How will they rule ??!

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FTR the HCQ thing was the biggest gaslighting operation of the whole covid experience.

As someone with a family member who has lupus, I knew about regularly taking HCQ for years. When the media was coming out acting like it was this borderline experimental drug that may kill as many people as it helps, I knew what the game was. Seriously, they hand HCQ out like candy in Africa. Women take it while pregnant. People take it for decades straight. The most serious complication is eyesight deterioration…which occurs after years and years of use.

Just another example of the media being shameless liars. And what kind of people will just accept what they say
HCQ is not fish tank cleaner just because there is a common component. Just like table salt and the drug they use to execute people aren’t the same because they both have sodium in them.

Read my other post. HCQ is unbelievably safe and has been given to millions of people for decades. There are currently 5 million active prescriptions for it in the US alone. The paper in the Lancet about terrible side effects for COVID was retracted due to flawed data.

This info is so easy to obtain
The fact that you believe all of these 'covid deaths" is crazy considering how they marked everything as covid. Also, go look at the age demographic of who was most affected.

It's crazy that you think the governmet gives a crap about you getting the sniffles. These people unleash unvetted third people people and drugs into our country and couldnt' care less. Couldn't care less to clean up streets or care to stop an illegal from killing and raping American citizens but you think they were just super concerned for your safety and had no ulterior motive whatsoever?

You guys will do anything if it comes from the Democrat Party and Big Pharma. You question nothing no matter how many times you guys are shown to be wrong.
You're just wrong. COVID deaths were undercounted. If hearts were weakened by the virus and the patient suffered a heart attack, it would be counted as a heart attack.
They all lock-stepped in unison with their fascism without a shred of scientific studies to back it up. It was clearly orchestrated. Btw when they count it as a covid death when people die in motorcycle accidents etc because there is a lot of federal healthcare money involved, I become extremely wary of their numbers. They lied about nearly everything almost every step of the way. This entrenched unelected cabal in DC deserves no respect and they damn sure do not deserve to be believed at face value for just about anything anymore. Weird how I never had any experimental mrna shot and I'm still kicking. Must be "duh syence." 🤪
Your "clearly" doesn't do away with the need for evidence. You can't just make accusations. And your examples aren't supported.
No. You idiot. I never made that claim. I refuted YOUR claim that being an nba player is 'purely physical' and 'nothing to do with mental.'

I know reading is hard for Village Idiots, but try harder next time.

You seriously stupid dumbass.
Number 1..... You NEVER answered the question because you know I'm right.
Number 2....NEVER said it has NOTHING to do with mental abilities. I said that physical skills/talent is MORE important than mental skills regarding the NBA draft choices.
Only a mentally challenged person like you would argue the opposite.

Now answer the question mental midget.
Who do you draft first for your NBA center position?

A. A 5'3 dude with an IQ of 160.
B. A 7'3 dude with an IQ of 90.

Make your pick "IQ is more important than physical skills in the NBA" clown boy. 🤡
HCQ is not fish tank cleaner just because there is a common component. Just like table salt and the drug they use to execute people aren’t the same because they both have sodium in them.

Read my other post. HCQ is unbelievably safe and has been given to millions of people for decades. There are currently 5 million active prescriptions for it in the US alone. The paper in the Lancet about terrible side effects for COVID was retracted due to flawed data.

This info is so easy to obtain
I trust the scientists/doctors more than social media and a reality TV star President.

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Is anyone else being repeatedly ask to "confirm your account" and locking you out? I have had to do this at least seven times even after confirming the email account.

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So Turtle “created” the KY Pub Party eh? Do you have documentation or evidence of that claim? He single-handedly rescued the state Republican Party?
No, I don't keep those type documents. When MM became Jefferson Cty JE, Dims controlled Legislature 76-24 & 28-10. 4/6 House members were Dim & the other Senator (Ford) was Dim. Pub numbers have only risen since then. No one else has ben in power that whole time or close to that whole time since then. You have a better choice? (Note: I don't expect you'll answer. You're another that just likes to throw random questions out.) As for single-handed, it's a gotcha question.

