How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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It has nothing to do with fake electors, I was addressing a completely separate nonsense post of yours. Try and keep up.

I'm not interested in your uninformed opinions about race relations in different parts of the country. They're of no use to me. Why? Because I've actually lived in those places, and so my views on it are based on first-hand knowledge and experience.
LOL your firsthand anecdotal experience is valuable for some reason but mine isn't. How convenient for you. Totally a position based in logic and not emotion. Time to turn in your engineer card.
They did retreat and seek cover. Defensible positions throughout the Capitol. Of course they didn't just open fire on the crowd, this isn't Kent State. You think they should've? Talking out of both sides of your mouth as you mourn the one woman who did get shot.
My gawd. They should have started shooting everyone in sight if y'all truly believed that there was a coup d'état underway. 100%. If the Russian Russia Russia Russians were invading the building do you really think they should have retreated to "defensible positions" which I assume you mean in the vestibules ushering in the visitors. There are countless vids of them casually giving tours from these "defensible positions."

So the evidence belies your comment. 'Cept of course one dirty cop who killed the unarmed white lady.
Hey, didn't her running mate make a few false/extremely misleading statements about his military service? Didn't he claim to be deaf when he got his OVI in 95? I could keep.going.

@Dore95 is voting or Harris because Trump insults people. That's how deep most democrats go with their political analysis.
The below is not a resume. “List all employment for the last ten years.”

She didn’t ever bring it up until 2019.

What evs. Liars lie.

Stolen McValor.


I notice she didnt list "Fellatio" as a job. I bet she didn't pay taxes on those squirtings.

My gawd. They should have started shooting everyone in sight if y'all truly believed that there was a coup d'état underway. 100%. If the Russian Russia Russia Russians were invading the building do you really think they should have retreated to "defensible positions" which I assume you mean in the vestibules ushering in the visitors. There are countless vids of them casually giving tours from these "defensible positions."

So the evidence belies your comment. 'Cept of course one dirty cop who killed the unarmed white lady.
There wasn't any way to control it by that point. You really think just opening fire onto the crowd would've made the situation better? There was already enough chaos, that would've inarguably caused more. Hell, lots of posters here blame the entire thing on the cops anyway for using tear gas, let alone real bullets.
Iirc she never mentioned it in her memoirs or any other place and it only appeared in her recent stories of her childhood in an attempt to make herself more relatable to middle class.

Oh and she lies about everything else.
When she allegedly/would have worked there, franchise employees were still considered employees of the McDonald's corporation. That changed later, but she would have worked there circa 1979/80 (according to her age, and her narrative)

Either way, the IRS could clear it up in less than a minute.
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He organized slates of fake electors in multiple swing states who forged official documents. That is incontrovertible fact. WTF are you talking about "there were none"?

Your statement is complete fiction. You've gone full kook. You probably yell at imaginary pedestrians in the sky.
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Why is there this belief that Harris lied about working at McDonalds? The vast majority of McDonalds are franchises so she would not have been an employee of McDonalds itself.
WTF dude. That is an extremely weird take. The belief stems from no one out there verifying her comment, said to make her look like a normal person. Not one who grew up in Canada with communist parents.
When she allegedly/would have worked there, franchise employees were still considered employees of the McDonald's corporation. That changed later, but she would have worked there circa 1979/80 (according to her age, and her narrative)

Either way, the IRS could clear it up in less than a minute.

Yes im sure they will get to the bottom of it. If she was gop, they would turn her inside out.
There wasn't any way to control it by that point. You really think just opening fire onto the crowd would've made the situation better? There was already enough chaos, that would've inarguably caused more. Hell, lots of posters here blame the entire thing on the cops anyway for using tear gas, let alone real bullets.
Well because that is true, the instigating by "deep state" and outside agitators...

As for the rest, you have been screaming and whining that J6 was worse than 9-11 and other events. Would you have us believe that if we believed two aircraft were headed for the WTC and a F15 has them in his sights.....that we wouldnt have taken those airliners out? Seriously? There was already enough chaos....just let it go.

I am glad you soy boys are not in charge of taking out terrorists and stopping REAL coups. You are pathetic and weak.....or maybe just lying out your ass about J6.
There wasn't any way to control it by that point. You really think just opening fire onto the crowd would've made the situation better? There was already enough chaos, that would've inarguably caused more. Hell, lots of posters here blame the entire thing on the cops anyway for using tear gas, let alone real bullets.

