How will they rule ??!

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Hydroxychloroquine is a prescription drug. Not a fish tank cleaner. I don’t know how you make the connection in your brain that when Trump says he is taking a prescription drug, he’s telling you to drink fish tank cleaner.

You are suffering a mental illness. That’s the only explanation for why you’d think that’s a coded message to drink fish tank cleaner.

Media created delusion.

The media fabricated a politically expedient hoax (the lie that Trump said to drink disinfectant), then they shamelessly profit from the death of someone who does as evidence supporting their completely manufactured hoax. It's despicable, really.
That’s a shame. There’s a lot of good information in this thread. But you lefties just keep up with your lies and nonsense. Makes sense you’re ignoring everything besides sambowieshin, Dreadlox and Dion.

I think I actually have like 3 people on ignore and none in this thread. I probably wouldn't come to this thread if everyone agreed.
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Reactions: WayneDougan
Hey, Bro, you’ve convinced me, by Damn!!

I don’t call myself a leftist, but I tend to make three left turns to avoid making a right turn whilst driving [but in a conservative fashion].

Those videos you’ve posted are so convincing, so well documented, the only folks who would not be convinced are the same ones who do not fear for their cat when a new Chinese restaurant opens next door [Sweet and Sour Pork, My Ass].

Well, I think one of the your videos was actually a MAGA justifiably killing a transgender cat, but all the rest were obviously ungodly cat-killing-immigrants . . . you could tell they were because they don’t look a damn thing like me . . . the guy, not the cat.

So Power On HeismaNole!!

Keep the Pussy-Poaching-Pressure on, Brother!!

And remember, if this sh!t ain’t brought to an end, the next Pussy that gets eaten might be your own!!
You thought you did something there, didn't you?

I posted videos of something that you sheep claim is not happening. It's that simple but nothing can ever be simple with you people.
I'm not embroiled in anything. It's just really ridiculous that you guys can never admit Trump wasn't 100% right about something. It's really not hard to say "Yeah he shouldn't have said that, there's no proof."

And all you're doing is arguing over semantics of what "false" is. You can't prove a negative, I think everyone knows that. But it's colloquially acceptable to say something is false in the absence of something that proves it true. If it weren't then nothing could ever really be false. You can't prove the flying spaghetti monster is false either, but I think we can both agree it's safe to say it is.

I will not address the “you guys” comment. If you disagree with ME, reply to my post and we can discuss.

On the other issue, you are wrong or the claimed colloquialism is wrong. Things are proven false or proven true. They are not true until proven false and they are not false until proven true. It has nothing to do with “proving a negative.”

A claim is just a claim until proven false or true. Later discovered truth of a claim thought previously by some to be false just means those people were wrong. The claim did not magically become true.
The road from the immigrants are doing bad things to actually they are the victims and Americans are awful is a short road for the media:

This is another thing they do, find the absolute best example of someone who assimilated and act like most are like that. Many Americans, including myself have zero problem if the government said we are giving asylum to a small number of 5,000 Haitians who really need it and no more. But having a problem flying in 350,000 Haitians isn't racist. It is an acknowledgment that this has nothing to do with asylum and the real motives is a transparent move for controlling future elections.

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I think I actually have like 3 people on ignore and none in this thread. I probably wouldn't come to this thread if everyone agreed.

The only people I have put on ignore for any extended period are the ones who just spam the thread with unfunny attempts at memes and whiny bitch drivel, never contributing anything of substance. Can guess who those posters are.
Most likely it was one of Trump's own people or someone from his accounting firm which is why NYT is protecting the source. If the material was fake or false Trump would just release 1 year of older info to prove it. He's a bum ass conman and everyone in NYC has known that for decades. That is why all his debt is sourced through foreign banks. He has been living off of loans paid off with loans paid off with loans for a long time now. He tried to massively inflate his losses to stay afloat with the IRS and got caught and now owes them 100mil. what a loser.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, corruption in Big Apple continues unabated.

