How will they rule ??!

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Everything else the government lies about, and has continued lying about from that era, would surprise me more if we actually had men walk on the moon at this point than if it was faked.

One of those things where we haven’t gone back, the government has no intention of going back, and what we did decades ago doesn’t really matter to me at this point, so the moon landings get no thought or focus from me.
I kinda question everything now lol. I no longer trust the government or the media on anything.
I know he won't read this, but this tired old reasoning, which is a tried and true favorite amongst the libs is a sham.

It makes a lot of assumptions, and ignores actual problems.

Nobody is "against" immigration. It IS a good thing. But it needs to be handled responsibly.

This argument is like saying "you shouldn't be against water, because we need it." After you've told them not to turn every faucet on in the house, full blast, and just go to work.

Conflation between legal and illegal immigration is part of their dishonesty.

It's insulting, as a legal immigrant, that they are de facto promoting and encouraging illegal immigration by making it so easy compared to legal immigration, which is a quite difficult and time consuming process.

Yahoo Finance thinks otherwise.

Mama mia
She's lying nonstop, in totality and completely without any compunction whatsoever.

But a lot of these people are brainwashed, don't even know fact from fiction; like the fine people hoax. They think that's real. It's all some version of that. Her using that vile and pernicious divisive lie for political expediency alone would be enough for me to not vote for her, were I still a dem voter.
Yes, but there are many that support her that agree with lying as a means to an end even though that end will not end well . We have a few of them on here. This type of mentality is dangerous and destructive.
The only answer on abortion at this point should be, “it’s a state issue. If you are voting based on abortion policy, and you want federal government control, whether that means MN policy that goes up until birth, or risk potentially a much more restrictive policy, vote Kamala. If you would rather the states decide, and abortion is your number one issue, vote Trump. Now let’s talk about fracking, the economy, immigration and Kamala participating in the coverup of Biden’s cognitive incompetency.”
Yes, but there are many that support her that agree with lying as a means to an end even though that end will not end well . We have a few of them on here. This type of mentality is dangerous and destructive.

It's Machiavellian... exploitive and destructive: political power at the expanse of national cohesion.

They'll use it as a wedge issue - the wild and stupid cats and geese issue is emblematic. You're crazy, fake news conspiracist! They know nothing of the world at large, and hey, their illegal immigrant landscaper seems fine, no one would eat a cat in ohio, gimme a break.

A conspiracy theorist at least knows enough to know when he's being lied to.
To tell you the truth, I don't think either one of them even KNOW they're lying. Neither of them is going to split the atom...
Moon Landings, JFK, etc.

If I learned nothing else from my time at the NSA, it was this: The government is TERRIBLE at keeping secrets. There is absolutely zero chance that they could have staged an elaborate plot to fake the Moon landing, and knock off JFK and have it STILL, to this day, remain a secret.
Why would they fight the release of the JFK files for over 60 years if their narrative were true?

I’ve never cared one iota about the moon landing but even then, I don’t think it’s fake. But I absolutely believe the government killed JFK. Oswald being killed by Ruby did everything to further this belief.

I also believe our government tried to murder Trump two months ago. I also believe our politicians were involved in purposely releasing a virus to advance globalist interests.

As for 9/11, I used to mock those who said we did it but considering what our government is, I just assume our intel agencies have a hand in everything. 9/11 certainly helped a lot of people abuse power and get rich.
To a large extent, I agree with this: I mean, libs just wanna discuss "feelz", while the REALLY important stuff... you know... WARS, INFLATION, ECONOMIC GROWTH, IMMIGRATION, ENERGY INDEPENDENCE... are being COMPLETETLY ignored by the Democratic party and its sheeple.

Having said that, I'll NEVER support a Democrat due to the party's abortion policy.

And, side note for those not paying attention: ITS A STATE ISSUE NOW. If you dont like it, complain to your state legislators. The feds involvement is now ZERO.
On the abortion thing last night, Trump had every opportunity to discuss Federalism and local choice, but had to go on and on about his status as the best, biggest rallies, and other vanities. He really is his own worst enemy.
I would have given just about anything last night for a Trump to have simply halted the moderators with their “fact checking” by saying:

“With all due respect, it is not your job in this forum to attempt to refute or contradict statements that I make during a debate. That is Mrs. Harris’ job, if she can, just the same as it is my job to refute her. And then the American people can decide how they feel about our commentary. You are simply inserting your own biased opinions into a debate in which you are not a participant. In fact, we could proceed just the same without you if you simply left your printed question here on the table and exited the room.”
There's a huge difference between legal (+) and illegal ( - ). Yet you insist with comingling. BS.
I do think there is a need to keep it separate. For example, the Haitians that everyone is so up in arms about are here legally because the government granted temporary protected status to Haitians as a result of the violence in the country. So that is just basic anti-immigrant fervor, of the type we saw in the early 20th century towards Jews, Catholics, etc.
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I do think there is a need to keep it separate. For example, the Haitians that everyone is so up in arms about are here legally because the government granted temporary protected status to Haitians as a result of the violence in the country. So that is just basic anti-immigrant fervor, of the type we saw in the early 20th century towards Jews, Catholics, etc.

Maybe you need a third category of “refuges” given that status by the Biden admin and flown in by the tens of thousands to overwhelm cities.

