How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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That looks like an open casting call for "VILLIAN" in a B level superhero movie.

Dr. Disinterested

Two Gender

Ex Lax Luthor

Mr. "You can show a drive-in movie on my forehead" Man

(I should probably just delete this, because the nail at the foul line is kicking my ass in the humor department tonight. I'm starting to doubt myself now. Not that he isn't always funny, but I thought I was number one, and doubts are starting to creep in.)
I’m a comic nerd & your post, along with that collage of weirdos, inspired me to attempt a few off the top of my head.

Monkey Pox-A-Lypse
The Abomination (no need for change)
The Ped-dler
Bizar-reeeeeeeeee (Superman)
The rest can be the Groomers Of The Galaxy
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I’m a comic nerd & your post, along with that collage of weirdos, inspired me to attempt a few off the top of my head.

Monkey Pox-A-Lypse
The Abomination (no need for change)
The Ped-dler
The rest can be the Groomers Of The Galaxy
They're all LOL


Woki, Tranos and Dragneto are inspired. LOL
  • Haha
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Yeah, Merrick you do dumbass.

(I like how the NYPost used a pic of Garland looking dumbfounded).

From the article:

Attorney General Merrick Garland suggested Tuesday that his lengthy legal career makes it unlikely that he illegally appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith to investigate alleged crimes committed by former President Donald Trump.

“For more than 20 years I was a federal judge. Do I look like someone who would make that basic mistake about the law? I don’t think so,” Garland said in an interview with “NBC Nightly News.”

The attorney general noted that his “favorite room” in the Justice Department is its law library to hammer down the point.
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This is simply the conflation of illegal iwth legal, not just spurious, but dishonest.

It's the exact opposite of random, but glad you are willing to respect the definition of random unlike illegal.

You could only have been born to your parents; your DNA is unique and could only have come from them. Any deviation in the events that led to the copulation that produced you would have produced someone else, i.e. a sibling.

As explained aboev, it could not be luck, but even if it wase, your conclusion does not follow: it is, of course, spurious. You not having agency in the choice of your birth is not relevant.

It is neither an excuse, nor is the difference between illegal and legal merely a semantic one, but definitional. You judgmentally falsely accuse others of hypocrisy as part of your schtick, never seeing it in yourself... where it's everywhere.
A completely legalist argument that's obviously insufficient on its face. Not everything legal is good and not everything illegal is bad. Half the thread would be posting 'SlaVErY!' if you were a liberal.
You explained none of it. You just said it's wrong vut i have 100s of years of proof. Turns out the harder you work, the higher the odds you'll have a good life.

That's not true about working on narcotics. They get drug tested regularly and fired if they're dirty. What little mining jobs the libs left behind are too precious to risk.

They get tested because its mandatory for insurance and other liability reasons. Iirc the shift foreman has to visibly look over each person before they go underground to also verify they aren't intoxicated or visibly unable to perform.

So apparently you don't know as much about mining as you think.

Even so it all goes back to my original point: regardless of race in the free market you can make a nice life if you work hard and have personal accountability. Handouts poison work ethic and ambition but they do produce votes, which is why libs love them.
We're tested occasionally, but most things only stay in your system for a few days. You have no idea what you're talking about lol. You've obviously never had to grab a cleanse from a head shop to beat a test before.

Now, back to the actual substance. As we've been over repeatedly, there're far more factors that determine success than just hard work. Doesn't matter how hard you work when there's no opportunity. Economic interactions are a two-way street between individuals and society. A 100% completely self-sufficient pioneer alone in the wilderness "can make a nice life" absolutely. But that isn't an economy or economic interaction. 'Why doesn't Egypt just grow more food? If only they'd work harder everything would be fine! Spit on that sand enough and corn'll grow! Like America!'

"But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."

But you know, @Lost In FL heard it from rightwing nutbags, so it must be true. 'They love the Constitution so very much and know so very many things about it. The most, some would even say. Our big, beautiful Constitution. In fact, just yesterday one of my supporters came up to me and said I should make Charlie Kirk my VP. And I thought that was a brilliant idea! Someone 30 would make a great VP.'
Another beauty by our leftist friends.

It is not a clump of cells, but you do not establish your right to murder it just by location or dependency. That is reason against abortion, not for it. Namely, the necessity of law to protect the helpless individual from amoral ignorant outside actors intent on murdering him or her.

This is what you support. One day you will know you were wrong. I pity you that day.

No, this is not a coherent argument either, nor does it answer my objection.
Don't like abortions?? Just ignore them like you do school shootings.
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I went over to the rafters today (first time in MONTHS), to see if there was a link to the La Familia/TheVille TBT game, and immediately regretted it. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I panicked and left within 30 seconds. It's horrifying in there.
Blows my mind how many threads there are about Cal on there. Some dumbass has a thread on there asking how Cal would do with the Arkansas roster at who gives a shit? Lol.
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You having any trouble seeing tweets all of a sudden? All are saying unavailable on here for me right now

EDIT: Never mind, seem to be working some of the time now.
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We don't ignore school shootings. You ignore all of our solutions because they aren't the one you want.
On school shootings:

For 25 to 30 billion dollars a year (which is pocket change), you could end public school shootings.* Not reduce, eliminate.

I've outlined this plan on here for years.

*(shootings by a student, teacher, administrator, support staff, parent, visitor, in a public school building)

Now, do you want to end them, or do you want to whine about gun control that is never going to happen?

Fund my plan, and they're gone. Period. (provided they follow my plan)

Let me know when you (the politicians) are ready to do this, and we can make it happen.

Until then, STFU about it.

On abortion:

As far as abortion, with respect to Roe v Wade and the Federal Government.

They're out of it, as they should be. It's up to the states. If you have a problem with abortion laws, take it up with your state.

SCOTUS has made it clear, that the Federal government can't endorse or ban abortions. Constitutionally, it is not a matter for the Federal government to decide. So the candidates, Federal politicians, and those that feel one way or the other about it on here; need to STFU about it.

To summarize: none of us should have to endure any further discussions on here (with respect to the Federal Government) about those two topics.
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