Because the President of the United States should not be telling anyone to take any medications not recommended by the Surgeon General, scientists or doctors.
He is an idiot. He was telling the public to take unproven medicine not approved for use against Covid 19. He peddles in stupid conspiracy theories that result in other idiots believing that fish tank cleaner protects you and Haitians are eating everyone's pet.
Worst President in history.
Also, do you think the President prescribed it to himself?
Didn't know Presidents had the power to prescribe medication.
Because the President of the United States should not be telling anyone to take any medications not recommended by the Surgeon General, scientists or doctors.
He is an idiot. He was telling the public to take unproven medicine not approved for use against Covid 19. He peddles in stupid conspiracy theories that result in other idiots believing that fish tank cleaner protects you and Haitians are eating everyone's pet.
Worst President in history.
The same surgeon generals, scientists and doctors forcing an unproven vaccine onto the American public with threats of their jobs and livelihoods if they didn’t comply? No real reason of asking, just curious!!!
Former male staffer accuses his California female legislative boss of sexual abuse, and physical injury from providing her oral sex!!

The suit alleges Alvarado-Gil then escalated her treatment toward her staffer by making overt sexual passes at him, and eventually pressuring him into performing oral sex on her.

“During the last occasion where he allegedly performed oral sex in the tight confines of a car, Condit said he suffered a back injury. He later went to the doctor and discovered he had suffered three herniated discs in his back and a collapsed hip, he says in the suit, adding that he had to have hip surgery.“


Hip surgery and three herniated discs??

This guy suffered more injury than most veterans . . . .

Slipped a hip with a slip of the tongue? That must have been a real tongue-lashing!!
The road from the immigrants are doing bad things to actually they are the victims and Americans are awful is a short road for the media:

This is another thing they do, find the absolute best example of someone who assimilated and act like most are like that. Many Americans, including myself have zero problem if the government said we are giving asylum to a small number of 5,000 Haitians who really need it and no more. But having a problem flying in 350,000 Haitians isn't racist. It is an acknowledgment that this has nothing to do with asylum and the real motives is a transparent move for controlling future elections.

3 points

1. We need immigrants if we're to avoid cratering in a demographic bomb.

2. Immigrants assimilate and reflect the society at large by the next generation. In general, attacking a demographic is the opposite of wooing a demographic. As recently as Reagan, Republicans weren't xenophobic. What the Hell happened to you guys? I really thought Trump was going to go all in on anti-Muslim rhetoric and skit-can the anti-immigrant stuff.

3. The Haitian status is not one that leads to citizenship.

But to narrow the focus, those jobs in Springfield were open to anyone. Why didn't Ohioans snap them up? (Genuinely don't know.) Were they too hard?
Because the President of the United States should not be telling anyone to take any medications not recommended by the Surgeon General, scientists or doctors.
He is an idiot. He was telling the public to take unproven medicine not approved for use against Covid 19. He peddles in stupid conspiracy theories that result in other idiots believing that fish tank cleaner protects you and Haitians are eating everyone's pet.
Worst President in history.
All of what you said above are lies and easily disproven by fact checking. You are a troll who is not bright at all. The Govt school system did not do you well, let you and millions others down. Sad really. I pity the students in G-school who were exposed to you. They deserved better.
3 points

1. We need immigrants if we're to avoid cratering in a demographic bomb.

2. Immigrants assimilate and reflect the society at large by the next generation. In general, attacking a demographic is the opposite of wooing a demographic. As recently as Reagan, Republicans weren't xenophobic. What the Hell happened to you guys? I really thought Trump was going to go all in on anti-Muslim rhetoric and skit-can the anti-immigrant stuff.

3. The Haitian status is not one that leads to citizenship.

But to narrow the focus, those jobs in Springfield were open to anyone. Why didn't Ohioans snap them up? (Genuinely don't know.) Were they too hard?
3 points? Wear a hat so no one notices.

1. We need controlled growth. If that includes immigrants it needs to be legal and based on need. Not designed to flood the zone while destroying the country.

