How will they rule ??!

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Plus, Vivek looks a hell of a lot blacker than Kamala. LOL

Not to mention that he has, at MINIMUM, 40 IQ points on her.
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National security is at issue and the president plays no role?

I get what you're saying, but, you know, that might not be a bad thing. LOL

Where are the Democrats GETTING these 2 digit IQ* politicians? They never seem to run out of them and, with a few exceptions, they seem almost lifelike.

Are they growing them in a green house in Ft. Meade or something?

*(high 80's to low 90's seems to be the "sweet spot" - IOW, dumb enough to not think for themselves, but smart enough to speak in public (that part probably needs a firmware update) and do things like tie their own shoes, feed themselves, etc.
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This is work of propaganda art. Trump is dumb says the Associated Press cause he doesn't understand 'code-switching'.

Kamala says the article is 'an adroit code-switcher' hahaha

That is why she uses all those voices.


The first two paragraphs are incredible. Imagine writing that Kamala has 'range'...'dexterity':

From the article:

Kamala Harris has range. She can grill nominees for the Supreme Court or meet with foreign dignitaries, then pivot to hosting a Diwali celebration or dancing enthusiastically alongside an HBCU-styled marching band.

It is a dexterity that Harris, the first Black woman and Asian American to serve as vice president, developed as a person of color to navigate the corridors of power or Main Street in a nation where race and identity influence how one is received or embraced.
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1. Build Back Better funding that has contributed to improved infrastructure and bridges being built in Ky.

2. New battery plants and good paying jobs in Ky thanks to Biden's BBB funding for these initiatives.

3. New Chip factories and jobs in the US thanks to Biden's Chips Act and the Dem led Congress.

4. My kids received additional child care funding that made a huge difference in their expendable income thanks to Biden and the Dems American Rescue Plan Act.

5. The Inflation Reduction Act lowered the cost of insulin for my uncle with diabetes.

6. Biden builds more border wall...

That's just a few.
Indeed, America is declining right now because the fourth power is on the same team as the regime, and they work together to brainwash people and cover up the dirt for the government like a clock instead of asking questions. Trump's fist-pumping photo is an iconic symbol for the MAGA movement. I believe as a billionaire, he can enjoy his life, and he does not need to get into this shit show and risk his own life if he doesn't truly love the USA and wants to make it great again. I saw how high the stakes are if we lose to the current regime, which acts more and more like a tyrannical government. And we were just a quarter inch away from a civil war because of the radicalization a week ago. Losing a few "friends" or potential jobs, contracts, or a customer is nothing compared to that.

I am nobody, but all I can do is show my support. Trump will be a great president because the press won't ask him nice questions like what's your favorite ice cream. So, TRUMP 2024, god bless America and Make America Great Again

Meh… I’ve lost faith in a large swath of humanity who are abject imbeciles. I’d rather a lot of them not participate in the experiment.
Something that has always interested me: I loved Rush Limbaugh. HIs show was a highlight of my day. But he used to say (paraphrasing) - I have confidence in the American people. They always come thru, etc.
You often hear conservative politicians and radio/tv folks say the same thing - "The American people aren't stupid, they are smart and love their freedom, they will rise up, when things get bad they will act, they are busy raising families and working to get too involved now, but Americans will come through.
I don't believe that at all. Maybe it is becasue of our smart phones, we have imported too many illegals, the education system, children raised in fatherless homes, break down in morality, and a host of other things. But if this is a close election, after all the crap that has happened and the policies of the Biden admin, the American people are not smart. They are stupid.
Something that has always interested me: I loved Rush Limbaugh. HIs show was a highlight of my day. But he used to say (paraphrasing) - I have confidence in the American people. They always come thru, etc.
You often hear conservative politicians and radio/tv folks say the same thing - "The American people aren't stupid, they are smart and love their freedom, they will rise up, when things get bad they will act, they are busy raising families and working to get too involved now, but Americans will come through.
I don't believe that at all. Maybe it is becasue of our smart phones, we have imported too many illegals, the education system, children raised in fatherless homes, break down in morality, and a host of other things. But if this is a close election, after all the crap that has happened and the policies of the Biden admin, the American people are not smart. They are stupid.

