How will they rule ??!

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And most of those weren't actual Trump supporters, but people posing as such.
I remember for a day or two after the 6th there was a video posted on twitter by Philadelphia Antifa (or something like that) of smashing in the windows of the Capital/people crawling inside....and they were taking responsibility for it. Said it was their people posing as Trump supporters. After another day or two that video (and Twitter account I believe) was nowhere to be found and I haven't seen that video since.
The evidence for that was so convincing,

"Trump only cares about himself and money. And you want me to believe he’s cool with losing money? You expect me to believe he’s doing this because he loves his country? His brand is worth EXPONENTIALLY more than it ever was as the host of the apprentice. He now has half the country brainwashed and buying his shitty shoes, fake Bibles, NFT cards, and let’s not forget those MAGA hats."

You have demonstrated your evidence "acid test", and you know, you should probably just sit all of this out until after the election.

IOW - Your wheels are coming off chief.

You're down to one oar.

Your deck only has 40 something cards in it.
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The TDS raging in their empty souls is a tempest. A category 6 hurricane. He "turned on" them. He was one of them and it was a really bad break up. They want all the alimony and assets they can get.

It's not bad enough that they murdered what was left of his character with false accusations, lawfared his businesses into difficulty and drained him of cash with criminally obtained warrants and frivolous suit after frivolous suit. They don't want him to ever be able to eat or wash his clothes. They ARE that horrible, fake moderate/conservative EX that now even wants custody of his male parts after the divorce.

It's not even a syndrome anymore. It's a full body cadaver tattoo and a purple combover
I remember for a day or two after the 6th there was a video posted on twitter by Philadelphia Antifa (or something like that) of smashing in the windows of the Capital/people crawling inside....and they were taking responsibility for it. Said it was their people posing as Trump supporters. After another day or two that video (and Twitter account I believe) was nowhere to be found and I haven't seen that video since.

Same. I have a buddy who downloaded all of the video footage he could find and has a good deal backed up. There were tons of videos showing people trying to stop them and clear pictures/footage of Democrat and law enforcement operatives leading and inciting the crowd to break windows and more. I've seen a lot of it and sent him links to some of it at the time.

It wouldn't matter if the libs here or anywhere else saw the footage. I showed some of it to 2 liberals and they just shook their heads and tried to change the subject. Wouldn't talk about it or comment ever. They can't let go of their TDS, and won't abide anything that threatens it. Their projection allows them to avoid addressing their own hatred and unhappiness. He's the scapegoat for all of it
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See what I mean?

"The evidence for that was so convincing,"
- your avg programmed liberal

If their own noses were witnesses & testified to the truth they'd cut it off with a letter opener and post pictures on IG before the blood had time to dry
"Trump only cares about himself and money. And you want me to believe he’s cool with losing money? You expect me to believe he’s doing this because he loves his country? His brand is worth EXPONENTIALLY more than it ever was as the host of the apprentice. He now has half the country brainwashed and buying his shitty shoes, fake Bibles, NFT cards, and let’s not forget those MAGA hats."

You have demonstrated your evidence "acid test", and you know, you should probably just sit all of this out until after the election.

IOW - Your wheels are coming off chief.

You're down to one oar.

Your deck only has 40 something cards in it.
Hearing a leftist argue about Trump doing this for money is peak stupidity considering he's the only politician whose worth went down after office. These same people cheer on the Obamas, Clintons, Pelosis, Bidens getting filthy rich off of public office though. They question nothing with the bogus book deals and the speaking fees as if it's not a quid pro quo thing.

It would be one thing if leftists like Dred knew they were stupid but they don't. They believe they're smart despite being dumb as dirt.
Hearing a leftist argue about Trump doing this for money is peak stupidity considering he's the only politician whose worth went down after office. These same people cheer on the Obamas, Clintons, Pelosis, Bidens getting filthy rich off of public office though. They question nothing with the bogus book deals and the speaking fees as if it's not a quid pro quo thing.

It would be one thing if leftists like Dred knew they were stupid but they don't. They believe they're smart despite being dumb as dirt.

