How will they rule ??!

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🤣 Fran the Caddie said today:

That political thread is perhaps the greatest concentration of comedy on the internet. Somehow every single nutjob who is a UK fan found it and they post incessantly about hilarious shit. It’s gold, Jerry….gold.

Also, if I used the N word on here, it would be a ban, not a thread ban. I just laugh because it’s the only logical thing to do when reading their gibberish.

A select few of them are somewhat capable of posting relevant replies in other threads, but most are brain dead by this point. Trump is literally all they can talk about.
He did indeed do what he is accused of.
It would seem so, since you can't swing a dead cat (if the Haitians have left any) without hitting a triggered liberal with a gun and a death wish for Trump.

You have impeccable timing. LOL

on a personal note; one of life's simple pleasures for me, is when sam admonishes me to "try reading" or "do some research" or "learn history"....

It's absolutely precious, and never fails to make me laugh. I love that goofy bastard.

When Kamala said she came from modest, middle class roots; the kind of place where life was simple but a man took pride in his lawn, I was skeptical at first.

So I decided to find out a little more about Westmount, that working class, humble hamlet in Quebec.

Here are some photos of typical homes in humble Westmount: (home to the highest per capita income in the country LOL)




It's miracle that she was able to escape this type of environment.
plus she had a nanny. Whom she called her second mom.
Another left wing lie crashes and burns.

You have to remember who you're dealing with. They get distracted by shiny objects and butterflies. The best you can do is try and keep them from hurting themselves or others. I've found that putting a few pairs of thick, woolen socks on their hands is VERY helpful.
Your own link says a cat went missing, the owner found "meat" in a backyard, thinks it's her cat, and there's no evidence to support her claims that her neighbor stole and killed her cat. You goddamn moron.

Usually I'm not so direct but since this thread plays follow the leader and your leader wants to paint a community of Haitians in OH as pet killing machines, your dumbasses deserve to be called out more often. You're literally helping spread rumors about Haitians in Springfield and why exactly?

Lord, I'm counting down the days until I get to read this goofy ass thread on election night. I remember all the conniption fits here in 2020. Once again, you're a goddamn moron.
Easy there! Sparky!! You don't have any facts. I'm not sure how you're so sure about something that you're not on the ground to know for sure.
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Not to stick up for the Haitians, but if I have numerous pets, and some of them start disappearing, the first thing I'm going to do is bring the BIGGEST pet in for questioning. And then go from there.

That's just good police work.
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Not to stick up for the Haitians, but if I have numerous pets, and some of them start disappearing, the first thing I'm going to do is bring the BIGGEST pet in for questioning. And then go from there.

That's just good police work.
Rookie mistake. Bring in a smaller pet and threaten them so they roll over on the bigger pet.
Haiti is poor as ass, one of the poorest places on earth. Ppl there are eating literally anything for sustenance, yet if they come here it's far fetched to think they aren't eating anything with meat on it?

It's widespread belief by the ppl there that zombies are real, it's where the word originates. You can infer, many from there view the world differently...including what is food.

The libs will go on about hillbillies eating possum and roadkill, but can't fathom someone from a 3rd world country eating felines.
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If you get an Ovcharka they will eat the Haitians. I would have called him a Caucasian Shepherd but I don't want to trigger anyone.

I have told my wife after "Big Mama" (our 13-year-old Pyrenees mix) dies, our next one needs to be a Caucasian Shepherd. She wants to stay with the Pyrenees breed so, we have some haggling to do. We also have an Anatolian Shepherd/Pyrenees mix that is over 140lbs at 3 years old. and another Pyrenees mix that is about 80 or so lbs.

These dogs are and have been very protective so far, but it would not be the dogs' people have to worry about. These animals are part of our family, and we are part of their pack. Anyone who goes after them have me to worry about. The dogs are just an early warning system and a deterrent. It's my job to protect the family/pack.

The monster (Anatolian Shepherd/Pyrenees mix) looks a lot like the one pictured above because of her mix of breeds. She has the black face with light brown fur that is very thick and a tale that curls up.
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@ukalum1988 @augustaky1

Alum...He is running around in our area...maybe you will spot him.

I got in the elevator today with a guy that looked just like Jimmy Carter. I don't mean there was a passing resemblance...this dude was Jimmy Carter haha. Not Jimmy Carter on his deathbed now but Jimmy from 15-20 years ago.

He got in the elevator and I looked at him...did a double take and I said 'Sir, has anyone ever told you..'...that is all the words I got out and he said 'Jimmy Carter' haha.

Very nice older gentleman. We walked to the doors after getting off the elevator and he told me he went to Israel and a guy there ran up to him and said 'You're Jimmy Carter!' and he said no and the guy said 'yes you are' haha. Said he had to tell him 3 or 4 times 'no' and the guy didn't believe him.

Obviously, I would never ask some stranger about their politics, but when driving off I wondered...does he care about politics? What if he is a Republican? Imagine hating Bill Clinton and you look just like him haha.
I used to get "Val Kilmer" from total strangers all the time. As I got older, I now get "Bruce Campbell." From total strangers.
Look, we all know that there is a very high probability that some Haitians have eaten some pets in Springfield. The only vairable is how many. If it wasn't happening to SOME degree, there is no way any of this would have even gotten started. Because that is JUST HOW WEIRD IT IS. LOL

All of it though, ignores the primary issue, and that is the fact that we have The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight running the United States of America and that they facilitated/ENCOURAGED this entire clusterfvck. You cannot even make UP how stupid this administration is. It's breathtaking...