How will they rule ??!

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Was kind of thinking the same thing. I almost wonder if Trump shouldn't just say "you know what, you need this more than me" and demand more of the debate to be on his terms.

Here we are, what, a month later? And she hasn't said anything really. Aside from copying the same rally speech she had a few places.
Completely wrong instincts. Kamala has been trying to hide as much as possible, not go on record so there’s nothing to critique. Just cruise into Election Day on vibes without having to talk policy. The debate is Trump’s big chance to pin her down and get her looking stupid in front of the American people. Giving her any excuse to back out would be a huge gift.
Completely wrong instincts. Kamala has been trying to hide as much as possible, not go on record so there’s nothing to critique. Just cruise into Election Day on vibes without having to talk policy. The debate is Trump’s big chance to pin her down and get her looking stupid in front of the American people. Giving her any excuse to back out would be a huge gift.
Kamala is trying to manufacture an excuse to back out that doesn’t exist. The terms are set and the debate is scheduled.
Trump should tell her that they can have the live mics but she is going to show up to the Fox debate next week.
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I may be the only one but I would not debate Kamala. If Trump waxes her, the media will say she won. No matter what he does, the media is going to say she won. Even if she's there babbling about a coconut tree. Also, her lack of availability to the press should not even allow her access to a debate.
I may be the only one but I would not debate Kamala. If Trump waxes her, the media will say she won. No matter what he does, the media is going to say she won. Even if she's there babbling about a coconut tree. Also, her lack of availability to the press should not even allow her access to a debate.
I've said the same thing as I don't see the benefit in giving more access to the DNC Press while letting them collude with the Harris campaign for whatever soundbite they want to try and create.

No one is undecided at this point. No one. There isn't a soul who is waiting for a debate to decide so it's pointless. Kamala sure as hell wouldn't do a Fox debate so why should Trump do any road games for her?
I have a 20,000 square foot commercial property that has been on the market for over a year. The price has been dropped 3 times and it already priced less than I want to sell it for. Commercial property in my area is not moving at all. I have another property I will put on the market if the first ever sells. I am hoping for an improvement after Nov, but not confident.
Commercial real estate has been in the shitter for awhile. Residential has slowed down lately because the rates combined with home prices just make it unaffordable. I’m like @LineSkiCat14 as I think the residential market will take off once we can get Trump back in office, hopefully. We just bought a home recently. We got lucky and fell into a great situation. Took two years to get one.
Complete bull. If Congress set aside their differences, came together and compromised on some like 15-week restriction with exceptions for rape and medical issues, getting bipartisan support enough to pass the filibuster, you’re telling me Donald Trump would veto it to ‘leave it to the states’? Bullshit. You know that. Trump would sign anything Rs put in front of him on this and veto anything Ds do, just like any other partisan. This issue is the exact same as any other issue, we fight over it constantly and either side who thinks they can get something through will try it.

There’s a 0% chance of that ever happening.

The issue is with the states. The issue will stay with the states.

No serious politician will introduce abortion legislation during Trump’s presidency if he wins.

Maybe someone like Lindsay Graham will do it to hurt republicans, but it will have no chance of passing, just like last time he did it.
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Completely wrong instincts. Kamala has been trying to hide as much as possible, not go on record so there’s nothing to critique. Just cruise into Election Day on vibes without having to talk policy. The debate is Trump’s big chance to pin her down and get her looking stupid in front of the American people. Giving her any excuse to back out would be a huge gift.

Trump needs to just tweet, “If Kamabla promises not to interrupt me, fake news abc can leave her mic on.”
Commercial real estate has been in the shitter for awhile. Residential has slowed down lately because the rates combined with home prices just make it unaffordable. I’m like @LineSkiCat14 as I think the residential market will take off once we can get Trump back in office, hopefully. We just bought a home recently. We got lucky and fell into a great situation. Took two years to get one.

Yep, I think a lot of things will open up. The housing market I do think will just take some more time. I really think the minute the rates drop a full point (which we might already be close to this level), everyone's jumping back in the pool. Which, will still make it a competitive market, but it will be the catalyst that starts the flow. Because it's not just first time home buyers, it's anyone who wanted to move over the last 3 years. The housing market is like one giant clogged pipe. We just need to get a little flow going and then things will open up.
There’s a 0% chance of that ever happening.

The issue is with the states. The issue will stay with the states.

No serious politician will introduce abortion legislation during Trump’s presidency if he wins.

Maybe someone like Lindsay Graham will do it to hurt republicans, but it will have no chance of passing, just like last time he did it.
Probably, but what if Dems take both houses in the inevitable midterm backlash to Trump and pass protections? The difference between a D pres to sign or Trump to veto is massive. Abortion is a top issue in American politics and will be for the foreseeable future. There’s no arguing with that.
I'm hoping SC pulls out a squeaker against Old Dominion. Don't want them coming into our game with extra motivation. Yeah, not sure what happened to Florida. Coaching matters.
SC looks terrible. They were terrible last year too and we frickin lost to them.
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Trump should debate this guy and call it good. He died but still

Dems doing everything they can to try to make abortion a focus point for the election. Never mind all of the other massive and pressing challenges facing our country.
California was not a predominantly Hispanic state in 1984. The moving left of the United States coincides with the mass immigration. I don't know how that can even be argued.

I guess I'll get called racist but go watch American Graffiti, and do you think it looks like that today?

How crazy is it that to win Michigan you have to be in good with Muslims……who hate our way of life.

So effed up. You’d go mad like Liberals if you bought in.
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