From ever so rightwing Politico:

"Since he entered Congress in 1985, and especially since he assumed his first leadership position in 2003, he has left his mark on key legislation moving through Capitol Hill and reshaped the federal judiciary. He has also become known for a ruthless but effective way of getting things done in Congress.
We reached out to scores of top political thinkers and congressional insiders to ask what they think is the single most consequential way McConnell has changed Washington. Their answers spanned a wide range, from normalizing obstruction and shielding Donald Trump from accountability to serving as architect of the Kentucky Republican Party and reshaping the courts. Some said he broke the Senate; others said he saved it. Whether their appraisal of his impact was positive or negative, every participant agreed that we will be living with the Washington that McConnell made long after November."

"McConnell didn’t merely shift rightward once he reached the Senate in 1985. His determination to put party (and his own power) over country undermined the Senate’s bipartisanship and institutional effectiveness, which fed the partisanship and polarization that ultimately destroyed the GOP as a responsible, governing-minded party."

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You moron, being against the Vax mandates is NOT being a coronabro.

Good Lord
Then you had no business labeling me such. But honesty isn't your strong suit, is it?

Trump & Vance do love themselves some "vax" treatment, don't they? Aren't you seriously worried they're going to keel over from taking them? Why not?
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I think our government that represents the people should look similar to the people it represents. If some form of DEI is necessary to make that happen, then that's ok by me.
Should every decision be based on DEI? No. But If 50 percent of the population is people of color... All of their government representatives shouldn't be 100 percent white either.
DEI is not rocket science and it's not evil.

It definitely isnt rocket science that much is for sure. People should be judged on talent and contribution/production alone.

Hiring or school admission by dei is epically bad on its own, but electing or appointing leaders based on anything other than ability is one of the dumbest ideas of all time.
Why is Trump saying if he wins the election people won't be able to vote anymore after that?? That doesn't sound very free or democratic. I'm confused here.

What does he mean by no more voting if he gets elected this time?? Because voting and having free elections are the cornerstone of our democracy.

For the next three months (and after that if you prefer), every time you hear something and think “man that sounds like a crazy thing for someone to say,” check the actual source video, and make sure you see the words in context. That applies equally to anything the media claims was said (or not said) by Trump, Vance, the democrat presidential candidate and vp candidate (when this are finally determined).
I think our government that represents the people should look similar to the people it represents. If some form of DEI is necessary to make that happen, then that's ok by me.
Should every decision be based on DEI? No. But If 50 percent of the population is people of color... All of their government representatives shouldn't be 100 percent white either.
DEI is not rocket science and it's not evil.

Yeah its not evil to you because it makes you feel like Daddy Warbucks. Does the teacher exercise the same ideology when he hands out grades to his students? Racist mindset that people of color aren’t capable of achieving the same positions and accomplishments white people do through their own merit and abilities. Why do you assume this?

Is it to justify your upcoming vote for Kamala? Literally the poster child of a DEI hire.
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I trust the scientists/doctors more than social media and a reality TV star President.

You absolute imbecile. You linked two GOVERNMENT websites and a Mayo Clinic page that literally says the FDA doesn’t recommend it. So all your links are government sources. Once again, SCIENCE DUDE doesn’t even read his own links.
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The Patriot Act spying you're referring to was passed under W and got more votes from Republicans than Democrats in both houses.

Yeah you nailed it. This thread is a haven for very stable geniuses.
So how do you recommend we go about making sure voters are actually eligible to vote?
Where did that question come from? Instead, why don't you state that you expect everyone to re-register? All I did was state that that's what I think would be required. You disagree?

But instead, you have to attack.
Where did that question come from? Instead, why don't you state that you expect everyone to re-register? All I did was state that that's what I think would be required. You disagree?

But instead, you have to attack.
Attack? I asked a simple question.
It takes compliant morons for police to enforce this. There are plenty of them. See the Kentucky State Police under Andy Beshear.
That’s why the “back the blue” stuff is so ridiculous. You can be anti criminal without blindly supporting cops.

Most police have shown that they are just order takers and will do anything they’re told. They’re the state’s muscle. They all comply.
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Why? I already gave what I thought. Since that wasn't good enough for you and you didn't give your own view, it's an attack on my answer.
Oh my goodness. Just stop. Ok for others out there, how do we make sure that those that will vote are actually eligible to do so?
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