One cop fired one shot into a female protester....and as I recall....that instantly ended the attempt to breach the door. We all know that a couple shots fired by the police would have INSTANTLY ended it. The unarmed "insurrectionists" would have quickly realized....why did none of us bring a gun....this was the dumbest coup ever.
I think that Trump pulling ahead in the NYT Siena poll (which might not even actually MEAN anything) has made the The Paddock Marxist Party nervous, and they have collectively busted their main spring, which has caused them to lash out.
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Going to be interesting what strategy ABC uses to best help Kamala in the debate. A debate should be brutal for her because of numerous questions about her not doing interviews and changing all of her previous positions, but doubtful that happens.

I'm assuming just like in the CNN interview there will be a question about Trump commenting on her racial identity. Harris, perhaps with some help from the moderators, is going to say 'convicted felon' probably 10-12 times.
Your statement is complete fiction. You've gone full kook. You probably yell at imaginary pedestrians in the sky.
You are a nutbar. Here're the circumstances in MI, as just one example. A group of Republicans met in the basement of the state Republican Party headquarters under direct direction/instruction from Trump's lawyers. Several of the actually nominated Republican slate of electors refused to attend. They were replaced with completely new, illegitimate people. They all then forged multiple documents saying that they were the duly elected and qualified electors and they were casting votes for Trump. Those are real events, how is any of what I said "fiction"?
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I don't think the debate even matters anymore. Barring a disastrous mistake by Trump (dropping the N word for example) it's too little too late.

The bloom is off that rose. She squandered every bit of momentum she initially had, by running away in the ring, trying to just get through the rounds. And when that's gone, it's usually gone for good.
You are a nutbar. Here're the circumstances in MI, as just one example. A group of Republicans met in the basement of the state Republican Party headquarters under direct direction/instruction from Trump's lawyers. Several of the actually nominated Republican slate of electors refused to attend. They were replaced with completely new, illegitimate people. They all then forged multiple documents saying that they were the duly elected and qualified electors and they were casting votes for Trump. Those are real events, how is any of what I said "fiction"?

Was that in one of your newsletter subscriptions? LOL

One cop fired one shot into a female protester....and as I recall....that instantly ended the attempt to breach the door. We all know that a couple shots fired by the police would have INSTANTLY ended it. The unarmed "insurrectionists" would have quickly realized....why did none of us bring a gun....this was the dumbest coup ever.
That's ridiculous, as you already pointed out a woman was shot and killed yet the riot still continued. They would've had to respond with actual force and that just would've gotten more dumb Trump supporters killed. I'm completely against police brutality even if it's against you chuds.
I don't think the debate even matters anymore. Barring a disastrous mistake by Trump (dropping the N word for example) it's too little too late.

The bloom is off that rose. She squandered every bit of momentum she initially had, by running away in the ring, trying to just get through the rounds. And when that's gone, it's usually gone for good.
the debate won’t sway any dems in any direction. all they see is Joy vs Orange Man Bad. i’m not sure either of them has much to gain.
That's ridiculous, as you already pointed out a woman was shot and killed yet the riot still continued. They would've had to respond with actual force and that just would've gotten more dumb Trump supporters killed. I'm completely against police brutality even if it's against you chuds.
Even in an effort to stop a coup d'état? You are a coward then. Let them take over the country.

The riot continued? Not in the area where the patriot was killed. Maybe your guys should have killed a few who broke through the exterior doors and windows. That would have ended it instantly. BECAUSE they were not there to "coup." They were there to voice their anger. To protest mostly peacefully.
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Going to be interesting what strategy ABC uses to best help Kamala in the debate. A debate should be brutal for her because of numerous questions about her not doing interviews and changing all of her previous positions, but doubtful that happens.

I'm assuming just like in the CNN interview there will be a question about Trump commenting on her racial identity. Harris, perhaps with some help from the moderators, is going to say 'convicted felon' probably 10-12 times.
The strategy will be to ignore it. Just like with the walz stolen valor story, and most other bad news stories for the dims, they report as little as possible and then never mention it again. They will instead focus on some perceived gaff by Trump/Vance and beat it to death.
Surprised he hasn’t started arguing the “pipe bombs” were WMDs planted by Trump now that him and Dick Cheney are on the same side.

That is what is so "rich" to me. The left has completely embraced the devil Cheney. Do you think it kills them that Trump is supported by: Elon Musk, RFKjr, Dave Portnoy, Tulsi Gabbard..... They have embraced the Devil. Wow.