That is in no way similar to traditional immigration as one would think of it.
Told 4 minority women to go back to their country. Yea not racist and xenophobic at all. Of course besides that fact that Trump is to stupid to know that 3 of the 4 were born in the US. So he really just shit on himself since he told them to fix their shithole countries, aka the USA, the country he runs. If you want to pretend he hasn't doubled and tripled on what is very calculated race baiting then thats your prerogative. He heavily miscallculated on this move
I would have given just about anything last night for a Trump to have simply halted the moderators with their “fact checking” by saying:

“With all due respect, it is not your job in this forum to attempt to refute or contradict statements that I make during a debate. That is Mrs. Harris’ job, if she can, just the same as it is my job to refute her. And then the American people can decide how they feel about our commentary. You are simply inserting your own biased opinions into a debate in which you are not a participant. In fact, we could proceed just the same without you if you simply left your printed question here on the table and exited the room.”

When I read this, I pictured the look on the scarecrow's face, after he got his brain and said, “The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side!” 😆 😆 😆 😆
Platinumdrgn said:

"Told 4 minority women to go back to their country. Yea not racist and xenophobic at all. Of course besides that fact that Trump is to stupid to know that 3 of the 4 were born in the US. So he really just shit on himself since he told them to fix their shithole countries, aka the USA, the country he runs. If you want to pretend he hasn't doubled and tripled on what is very calculated race baiting then thats your prerogative. He heavily miscallculated on this move"


To any of you on here that have never experimented with illegal drugs, this is an almost PERFECT example of 4:30 am "Cocaine speak"

It is uncanny. And while I'm trying to be funny here, I'm completely serious. This is EXACTLY what it sounds like. LOL
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Maybe you need a third category of “refuges” given that status by the Biden admin and flown in by the tens of thousands to overwhelm cities.

That is in no way similar to traditional immigration as one would think of it.
OK so its like Cuban immigrants here after the revolution, or via the Mariel Boatlift in 1980 that did include criminals that Castro let out of prison. Either way, its legal immigration. The Haitians are not breaking the law by being in our country.
I thought the debate went as expected. Trump was Trump, he debates like an average Joe would. The moderators sided with Harris which everyone expected. Harris was well prepared. It was almost like she was given the debate questions and practiced with a team answering them for weeks.

My question is why did Trump even do the debate? He had an easy out when Harris refused to do the Fox New debate.
Well, the Supreme Court, in this country are essentially the "ultimate refs", and the left will not quit whining about them, so...

😄 😄 😄 😄

The voters will let us know who won the debate. If Kamala can pick up 4 points in the National Average in the next week then SHE did. If not, then she didn't. It's as simple as that.
You actually believe the polls? Let’s check with Baris on Monday. Let’s check in two weeks. Guaranteed she’ll have no bump at that point despite what they say in the interim
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You actually believe the polls? Let’s check with Baris on Monday. Let’s check in two weeks. Guaranteed she’ll have no bump at that point despite what they say in the interim

I believe that I understand how to read the polls. And I don't think you grasped what I was actually saying in that post.
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OK so its like Cuban immigrants here after the revolution, or via the Mariel Boatlift in 1980 that did include criminals that Castro let out of prison. Either way, its legal immigration. The Haitians are not breaking the law by being in our country.

Ok then. Great. Bring all the refugees in from around the world and settle them in small midwestern towns. After all, it’s technically legal immigration so no one should complain about anything they do.
OK so its like Cuban immigrants here after the revolution, or via the Mariel Boatlift in 1980 that did include criminals that Castro let out of prison. Either way, its legal immigration. The Haitians are not breaking the law by being in our country.
Why in the hell would your own government drop 20,000 refugees into a town of 40,000 people?

THAT is the issue. (Even though there’s not one valid reason that Haitians should be considered refugees, unless the ENTIRE THIRD WORLD qualifies for refugee status).
Pretty stupid topic to debate about who is right or wrong but what proof do you have that Haitian immigrants aren’t eating household pets? Please don’t tell me the city officials “there is no proof of that happening” statement is your proof as that is hardly anything but proof. I’ve read credible statements from local citizens to suggest it is in fact true. Saw a picture posted with an immigrant walking down the road with a dead goose (not a pet but still part of the story there), but no idea if that is credible or not, fact is, you don’t know nor do I.
The burden of proof should always be on the nonsensical.
Conflation between legal and illegal immigration is part of their dishonesty.

It's insulting, as a legal immigrant, that they are de facto promoting and encouraging illegal immigration by making it so easy compared to legal immigration, which is a quite difficult and time consuming process.
My daughter married a Japanese national.

In order for them to come and live in the US legally, the State Dept told us it will take 18 months of ppwk, bs, etc. These are working, advanced degree (Masters) people.

Meanwhile, in the southern border...
Why in the hell would your own government drop 20,000 refugees into a town of 40,000 people?

THAT is the issue. (Even though there’s not one valid reason that Haitians should be considered refugees, unless the ENTIRE THIRD WORLD qualifies for refugee status).
The Haitians are good at killing white people... maybe that's the answer
There's a small part of me that thinks "Let it happen". We might need another 4 years of progressive nonsense and this country going broke, before moderate democrats finally get pushed to our side. Obviously, a ton of damage will be done, and maybe irreversible damage, but there is no way her presidency is going to go well. It will be a total disaster, even if all she is, is just an empty suit.. because it will be status quo, and it's the last 4 years that got us to where we are today.
There is plenty of nonsense on both sides. That's the beauty sitting in the middle looking at it all. I hate chaos.