How will they rule ??!

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Leftists are generally beyond help but we’ll keep trying…….
I've given up on them. Seriously!
If this bunch believes in Kamala and her bunch...then they've already gone over the deep end.

I understand if you don't like a particular political candidate but how could you pull for someone that will deep-6 America like Kamamalalalalalalala?

Those people really don't give a S#!+ about America. They're just STUPID!

Those offense @HymanKaplan...think this clown is the answer...

Please see my posts "Democrats are really, really stupid".

Do you idiots actually think this is true, or that the supposed $1b would go directly to Trump’s pocket?

You people are even LESS intelligent than I thought... and the bar is pretty low.
I'm waiting patiently for 5:00 Andy to give us a report on this Storm that's terrorizing the Bluegrass.
Andy loves that shit. His time to shine with white women on anti-depressants.

“Hello, I’m Andy, today, this many people got the sniffles. We’re gonna go ahead and shut down your job but keep the liquor store open. See you on the next episode!”

*Next episode

“Hello, I’m Andy Beshear. Your house was flooded. I’m wearing a rain jacket. Think about the teachers during this time.”
Or this one

Everyone has reported this. Only outlet that doesn’t know about trump over turning pollution regulations for a billion dollars is probably FoX

Comer Reveals New Evidence in Biden Family’s Influence Peddling Schemes​

Web of LLCs, efforts to hide sources of money, direct China cash, influence peddling in Romania
WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today released a bank records memorandum detailing new information obtained in the committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling and business schemes. The Oversight Committee has obtained thousands of pages of financial records revealing the Biden family and associates’ complicated network of companies set up during Joe Biden’s vice presidency and the millions the Bidens received from foreign sources. The financial records also reveal how the Bidens used complicated transactions to hide payments from foreign nationals, including CCP-linked associates, and provide clear indications of influence peddling schemes during then-Vice President Biden’s tenure.
“The Bidens intentionally sought to hide, confuse, and conceal their influence peddling schemes, but bank records don’t lie. The Bidens made millions from foreign nationals providing what seems to be no services other than access and influence. From the thousands of records we’ve obtained so far, we know the Biden family set up over a dozen companies when Joe Biden was vice president. The Bidens engaged in many intentionally complicated financial transactions to hide these payments and avoid scrutiny. In at least one instance, the Bidens’ CCP-linked associates took steps to conceal the source of the payment to the Bidens.
“The Bidens’ foreign entanglements are breathtaking and raise serious questions about why foreign actors targeted the Biden family, what they expected in return, and whether our national security is threatened. We will continue to pursue additional bank records to follow the money trail and inform legislative solutions to prevent this type of corruption. Americans deserve answers, transparency, and accountability,” said Chairman Comer.
  • The Complicated Web of Biden Family and Associates’ Companies: Biden family members and business associates created a web of over 20 companies—most were limited liability companies formed after Joe Biden became Vice President.
  • The Biden Family Received Millions of Dollars from Foreign Sources: Bank records show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ and their related companies. The Committee has identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while he served as Vice President and after he left public office.
  • The Biden Family Used Business Associates’ Companies to Receive Foreign Funds: Despite creating many companies after Vice President Biden took office, the Biden family used business associates’ companies to receive millions of dollars from foreign companies.
  • Attempts to Conceal Large Financial Transactions: After foreign companies sent money to business associates’ companies, the Biden family received incremental payments over time to different bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions appear to be meant to conceal the source of the funds and reduce the conspicuousness of the total amounts made into the Biden bank accounts.
  • Chinese Nationals Hid the Source of the Money:Chinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party hid the source of the funds paid out to the Bidens by layering domestic limited liability companies. The Biden family and associates’ activities in coordination with Chinese nationals and their corporate entities appear to be an attempt to engage in financial deception. Multiple Biden family members received money from the Chinese after it passed through an associate’s account. Additionally, Hunter Biden received money directly into his company’s account from a Chinese-controlled entity.
  • Biden Family and Associates’ Activities in Romania Indicate Influence Peddling Scheme: The Biden family and associates’ activities in Romania bear clear indicia of a scheme to peddle influence from 2015 to 2017. While Vice President Biden lectured Romania on corruption and ethics, the Bidens received over a million dollars from a company controlled by a Romanian individual accused of corruption, Gabriel Popoviciu, through a Biden family associate.
Read the second bank records memorandum here. The first memorandum can be found here.
Hey scum bag, that completely innocent woman was murdered on July 5, 2017. They arrested the officer who killed her in cold blood on March 20, 2018.

In the Floyd death, the officer who was trying to restrain Floyd when he died was arrested 3 days after Floyd fortunately took his trip to Hell.