Yes lefties, life has been nothing but peaches and cream for Trump since he came down that escalator. Just smooth sailing and good times. Not a care in the world.

How stupid can they be... (Don't answer that. It is literally UNANSWERABLE. The stupid HAS no limit. It exists on an infinite plane that we cannot comprehend.)
I've seen it pal. Pretty lame compared to BLM protests.
No comparison whatsoever.
BLM protests were wrong but were not the result of a sitting President calling for a mass rally for him to tell all his stupid followers he won an election that he lost.... Then unleashing them on the Capitol to violently protest the election certification.
Ridiculous to compare the two.
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Of all the mindnumbingly stupid, illogical dumb shit things lefties come up with in their low functioning pea brains, blaming Trump for the Afghanistan withdraw disaster because “there was an agreement they had to follow” may be the dumbest.

You have to be the absolute dumbest of NPCs to repeat that stupid line.
No comparison whatsoever.
BLM protests were wrong but were not the result of a sitting President calling for a mass rally for him to tell all his stupid followers he won an election that he lost.... Then unleashing them on the Capitol to violently protest the election certification.
Ridiculous to compare the two.

I can't believe I'm doing this, but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Just so we can put this to bed forever. Show me where he directed them to violently protest, and then I'll leave you alone about this. That's all you have to do.

And it's not against the law to state that you believe you were cheated out of a win (even for a sitting President) I don't know how that stupid idea got legs.

From the article....

The Haitian Invasion of Ohio has created a lot of buzz. There are a lot of unexplained aspects of it that people find odd. One of these strange happenings is that locals reported that the jobs the Haitians came for were never advertised to the local population. So how did the Haitians find out about them?

It turns out that a network of federal grant recipient organizations have quietly seized control of nearly the entire job market in the US and work to ensure that openings remain "hidden" so that refugee's can take them ahead of American citizens. How many job openings remain hidden? The internal estimates of this network put the number of hidden openings at 80% of all available jobs.
Dick Cheney endorsing Kamabla is objectively one of the funniest things I’ve seen in politics.

If there was one man who is Satan to Trump/Hitler in their eyes, it was Dick Cheney. Now they’re forced to defend him.

Trump should endorse Kamabla so the lefties get off his back. 4D chess. Trump voters will know it’s a joke and vote Trump. The kamabla NPCs will now have to defend him to keep with the programming.
I can't believe I'm doing this, but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Just so we can put this to bed forever. Show me where he directed them to violently protest, and then I'll leave you alone about this. That's all you have to do.

And it's not against the law to state that you believe you were cheated out of a win (even for a sitting President) I don't know how that stupid idea got legs.
The rally was initially scheduled for a different day and Trump had them change it to the 6th specifically so they could interfere with the count. They were chanting Hang Mike Pence. Why? It was a MAGA crowd, why wouldn't they be chanting Hang Nancy Pelosi, a hated Dem? Because Pence is who Trump told them was blocking the plan. They didn't all start saying, "Pence is a traitor!" on their own. It was directed.

It is against the law and Constitution to try to get your VP to ignore the real electors and acknowledge your fake ones you created out of thin air.
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shit’s getting real

i don’t know if this is in springfield but it’s been reported that haitians have been killing canada geese and even people’s pets and eating them

Not long ago i was re-entering the country standing in line at customs in Atlanta ATL. Suddenly tons of people being lead by a federal agent go through a different line skipping the whole thing. Haitians here on the "biden plan".

Anyone with a photo id was in one line where they could pick up their care package. Without photo id had to get one first.
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Not long ago i was re-entering the country standing in line at customs in Atlanta ATL. Suddenly tons of people being lead by a l federal agent go through a different line skipping the whole thing. Haitans here on the "biden plan".

Anyone with a photo id was in one line where they could pick up their care package. Without photo id had to get one first.

I don’t know how anyone could know that’s happening, with all the problems in the US, with all the debt piling on our citizenry, and vote for more of it.

The only answer is they want the US to fail. There’s no other logical explanation for voting for Kamabla and Dick Cheney.

