How will they rule ??!

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No matter how many times the ASYLUM LAWS are explained to them.... They still don't comprehend that there is NO such thing as an illegal immigrant if they claim ASYLUM.
The Border Bill that Trump trashed fixed this.... But they don't want to hear that either.
Dumb as a collective box of rocks.

I think it's hilarious that because someone shows up and yells "Asylum!" that it just means they aren't illegal, and rather, should just be allowed in.

In no other private place, be it a government building, or your own home, is someone allowed to just open the front door, say the magic word "Asylum" and you're now just forced to make them a bed and feed them dinner.

There's a LOT of debate on whether Asylum Seekers are illegal or legal.. in MY definition, they are illegal, and no one has signed off on them being here. Go through the proper channels.
No matter how many times the ASYLUM LAWS are explained to them.... They still don't comprehend that there is NO such thing as an illegal immigrant if they claim ASYLUM.
The Border Bill that Trump trashed fixed this.... But they don't want to hear that either.
Dumb as a collective box of rocks.
You're right, but this isn't even that. These people all followed the legal process and were brought here legally, placed in Springfield, not hopping borders and claiming asylum. One can rail against legal immigration all they want, but people like @exemjr need to see it. They just screw their eyes shut and claim the right's only issue is criminality. It isn't, it's integration.
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Go through the proper channels.
These Haitians did that. Y'all are just being bigoted, straight up. You think it's ok to be open about it only because of how dark their skin is. It's honestly wild. And a great living example of just how far these prejudices are ingrained in our society.
These Haitians all did that. Y'all are just being bigoted, straight up. You think it's ok to be open about it only because of how dark their skin is. It's honestly wild.
Are they truly legal, or are they "AS"? I don't think you're going to find any conservative here view "Asylum Seekers" as legal, and you know that.

But it's fine because I can guarantee that you, yourself, wouldn't allow someone to claim to be an "Asylum Seeker" on your own property, so then in turn we all agree on this point together (just, half the nation doesn't seem to know it lol).
To be granted asylum, one must meet the definition of a refugee. However, international law recognizes that the refugee status determination process can be lengthy and complex. Therefore, asylum seekers should receive certain protections before a state has officially recognized them as refugees. Asylum seekers begin their process either at the U.S. border or within the U.S.

This may be "legal" by definition now, but that's not something half.. and maybe the majority of the country.. thinks should be the case.

They come to the border because they are "persecuted" (I'm putting that term in quotes for a reason).
.. and because the process to background check is lengthy and complex, we just let them through, on an honor system?

Again, that just doesn't fly for most of his country, because it doesn't fly in any of our day to day lives. You can't just enter into someone's house and be checked later, and you can't do that in a government building, a workplace you aren't affiliated with, or a school you don't belong to.
I’m convinced there is a significant portion of the population who wants to be conquered or enslaved. Probably a high overlap with people who love English royalty.
That’s the left’s base in a nutshell: they view government as a parent. “Save me from my shitty decisions, daddy! Bail me out, mom. Tell me what to do! Do my thinking for me.”
Frankly Lox, you don't strike me as the picture of mental health ie. warm, natural, at ease with your fellow human beings either.

In Literature and film you would be known as an unreliable narrator.

(you know, it really IS a shame that he's blocked me. He doesn't know what he's missing)

Lox hates New Yorkers now. They all sound just as he described. I wonder, does he think "Seinfeld" just embodied that or did they help create it?
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Always an excuse.
Always a conspiracy theory.
The adult version of flipping the game board whenever you lose. 😂😂😂
What right wing conspiracy theory has the right latched onto that turned out to be 100% false. The left on the other hand regarding Trump has a list a mile long they hang onto and still repeat to this day even though most (if not all) was completely made up BS. You still believe the Russian Dossier BS, bless your evil ass heart!!!!!
Why would i care how a president or vice president orders doughnuts?

Lol libs focus on the weirdest things.