They are: life is too easy, too comfortable, and for the majority of people, politics is really just emotional tribalism. "We are the good guys, you are the bad guys!"

We're naive. We have no clue... the wolf we've invited into our den.

Stuff like this is how you know for a fact msm is on the terrorist money teet. They are literally a pr firm for terrorists even moreso than china. That's probably because china is more subtle and already well on their way to world domination.

Funny thing is the msm just so happened to get on the terrorist train at the exact time obama started his rise. Everything went from chants of usa and wearing the flag pin to terrorist sympathy stories and stories about how saying his actual middle name was racist.

Funny timing eh?

Also knowing now how dead on trump is with "conspiracies" and exactly how ruthless, power hungry, and reliant on evil money the dnc there any doubt obama was actually born outside the us and ineligible to be president?
of course. damned white supremacists hate transvestites

I saw all kinds of posts with links etc about how this man somehow didn't actually have male chromosomes because he went through some treatment.

Just a straight out lie but the usual npcs all spread it in unison. Although i will say, far fewer npcs than normal spread this one. They were silent in the dave Chappelle jessie smollett method of silence.
Well, that isn't EXACTLY what he said. He said he didn't realize she was black. And to be fair, she doesn't really LOOK black, and he said that she is going all in on the black card. Which, she is.

At first sight, she looks like she just got off the plane from Delhi.

Either way, I disagree. Because Kamala, and by extension, those that vote for her, ARE exponentially more stupid than your average bear. (and even though that is a saying; in this case, I mean it quite literally.)

So, thanks for confirming my point.
Stop falling for this stupidity.

The "one-drop rule" has its roots in slavery and unconstitutional miscegenation laws and white supremacy, and it descended into the eugenics movement. Anyone who tries to say Kamala is "black" is feeding into that construct. Rush Limbaugh tore Obama apart for saying he called himself black because society told him he was. Rush's response was, "why don't you renounce it then?" This entire issue is nonsense and Trump is right to call attention to it.
Stop falling for this stupidity.

The "one-drop rule" has its roots in slavery and unconstitutional miscegenation laws and white supremacy, and it descended into the eugenics movement. Anyone who tries to say Kamala is "black" is feeding into that construct. Rush Limbaugh tore Obama apart for saying he called himself black because society told him he was. Rush's response was, "why don't you renounce it then?" This entire issue is nonsense and Trump is right to call attention to it.

Agree with all but the latter. With so much ample low hanging fruit from an awful opponent, it resonates much more if he attacks her on policy and general incompetence.

Attacking her race completely takes away from that and is an argument he cant truly win because really noone cares that isnt already voting for him.

Plus lets say you somehow convince people, or she even admits, shes Indian and Jamaican. Now what? What value do you get? None. Instead you wasted all that time that could be spent exposing the trove of insane things she openly supports and the incompetence she clearly demonstrates.

If he keeps focusing on race, he will lose. Thats a fact. It will turn off sorely needed voters which lets them get close enough for the cheat to work.
Vivek will get better experience as Secretary of State for the future of his political career. IMO he will be the Republican candidate in 2028.

If Vance can help with MI, OH and PA then he was the right guy.

Thats a great response but time wasted on a non plus issue when they could be hammering her on her obviously awfullness on everything. Kudos to him for taking the soundbite opportunity to try to turn it there at the end.
Has anyone noticed that Joe Biden is practically unseen and unheard now? He is the “most powerful man in the world”. Yet nobody gives a shit what he says, where he is, what he mumbles.

He was a puppet, as we all knew. He’s been discarded so fast that the public barely notices. The next puppet is being shoved down their throats.