Dick Cheney spreading democracy has been a punchline for decades, and now he’s team protect US democracy. Sure.
weird that Nightwish isn't back on here admitting Trump is now kicking Kamalas ass in the new polls. He sure was gloating on the last day of the DNC. He's probably out touching grass and having 24-hour barbeques though.
Dick Cheney endorsing Kamabla is objectively one of the funniest things I’ve seen in politics.

If there was one man who is Satan to Trump/Hitler in their eyes, it was Dick Cheney. Now they’re forced to defend him.

In all of my years following politics, THIS is the strangest, and yes, as you said, hilarious thing I've ever witnessed.

It is true testament to their psycopathy, when it comes to Trump. They really ARE out of their minds over him. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

There will be studies and papers written about TDS, I'm positive of it. It is mass delusion on the scale of Jonestown...
In all of my years following politics, THIS is the strangest, and yes, as you said, hilarious thing I've ever witnessed.

It is true testament to their psycopathy, when it comes to Trump. They really ARE out of their minds over him. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

There will be studies and papers written about TDS, I'm positive of it. It is mass delusion on the scale of Jonestown...
See above your reply......LMAO
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I can't believe I'm doing this, but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Just so we can put this to bed forever. Show me where he directed them to violently protest, and then I'll leave you alone about this. That's all you have to do.

And it's not against the law to state that you believe you were cheated out of a win (even for a sitting President) I don't know how that stupid idea got legs.
Trump is a lot of things but stupid is not one of them.
He's too smart and aware of legality to tell his followers directly to attack the Capitol but he knew exactly what he was doing.
When you spend months telling them the election is gonna be rigged... Then tell them the election was stolen from them ... Then tell them that Pence can fix it if he wants to....Different rules apply now.... We will never give up.... We will never concede....if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.... You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can’t let that happen....
Then say....We’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. … We are going to the Capitol.
He brought the gasoline, the matches, lit the match then handed it to his goons he'd just spent 2 hours telling to fight in order to save their country.
He knew exactly what he was doing and how to do it.
But ... But.... But he said peaceful. 🤡 One word in two hours of anger fueled raging about a stolen election and a country that sh** on their votes.
The rally was initially scheduled for a different day and Trump had them change it to the 6th specifically so they could interfere with the count. They were chanting Hang Mike Pence. Why? It was a MAGA crowd, why wouldn't they be chanting Hang Nancy Pelosi, a hated Dem? Because Pence is who Trump told them was blocking the plan. They didn't all start saying, "Pence is a traitor!" on their own. It was directed.

It is against the law and Constitution to try to get your VP to ignore the real electors and acknowledge your fake ones you created out of thin air.
1. You are wrong about all of that. You're just making it up.

2. None of that has anything to do with the question.

3. Your name isn't sam, so quit interloping with your canned and nonsensical jibber-jabber.
In all of my years following politics, THIS is the strangest, and yes, as you said, hilarious thing I've ever witnessed.

It is true testament to their psycopathy, when it comes to Trump. They really ARE out of their minds over him. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

There will be studies and papers written about TDS, I'm positive of it. It is mass delusion on the scale of Jonestown...

The funniest part is it isn’t a surprise to anyone. Dick Cheney supporting kamabla actually makes logical sense.

What would have been shocking is if Dick Cheney bought Trump’s policies aligned with his worldview rather than Kamabla.
Trump is a lot of things but stupid is not one of them.
He's too smart and aware of legality to tell his followers directly to attack the Capitol but he knew exactly what he was doing.
When you spend months telling them the election is gonna be rigged... Then tell them the election was stolen from them ... Then tell them that Pence can fix it if he wants to....Different rules apply now.... We will never give up.... We will never concede....if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.... You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can’t let that happen....
Then say....We’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. … We are going to the Capitol.
He brought the gasoline, the matches, lit the match then handed it to his goons he'd just spent 2 hours telling them fighting to save their country was the only option left.
He knew exactly what he was doing and how to do it.
But ... But.... But he said peaceful. 🤡

During that whole time period he was commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world, in possession of the nuclear codes, and you think he chose to run a reverse psychology op with secret dog whistles he knew people would pick up on to attack the Capitol at just the right time?

Rather than using the military?

You guys are goddam lunatics.