How about who wont let in millions of illegals? Im way more concerned about that.

They've watched too many TV shows and movies where it's one small detail that miraculously saves everyone from the "fate" they've wrought for themselves with some stupid behavior. "Let's do whatever we want and then hope we can just pull a loose thread on a sweater to reset time like it never happened." They're delusional by design
You know damn well Vance thought the CNN woman talking about Bigfoot was the stupidest sh-t he heard all day.

He is great here with his responses. He really has been killing it.

I wonder if they coached her to "treat him like an ex that dumped you for good reason and you're trying to make it seem like he was the problem"
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I would have given just about anything last night for a Trump to have simply halted the moderators with their “fact checking” by saying:

“With all due respect, it is not your job in this forum to attempt to refute or contradict statements that I make during a debate. That is Mrs. Harris’ job, if she can, just the same as it is my job to refute her. And then the American people can decide how they feel about our commentary. You are simply inserting your own biased opinions into a debate in which you are not a participant. In fact, we could proceed just the same without you if you simply left your printed question here on the table and exited the room.”
OK, now try to say that in Trump speak, LOL.
What right wing conspiracy theory has the right latched onto that turned out to be 100% false. The left on the other hand regarding Trump has a list a mile long they hang onto and still repeat to this day even though most (if not all) was completely made up BS. You still believe the Russian Dossier BS, bless your evil ass heart!!!!!
You can't be serious.
Pizza Gate.... Immigrants eating pets.... Dem baby eaters .... Jan 6th sightseeing tour.... Stolen election.... Plandemic.... Obama birthers.... Obamacare Death Panels....
9/11 inside job..... Sandy Hook BS.... Rigged Ballot boxes.... Kamala's ear piece in debate.....the Deep State FBI
It never ends with you nutjobs.
Oh and last but not least... The EVIL Dems because they want healthcare, kids free from gun violence, clean environment and a Border Bill passed by Congress instead of EOs.
So Evil. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You're right, but this isn't even that. These people all followed the legal process and were brought here legally, placed in Springfield, not hopping borders and claiming asylum. One can rail against legal immigration all they want, but people like @exemjr need to see it. They just screw their eyes shut and claim the right's only issue is criminality. It isn't, it's integration.
Perfect example...
Laura Loomer.....
"@LauraLoomer If
wins, the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center and the American people will only be able to convey their feedback through a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call that nobody will understand."

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My daughter married a Japanese national.

In order for them to come and live in the US legally, the State Dept told us it will take 18 months of ppwk, bs, etc. These are working, advanced degree (Masters) people.

Meanwhile, in the southern border...
Those are cases that deserve some sort of expedited status and should be easier.
I watched that hearing in its entirety yesterdy.

There aren't words to adequately express the disgust I have with the left's gaslighters and racializers, how they approach this issue, flippantly and blithely playing politics with people's lives.
Speaking of racializers..... 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Trump's buddy Laura Loomer.....
"@LauraLoomer If
wins, the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center and the American people will only be able to convey their feedback through a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call that nobody will understand."

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You're right, but this isn't even that. These people all followed the legal process and were brought here legally, placed in Springfield, not hopping borders and claiming asylum. One can rail against legal immigration all they want, but people like @exemjr need to see it. They just screw their eyes shut and claim the right's only issue is criminality. It isn't, it's integration.
Obviously, I can't speak for everyone, but I feel the vast majority of Americans are fine with legal immigration. With that being said, even though the Haitians in question are legal, placing 20,000 immigrants of any country into a town of 60,000 is going to have a profound effect on that community whether it be good or bad. Any immigrant will come from a different culture and do things differently than US citizens. They have vastly different life experiences, beliefs, etc. I don't think it has anything to do with race or color of their skin. Place 20,000 white as snow Russians in that community, and you are going to get the same thing.

