How will they rule ??!

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This is what you’re pitching, yeah. ‘Western’ superiority. Like I said, they just replaced ‘white’ with ‘Western’. Same supremacist message, now with plausible racial deniability!
Yup, the west is so raccuuussst and unremarkable that the 3rd world is coming here legally or illegally by the tens of millions with no end in sight. I'm not precisely sure where the stupid begins, and the dishonesty ends with you. Seems to be some sad amalgam.
Stoops sucks one that wouldn’t fit in a hipboot.
Has for years, but unless the fans raise holy hell, Barnhart thinks mediocrity or worse is fine. I'm at the point with our football and basketball team where I'm just financially and emotionally detached anymore. I just laugh at the continual failure at this point and turn the channel. When beamer outcoaches you every year, you have a problem.
We are down 24 to 6 to a team who almost lost to Old Dominion (I didn't even know they had a football team). Who do we even beat to get to a bowl game? This almost looks like a Joker-esque team. Imagine the beat downs Georgia Tennessee and Texas will put on us. Goodness.
I’ll HAPPILY sit thru a shit season if it means Mark Stoops is done here. The biggest grift in the history of football is this chickenshit, incompetent “coach” scamming an SEC school into a decade+ long run as a top 10 paid coach in the business.

And, our dumbass, moronic AD is probably ready to extend him another 5 years. Fire his ass tonight. You could literally draw a random Go5 coach’s name out of a hat & get the same results that Stoops has given us, for a fraction of the price. We’re paying top 10 money for OVC results.
W and Cheney didnt't suddenly become great. Trump has been making dictator noises.

I pointed out just the other day that Trump has claimed that presidential immunity gives him the right to steal!! (Google Seatch: Trump immunity Eddy Grant.) Of course, I suspect MAGAts love dictators.
Dictator noises? 🤪
Yet the only ones doing dictator things continually are the left.
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Yup, the west is so raccuuussst and unremarkable that the 3rd world is coming here legally or illegally by the tens of millions with no end in sight. I'm not precisely sure where the stupid begins, and the dishonesty ends with you. Seems to be some sad amalgam.
Plenty run across the border from NK into China as well. Are they a pillar of ‘Western values’?
We are down 24 to 6 to a team who almost lost to Old Dominion (I didn't even know they had a football team). Who do we even beat to get to a bowl game? This almost looks like a Joker-esque team. Imagine the beat downs Georgia Tennessee and Texas will put on us. Goodness.

I don't see a path to anything better than 6-6 now. I am a betting man, I would bet on a losing record now.
Plenty run across the border from NK into China as well. Are they a pillar of ‘Western values’?
Your VP canididate seems to think so.
Those are your Marxist values that everyone is dying to escape from , not to.
Over 24,000 illegals crossing our southern border have been Chinese nationals, and that is probably a very conservative estimate.
Your childish deflection is annoying and not nearly as clever as you seem to think it is.
I’m sorry you can’t read. If you could, you would’ve seen where I said I can’t believe she and Trump are the only two options we have. Neither one is a good option.
I disagree. One is a "good" option. The other is absolute dog shit.
“God given right”? Which part of the Bible is that spelled out in? I don’t remember Jesus saying that. Oh wait, maybe it’s in the Trump Bible he’s been selling to the rubes like you?
It's in the constitution. I know you haven't read it because i've read your post on other topics.... Hint... The government doesn't give us our rights. The constitution doesn't give us our rights. The constitution just tells the government that these rights that we are born with by god or natures god is not to infringed upon.
I disagree. One is a "good" option. The other is absolute dog shit.
That's the part they always conveniently leave out. They are BOTH terrible options, but in spite of that, I'm going to choose the "worsest" one. LOL

You can't even make this sh*t up...
I agree with your last point - the parent should definitely be charged and I like what GA is doing. I also find it a little disturbing that a poster who was an educator (has Sam said he was a special ed educator?) uses the word "retard" on here regularly. My son has a learning disability and it is BS for people to use that word.

But on to the main point - I wonder if there is a way to support a middle ground on the 2A issue you flag above - if the mentally ill kid is suspected of making a credible threat, could the guns be taken away for a period? In other words, the guns are not taken away just because the kid is mentally ill, but because he/she has threatened violence with guns.
Do you see scenarios where the right to free speech and right to remain silent can be taken away for a period? Maybe cops can violate your 4th amendment rights for a bit too???

I don't think you appreciate how far toward totalitarian our government has gone. I won't agree to give them anythin until we unwind their power a whole lot.
First time I've ever used it on here. I don't use it in my daily discourse. I know better as an educator. No excuses.
Think this latest shooting just got the best of my emotions. So tired of Republicans saying thoughts and prayers...Get over it.... There's no stopping children are being slaughtered by weapons of war.
There are many actions we could take as a society but using inappropriate insults is still not a justification.
I will do better.
Yet the left keeps calling Trump and Trump supporters Nazis, racist, sexist homophobes....If you could go back in time to kill Hitler before he killed all those people... wouldn't you do it?.... So now what does you calling all of us nazis mean to what you really want to happen?
Yet the left keeps calling Trump and Trump supporters Nazis, racist, sexist homophobes....If you could go back in time to kill Hitler before he killed all those people... wouldn't you do it?.... So now what does you calling all of us nazis mean to what you really want to happen?
Trump is an idiot.