How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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There wasn't any way to control it by that point. You really think just opening fire onto the crowd would've made the situation better? There was already enough chaos, that would've inarguably caused more. Hell, lots of posters here blame the entire thing on the cops anyway for using tear gas, let alone real bullets.
And why is that? Because he’s an immigrant. You know, like the ones he consistently scapegoats.

SHe's an immigrant too; that doesn't stop her from being the descendant of slave owners if she's elected.

You know, she's exploiting the same people through massive illegal and "legal" immigration, just like her ancestors did.
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SHe's an immigrant too; that doesn't stop her from being the descendant of slave owners if she's elected.

You know, she's exploiting the same people through massive illegal and "legal" immigration, just like her ancestors did.
I thought she was Indian? But seriously, nice whataboutism. You going to do the other forty-X odd others too?
Wrong. It's the politicians that allowed it to happen. And their names are Harris and Biden. You can prattle on about your comic book hero, Border Bill, but they had the means to stop this. PERIOD. And all of your's and Dion's absurd logic can't negate that fact. Just own it like a man. You supported the worst POTUS (Harris 2/3 Biden 1/3) since that idiot, Woodrow Wilson. We all make mistakes, just fess up.
History will show clearly that Trump was an idiot that appealed to idiots.
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Yes. I don’t think Russia runs ops for Trump because the US intelligence agencies told me so. I think that because the data shows they are.

Look, I understand your goal was to illustrate even-handedness. I’m not taking issue with that. I just think it’s a bad example. Conflating Israel with Judaism smacks of the same rank antisemitism you’re accusing Tlaib of. Accuse her of anti-Israeli bias if you want, but Israel is not Judaism and criticism of Israel, biased or objective, is not criticism of Judaism.
The data also shows Iran, runs Tons pro hamas content as pro Palestinian, which tlaib also spouts.

It's "good" disinformation tho, that's why you domt ever hear non stop articles about it tho, bc it could hurt Democrat support...unless it's Al Jazeera, which tlaib also spouts.

She also does things like this

Elon is making true Americans proud. 🇺🇲

Meanwhile, demo☭rats celebrate Boeing employing incompetent DEI hires with standard demo☭rat results of stranding 2 astronauts in space, airliner emergency/crash landings, and the entire factory union workforce now on strike. 🤡💩💀

Wake up you stupid MFers.

Like US intelligence word on russia?

We're unsure if hamas who doesn't care about Palestinians lives and uses them as human shields wouldn't care if they blew their own ppl up? OK
Did you miss the convo? That’s what it was about.

People should take everything coming out of the fog of war with a grain of salt. It’s propaganda streams and partial information from all sides. Being suspicious of Israeli propaganda is not antisemitic. Is being suspicious of Hamas’s propaganda anti-Islamic? No, they’re a terrorist extremist group who lies constantly.
Dion is right. Trump effect.
Always riots, anger, division and death surrounding Trump.
BLM riots....J6th riots....Covid....Economic meltdown....ALL on his watch.
If I believed in Biblical prophecy I'd say he is the anti Christ.
Economic meltdown?
Trump created covid?

Is biden responsible for these school shootings? Is that how it works? On his watch.

The progressive Charlottesvilles happening on campuses in support of hamas.

What about when he slept on a beach when ppl were burned alive in Hawaii?

Assassination attempt you guys cheered on...who's watch?

Convenient to sweep these things under the rug quickly.
Economic meltdown?
Trump created covid?

Is biden responsible for these school shootings? Is that how it works? On his watch.

The progressive Charlottesvilles happening on campuses in support of hamas.

What about when he slept on a beach when ppl were burned alive in Hawaii?

Assassination attempt you guys cheered on...who's watch?

Convenient to sweep these things under the rug quickly.
Didn't say Trump was directly responsible for all that....Just that he sure brings some bad karma when he was in office. Lots of riots, pandemics, and economic crashes on his watch.
@Dionysus444 remind me, when progressives lost elections, like say jamaal bowman, who did they blame? They can claim AIPAC but thats a sly way of blaiming money, which didn't matter, but it was the 20% of the vote who are jews in his district.

Time to listen and learn instead of hamasplain

Progressives hate jews, everyone knows this.

How could we forget this:

@Dionysus444 remind me, when progressives lost elections, like say jamaal bowman, who did they blame? They can claim AIPAC but thats a sly way of blaiming money, which didn't matter, but it was the 20% of the vote who are jews in his district.

Time to listen and learn instead of hamasplain

Progressives hate jews, everyone knows this.

How could we forget this:

An opinion article from a conservative isn’t very compelling. She was never voting for Bowman anyway. But I’m fully aware most of America is deep in their Israel feels. I advocate for what’s right, not what’s popular. What’s your point?
The 'self-described independents' on the chart we all know are just liberals who know 'independent' sounds better:

Mail in ballots are a joke. Some might deny that, but they know they're wrong, and have an ulterior motive for supporting them.

Unless the Secretary of State can produce:

A valild voter roll

The exact number of mail in ballots that went out

The exact number that were received

And reconcile the number sent out against the number received (see below)

And further, that each mail in ballot includes return receipt, and that mail in ballots are received BEFORE the polls open on election day. IOW - No mail in ballots to be received or counted AFTER the polls open. And that number shall be made public BEFORE the polls open. PERIOD. Nobody should have a problem with that.

re: drop boxes - no ballots shall be valid unless received BEFORE the polls close. If a box didn't turn up before the polls close, they should be destroyed immediately. All drop box ballots should be counted before 8:00 PM on election night. That isn't a difficult task.

They'll just delay and or destroy ballots from known, republican leaning precincts. These are all great ideas and should be part of the process if they aren't already.

Like every other issue in this country right now, it's all about enforcing existing laws. If they were enforced properly, however, most of the current admin would be in prison right now just for the treasons committed in Ohio.
I'm positive that StantheCaddy has pseudobulbar affect.

I'd say there are entire chapters of disorders that could reasonably apply to that one, if not a smorgasbord pulled from half a dozen others chapters. I'm thankful all it can do is clicka button rather than type and confirm it for us.

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