This is not close to the same.
You think the Constitution only applies to people you judge as deserving of it.
That's not how it works fool.
Constitutional protections apply to all whether they are fascist turds like you or hard working, law abiding Americans like me.
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Comer Reveals New Evidence in Biden Family’s Influence Peddling Schemes​

Web of LLCs, efforts to hide sources of money, direct China cash, influence peddling in Romania
WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today released a bank records memorandum detailing new information obtained in the committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling and business schemes. The Oversight Committee has obtained thousands of pages of financial records revealing the Biden family and associates’ complicated network of companies set up during Joe Biden’s vice presidency and the millions the Bidens received from foreign sources. The financial records also reveal how the Bidens used complicated transactions to hide payments from foreign nationals, including CCP-linked associates, and provide clear indications of influence peddling schemes during then-Vice President Biden’s tenure.
“The Bidens intentionally sought to hide, confuse, and conceal their influence peddling schemes, but bank records don’t lie. The Bidens made millions from foreign nationals providing what seems to be no services other than access and influence. From the thousands of records we’ve obtained so far, we know the Biden family set up over a dozen companies when Joe Biden was vice president. The Bidens engaged in many intentionally complicated financial transactions to hide these payments and avoid scrutiny. In at least one instance, the Bidens’ CCP-linked associates took steps to conceal the source of the payment to the Bidens.
“The Bidens’ foreign entanglements are breathtaking and raise serious questions about why foreign actors targeted the Biden family, what they expected in return, and whether our national security is threatened. We will continue to pursue additional bank records to follow the money trail and inform legislative solutions to prevent this type of corruption. Americans deserve answers, transparency, and accountability,” said Chairman Comer.
  • The Complicated Web of Biden Family and Associates’ Companies: Biden family members and business associates created a web of over 20 companies—most were limited liability companies formed after Joe Biden became Vice President.
  • The Biden Family Received Millions of Dollars from Foreign Sources: Bank records show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ and their related companies. The Committee has identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while he served as Vice President and after he left public office.
  • The Biden Family Used Business Associates’ Companies to Receive Foreign Funds: Despite creating many companies after Vice President Biden took office, the Biden family used business associates’ companies to receive millions of dollars from foreign companies.
  • Attempts to Conceal Large Financial Transactions: After foreign companies sent money to business associates’ companies, the Biden family received incremental payments over time to different bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions appear to be meant to conceal the source of the funds and reduce the conspicuousness of the total amounts made into the Biden bank accounts.
  • Chinese Nationals Hid the Source of the Money:Chinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party hid the source of the funds paid out to the Bidens by layering domestic limited liability companies. The Biden family and associates’ activities in coordination with Chinese nationals and their corporate entities appear to be an attempt to engage in financial deception. Multiple Biden family members received money from the Chinese after it passed through an associate’s account. Additionally, Hunter Biden received money directly into his company’s account from a Chinese-controlled entity.
  • Biden Family and Associates’ Activities in Romania Indicate Influence Peddling Scheme: The Biden family and associates’ activities in Romania bear clear indicia of a scheme to peddle influence from 2015 to 2017. While Vice President Biden lectured Romania on corruption and ethics, the Bidens received over a million dollars from a company controlled by a Romanian individual accused of corruption, Gabriel Popoviciu, through a Biden family associate.
Read the second bank records memorandum here. The first memorandum can be found here.
This 'President'...taking millions from our enemies has done more damage to this country than....

Khrushchev ......... Mao
Brezhnev .............. Deng Xiaoping
Chernenko .......... Jiang Zemin
Gorbachev ........... Hu Jintao
Yeltsin ................... Xi Jinping

....did collectively
Are there any idiots on the board who believe the earth’s temperature can be measured?
Global warming says hi.
"History. Unicoi County Memorial Hospital admitted its first patient in Feb. 1953, after years of effort to open a community hospital. The hospital was built with funds from the city, county and federal governments."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the 'George Soros is destroying our country for the WEF' guy suddenly has very different standards when it's Trump, huh? SHOCKING lol.

Do what? Soros isn't running for office, how are those remotely comparable, commie boy?

You are aware of campaign funds, the FEC, etc?

That may be the singularly most idotic sentence you've typed here, and that's saying something.
Sounds about right. The US goes down not with World War Three, but with an economic and moral-crisis whimper.

Implosion from within as opposed to explosion from afar. The true core issue: our godlessness.
Yea. I get what he's saying because i've seen similar reports but if you look at unfunded liabilities our debt is much worse. We've already spent that SS and Medicaid money and have to pay it back year by year. That payback gets bigger every year.

I'm against illegal immigration but one reason some politicians want so much immigration is because they know how negative SS and medcare are on their balance sheets.
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Hey scum bag, that completely innocent woman was murdered on July 5, 2017. They arrested the officer who killed her in cold blood on March 20, 2018.

In the Floyd death, the officer who was trying to restrain Floyd when he died was arrested 3 days after Floyd fortunately took his trip to Hell.

This is not close to the same.

Not to mention the three who just standing there. Guess they could have shot or tased Chauvin, though.

Let's not forget the mob of idiots that were surrounding the scene from the beginning, filming and whooping it up in glee at first.

Chauvin screwed up bigly, no doubt, but so did Floyd, and first.
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