that will outrage many here, but like you said, elections will be lost if this gets pushed any further, and then it could get real bad.

Just makes me think "Give this one to them". Because if for nothing else, there's just too much emotion in Abortion and I can't see a day where anything less 60% of the nation are pro-abortion. It's a losing battle.
Unfortunately I have to agree with you. It's sickening that we have to allow abortion to be used the way it is. But it's a losing battle to stop it completely. It's just a fact of life that the majority of this country wants to be able to kill babies without any hinderances. Push too much on this issue and we get socialists/communists elected who will make life a living hell for the babies that are born. Best we can do in my opinion is keep that decision with the states and support those states who choose not to allow abortion to be used as a form of birth control.
Trump in recent Dave Ramsey interview:

"A lot of people say with all the people that come after you do you really love getting up in the morning you understand that right I be I'm attacked at left and right but I do because we we make so much progress we're doing great on the campaign as you probably see we're leading in the campaign now and doing well we beat Biden and we were up so far on him and then they said that's like a fight you're in a fight and they change the fighter in the middle of the fight. In the middle of the fight they change the fighter, and now we're we're beating her very badly"

Heh, he's not wrong.
I think the VP debate last night represents better the state of public opinion than the Presidential debate did. There is more agreement and in common on most issues than you hear from the more extreme members from both parties.
They both run on division instead of running to get sh** done for the American people.
Hell, I think the mainstream Pubs and Dems are closer than they've ever been on immigration, housing, energy production, police/military and crime.
The fringe might talk different but not the mainstream in either party.
The Democrat mayor of Louisville is calling for the crushing of any vehicle caught street racing right now.
Kamala knows she can't win Dems Or independents without being mainstream on the border, crime and energy production (fracking).
Trump is NOT a conservative and is divisive as hell..... Kamala is a left wing liberal in moderate sheep's clothing. Neither is my first choice.
I do think our system of checks and balances can contain most anything kooky Kamala would try. The same can't be said for Trump this round. He's learned from last time to surround himself completely with yes men, suck ups and loyalists. That's bad for America.
That's why I can't support him.
You can't support him because of your raging case of TDS.
In general I agree with your comment although I don't think the 'dance' was pathetic, just wishy washy. JD did not push hard enough on MN law as you stated and could have scored a few more points if he had. What both Trump and JD are missing, imo, is the 'gotcha' on abortion. I would have loved to see JD say, 'VP Harris and Gov Walz constantly talk about a woman's rights and healthcare when talking about abortion. What about the baby's rights and healthcare? When does the baby begin to have rights? In MN, CA, CO (and maybe others I don't know), the baby has NO rights until after birth. Yet, in every one of those states, an unborn fetus whose pregnant mother is murdered can be considered as a SECOND life when charging the murderer. And, each one of those states define when that fetus is considered a second life differently just like each state can have its own abortion laws. How can your state, Gov Walz, and others say that it's OK for a mother to kill her unborn child in the 30th or 35th week but a murderer can be convicted of killing that same unborn child in week 22?' Most people who are adamant about preserving abortion rights have never thought about this side of the issue. Some may say, 'It's totally different'. To which JD (or I) would reply, 'Not to the baby'. To me as a logically thinking individual, it makes zero sense that a state would define a fetus as a 2nd life when murdered but not a life at all when being aborted. If more people would actually consider this inconsistency, I believe there could be a reasonable limit set on unrestricted abortions. Politically, a huge majority are against late term abortions. Capitalize on that overwhelming majority's opinion and nail Harris/Walz down on when, exactly, the definition of 'late term' should begin?
Please send this to Trump and Vance, and any other Republican you can think of.
maybe border monitor, gatekeeper, porter, usher…just don’t calls her border czar

They count it as false just because the administration didn’t use the word “Czar” when they announced that Kamala would head up efforts to deal with the border.

That is the type of nonsense and unserious and partisan press we are dealing with here.
What was the joke?
That Trump's so phony even his name's not real. The one thing he brands on everything, from Trump Tower to Trump Steaks. It's all a grift. Seriously, how is this not obvious? Like I said, completely lost in the sauce. You don't know anything about anyone outside your bubble. Come to think of it, do you even have foreign policy takes outside of blanket isolationism? You really don't know anything about anyone that isn't you, do you? Is the empathetic part of your brain broken?
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