2. What happened? Uncontrolled mass invasion designed to fundamentally overturn the culture. Why play dumb?

You are probably not a "producer" or productive member of society but if you were, you'd know the wage expectation for actual citizens is much higher than it is for the flood of unskilled illegals who work for a fraction of an english speaking citizen. Regan Republicans care for the plight of the existing citizens and the damage that waves of cheap labor cause to Unions and the blue collar workers.
He's a F'ing idiot and the whole world knows it.

Dr. Trump...

Actual Doctors....
I have a family member that was cured of a bad case of covid within 24-hrs after beginning HCQ. But you are G-school and buy everything that big pharma wants you to believe and the govt tells you to do. You do what you are told and are told to believe. You are pathetic and weak.
Like Trump, I have no idea why many of you are so obsessed with crowd size. This thread actually pretends to be a Wish version of Donald Trump and it's really odd to witness. You're not him so you don't need to change your personality or speak like him. He doesn't care you exist.
Trump is not the answer. I believe that, but Harris and Walz is the beginning of the end of America. Surely you can see that.
The road from the immigrants are doing bad things to actually they are the victims and Americans are awful is a short road for the media:

This is another thing they do, find the absolute best example of someone who assimilated and act like most are like that. Many Americans, including myself have zero problem if the government said we are giving asylum to a small number of 5,000 Haitians who really need it and no more. But having a problem flying in 350,000 Haitians isn't racist. It is an acknowledgment that this has nothing to do with asylum and the real motives is a transparent move for controlling future elections.

The right doesn't need to make this into a science project. In no world does it benefit American to have a single extra uneducated person added to our country. Why? They compete with our "lower class" for wages and they often end up on welfare. It's that f'ing simple.
The road from the immigrants are doing bad things to actually they are the victims and Americans are awful is a short road for the media:

This is another thing they do, find the absolute best example of someone who assimilated and act like most are like that. Many Americans, including myself have zero problem if the government said we are giving asylum to a small number of 5,000 Haitians who really need it and no more. But having a problem flying in 350,000 Haitians isn't racist. It is an acknowledgment that this has nothing to do with asylum and the real motives is a transparent move for controlling future elections.

If you put a new sheet on someone’s bed, but you rubbed a turd into small portion of the sheet, these people would point to the clean part and criticize you for complaining about the turd.

It has been reported that more people have died due to fentanyl crossing the border over the past 3+ years than died in WWII.

But, hey, memes about cats and dogs and Haitians are a great distraction!! Too bad Trump did not say Haitians were eating super models. The memes would be even better!
The only people I have put on ignore for any extended period are the ones who just spam the thread with unfunny attempts at memes and whiny bitch drivel, never contributing anything of substance. Can guess who those posters are.

How long has the COVID debate with Shinsplints been going on?

I make no apologies for placing people on ignore. I just wish the ignore covered others’ discussions with those I ignore.
He's a F'ing idiot and the whole world knows it.

Dr. Trump...

Actual Doctors....

Its hard to believe anyone still echoes this completely absurd nonsense. Although im sure abc would fact check this as true.
The road from the immigrants are doing bad things to actually they are the victims and Americans are awful is a short road for the media:

This is another thing they do, find the absolute best example of someone who assimilated and act like most are like that. Many Americans, including myself have zero problem if the government said we are giving asylum to a small number of 5,000 Haitians who really need it and no more. But having a problem flying in 350,000 Haitians isn't racist. It is an acknowledgment that this has nothing to do with asylum and the real motives is a transparent move for controlling future elections.

If this country is so racist and mean to immigrants, why do they still come here in droves? And if all of these immigrants are such wonderful people, why don't they stay and fight to fix their own country?
If this country is so racist and mean to immigrants, why do they still come here in droves? And if all of these immigrants are such wonderful people, why don't they stay and fight to fix their own country?
Also, why aren't they immigrating into the Communist wonderlands that the left believes exist? Why aren't people in Florida sailing to Cuba?
If this country is so racist and mean to immigrants, why do they still come here in droves? And if all of these immigrants are such wonderful people, why don't they stay and fight to fix their own country?
I've actually asked my step SIL this when he complains about America...or TELLS ME, born and bred American (family here since the early 1700s) what is wrong with the country and how it should be fixed. Has a go back to your home country and help fix it.