How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
The fact that you think underwear has a gender is indicative of the depth of the rest of your sociopolitical commentary.
They have been doing this across the globe in many different places in Europe. It’s disgusting. It’s treason and the puppeteers doing this are doing this to rob you of culture, freedom, money and your life.

This is for power of globalists. There’s no benefit to the actual citizens. This is not wanted. You’d think a light bulb would go off for the left’s ignorant base on why these politicians are so hellbent and concerned about migrants more than their own citizens.
They're turning all the poors against one another so they can steal more and more of our countries wealth. The great wealth transfer in our country has stripped the working class of all their political power. The politicians work to serve the 1%'s now.
Weird got "traction" because the dependable npcs all dutifully repeated the line.
You find him warm? natural? at ease with his fellow beings?

Did you see the clip of him ordering donuts? AI sounds more human.

To me he sounds like a man who has changed his name, sexuality, religion, and politics a number of times. A man who senses there's a psychological abyss inside and each new massive change hasn't worked to fill it. He's the opposite of the steady hand on the tiller that people want in a leader.
It is real; skimmed the article, just voters complaining about lack of substance and plausibility of policy claims.

But that is pretty funny the way you read it: i'd think intentional... didn't think that till you pointed it out lol,.
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You find him warm? natural? at ease with his fellow beings?

Did you see the clip of him ordering donuts? AI sounds more human.

To me he sounds like a man who has changed his name, sexuality, religion, and politics a number of times. A man who senses there's a psychological abyss inside and each new massive change hasn't worked to fill it. He's the opposite of the steady hand on the tiller that people want in a leader.

Frankly Lox, you don't strike me as the picture of mental health ie. warm, natural, at ease with your fellow human beings either.

In Literature and film you would be known as an unreliable narrator.

(you know, it really IS a shame that he's blocked me. He doesn't know what he's missing)
You actually believe the polls? Let’s check with Baris on Monday. Let’s check in two weeks. Guaranteed she’ll have no bump at that point despite what they say in the interim
The polls will now pivot to show Harris with a 4 to 5 point lead. The narrative will be Trump's horrible debate performance caused his campaign to crash. Once you accept that bureaucrats are running the country, the media, political polls, etc you can kinda foretell how they'll game plan a Kamala victory to make it seem authentic.
No, it's much sadder than that. The poor bastard actually thought you talking about Vance's physical dexterity. 😆 😆 😆 Holy crap. LOL

Maybe, but I think he "knows" what was intended; just saw it as an opportunity to get his digs in, so he took it.
The polls will now pivot to show Harris with a 4 to 5 point lead. The narrative will be Trump's horrible debate performance caused his campaign to crash. Once you accept that bureaucrats are running the country, the media, political polls, etc you can kinda foretell how they'll game plan a Kamala victory to make it seem authentic.

There are not enough undecided voters to account for that large of a shift. Not legitimately. I know what you're saying, but in the states that really matter, cheating is going to be much more difficult than in 2020. So, chin up.

I know your used to your party making up shit lies and spreading them as truth (Russia Hoax for example) but not how we roll. Every single republican talking point has always had some level of truth if not full 100% truthfulness to it after all is said and done. Doesn’t stop clown assholes like you from believing the leftist lies however. You really are one dumb son of a bitch!!!
So if the Russian lies are all a hoax, why did your Putin Puppet REFUSE multiple times to answer a simple YES or NO question... "Do you want Ukraine to win the war with Russia??"
He REFUSED to answer that simple question given multiple chances to do so.
Nah dude, you and your stupid ass MAGA cult are part of the most successful Russian propaganda operation in US history.
Trump uses Putin, Kim and Victor Orban as his litmus test for whether he is a good leader or not. It was completely exposed for all of America to see last night.
I actually feel sorry for you and all the other aMAGAcans who are so easily manipulated and convinced that up is down, and night is day.
Putin is our friend right?? 😂😂😂😂
Love letters to Kim. 😂😂😂😂😂
Kamala kicked your 2 bit wanbabe dictator's ass last night and everyone knows it....except for the cult.
You find him warm? natural? at ease with his fellow beings?

Did you see the clip of him ordering donuts? AI sounds more human.

To me he sounds like a man who has changed his name, sexuality, religion, and politics a number of times. A man who senses there's a psychological abyss inside and each new massive change hasn't worked to fill it. He's the opposite of the steady hand on the tiller that people want in a leader.
Everyone, please read this thoughtful analysis closely, and then let it sink in that this person endorsed Joe Biden for years.
She surged and is now fading.
We will see in November.
All I know is that I feel much better about her ability to go toe to toe with the scum leaders of the world like Putin after last night's debate. She exhibited a grit and toughness I was afraid was missing.
Best debate performance of any Dem I've ever seen.
Way better than Biden or Obama truth be told.
Biden and Harris had left. Trump and Vance were still there.

She said:

"The elected officials here today show their respect and reverence to the families on September 11th—or, in our president's words, 'Do 9/11.' Quite a flippant remark."

Here is the Biden remark she is referring to:

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It was good then. Not so great now. :p The best part in retrospect was free range childhood. Gone for hours & hours & nobody else knew. Maybe get scolded a bit when you back.
I was born in 1965. My parents gave me and my two older brothers free range in Charlotte, NC. When it was supper time, mom would ring a huge bell outside and we knew to hurry up and get home or we were not going to eat.
You find him warm? natural? at ease with his fellow beings?

Did you see the clip of him ordering donuts? AI sounds more human.

To me he sounds like a man who has changed his name, sexuality, religion, and politics a number of times. A man who senses there's a psychological abyss inside and each new massive change hasn't worked to fill it. He's the opposite of the steady hand on the tiller that people want in a leader.

Why would i care how a president or vice president orders doughnuts?

Lol libs focus on the weirdest things.

How about who wont let in millions of illegals? Im way more concerned about that.
The legacy media going completely into the tank for one political party is one of the most consequential developments of the last 25 years.

Sure there was always an understanding that the NYT and most of legacy media was left leaning, but they've gone full blown activist over the last 10-15 years and it's alarming how many people either a) don't recognize it or b) openly support it because it benefits their 'team.'

From putting Hitler on the cover as Man of the Year last century, the media has steadily gone more and more left/socialist/globalist while trying to hide their fascist leanings. Not hiding their fascism anymore.