I'm not sure why they chose Springfield nor why there were so many placed there. Seems like they could have been placed in smaller numbers in many different cities/towns, communities to lessen the effect. At the very least, are they getting any guidance on culture differences from the Biden administration? Are they just dropped off and expected to learn of all that stuff on their own? With a ratio of 1 immigrant to 3 citizens in that small community, I expect patience is wearing thin probably on both sides.
Obviously, I can't speak for everyone, but I feel the vast majority of Americans are fine with legal immigration. With that being said, even though the Haitians in question are legal, placing 20,000 immigrants of any country into a town of 60,000 is going to have a profound effect on that community whether it be good or bad. Any immigrant will come from a different culture and do things differently than US citizens. They have vastly different life experiences, beliefs, etc. I don't think it has anything to do with race or color of their skin. Place 20,000 white as snow Russians in that community, and you are going to get the same thing.

I'm not sure why they chose Springfield nor why there were so many placed there. Seems like they could have been placed in smaller numbers in many different cities/towns, communities to lessen the effect. At the very least, are they getting any guidance on culture differences from the Biden administration? Are they just dropped off and expected to learn of all that stuff on their own? With a ratio of 1 immigrant to 3 citizens in that small community, I expect patience is wearing thin probably on both sides.
20k is a lot in a town that size. And I'm pro immigration.
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You can't be serious.
Pizza Gate.... Immigrants eating pets.... Dem baby eaters .... Jan 6th sightseeing tour.... Stolen election.... Plandemic.... Obama birthers.... Obamacare Death Panels....
9/11 inside job..... Sandy Hook BS.... Rigged Ballot boxes.... Kamala's ear piece in debate.....the Deep State FBI
It never ends with you nutjobs.
Oh and last but not least... The EVIL Dems because they want healthcare, kids free from gun violence, clean environment and a Border Bill passed by Congress instead of EOs.
So Evil. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Russia Russia Russia
Hunter Biden Laptop "Hoax"
Trump-Ukraine scandal
List continues.....
Russia Russia Russia
Hunter Biden Laptop "Hoax"
Trump-Ukraine scandal
List continues.....
Russia, Russia, Russia..... Facts.

Holy cum throat batman, gas prices are under 3 bucks! Is this from Cackles threatening price gouging or is this a demorat move to make their NO VOTE nominee look like she is doing something. I say that later, gas prices could have been this low a long time ago but let's drop the price so we can get our looney nominee in. This about big business keeping an incompetent fool in the White house that's easily manipulated.. I won't fall for it.. TRUMP 2024
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How many immigrants have arrived in Springfield​

A section on the City of Springfield’s website gave some context to social media users’ claims that 20,000 Haitian immigrants had overtaken the area. The city government referenced multiple datasets to estimate its immigrant population sits somewhat lower, but called it “impossible” to give an exact number.

“Based on data provided from numerous sources, such as Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Springfield City Schools, area healthcare providers and social services agencies, the total immigrant population is estimated to be approximately 12,000 – 15,000 in Clark County,” the city’s website read.

The Springfield mayor gave a conflicting number in an appearance on “Fox & Friends,” saying the city’s public services were overwhelmed by 14,000 to 20,000 migrants the city brought in. Prior to the immigration situation, the 2020 census put Springfield’s population at 58,662.

Between the mayor and city’s accounts, the possible thousands have a perceivable effect in certain places in Springfield. The New York Times reported that around 350 new students, mainly from migrant families, enrolled in local elementary and middle schools. With a language barrier in play, Springfield City Schools said they had to hire six Creole translators to assist, bumping district expenses for the services to $436,000, compared with $43,000 four years prior.
Those are cases that deserve some sort of expedited status and should be easier.
The Japanese govt recruited my daughter and gave her a full ride scholly (she double majored at UK in Econ and Japanese language). They're actively recruiting kids under the age of 30... while our dumbazz fed govt is keeping them out (her husband is also a smart dude: currently working in hosp admin).