It’s unreal. If one needed evidence that 2020 was stolen and our country conquered, what else is necessary?
That's actually the scariest part. No telling what they are cooking up behind the scenes to screw this country over while we all focus on Kamamala.
😄 😄 😄 😄 😄

The worm has turned. LOL

Largely because Gen Z and Millennial women are borderline, if not full on bat shit crazy. I have two stepdaughters age 19 and 21, Ate up with the wokeness. Will go to a concert or some event in some revealing or scantily clad outfit, then get upset or "creeped out" when guys look at them or dare to approach them. Young guys are giving up because the young girls are unapproachable. Look at them in a certain way, ask to buy them a drink or use a pick up line on them and they lose their shit, they're creeped out or feel assaulted. They've basically made courting impossible, so guys are just like "Fuggit".
I would've went with Vivek. It also takes the minority crap away which is what the left always plays but I guess he has his reasons.

Still, it wouldn't matter. Trump is polarizing. No one who was undecided is going to vote for Trump cause of the VP pick.

2024 is the last stand for the Republicans when it comes to the presidency. I don't think they will ever win again but I know they certainly won't if Kamala is given this election. In 2028, there's not going to be anyone in the GOP who generates the enthusiasim enough to offset all of the illegals.
I get it some don't like Vance, but as VP, He can't do much damage. I think Trump likely has high level cabinet positions waiting for guys like Vivek, Ben Carson, etc.
This is work of propaganda art. Trump is dumb says the Associated Press cause he doesn't understand 'code-switching'.

Kamala says the article is 'an adroit code-switcher' hahaha

That is why she uses all those voices.


The first two paragraphs are incredible. Imagine writing that Kamala has 'range'...'dexterity':

From the article:

Kamala Harris has range. She can grill nominees for the Supreme Court or meet with foreign dignitaries, then pivot to hosting a Diwali celebration or dancing enthusiastically alongside an HBCU-styled marching band.

It is a dexterity that Harris, the first Black woman and Asian American to serve as vice president, developed as a person of color to navigate the corridors of power or Main Street in a nation where race and identity influence how one is received or embraced.
In other words, she's mastered the art of being fake and pandering. That's precisely what it is, no matter how they try to contrive a new catchphrase or attempt to create some scholarly explanation for what she does. It's pandering.
Stop falling for this stupidity.

The "one-drop rule" has its roots in slavery and unconstitutional miscegenation laws and white supremacy, and it descended into the eugenics movement. Anyone who tries to say Kamala is "black" is feeding into that construct. Rush Limbaugh tore Obama apart for saying he called himself black because society told him he was. Rush's response was, "why don't you renounce it then?" This entire issue is nonsense and Trump is right to call attention to it.
Obama calling himself Black is essentially disowning and disavowing his mother and rejecting half of his biological makeup. same for Harris or any other Bi-racial individual. If you are bi-racial, just admit that, there's no reason you can't embrace all that went into making you who you are.
No, it wouldn't. The left has attacked Vance for wanting more white children in America, despite the fact that his wife is Indian and they have 3 biracial children.
Where did they even come up with that nonsense? Sounds like more propaganda they just pulled out of thin air. What did Vance ever say or do that lead them to concoct that conclusion?
Utterly insane and infuriating. If this athlete has male chromosomes as reported, then this is a total outrage. I can’t imagine how devastating this must be for this Italian female competitor.

Here’s the ESPN story on how the IOC is upset about the way these XYers are being “abused”.

Where did they even come up with that nonsense? Sounds like more propaganda they just pulled out of thin air. What did Vance ever say or do that lead them to concoct that conclusion?

It's "white supremacy" to want to be buried with your family ancestry in Appalachia.

And this is hilarious, but sad... really is incredible what the left has done to us; they should be solely and routinely mocked every time they open their arrogant foolish mouths... this is all nonsense.