How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Get ready for the DNC candidate that walks on water! SO POPULAR! AMAZING! HISTORIC!

Thanks for saving Democracy, Dems. You know, by prosecuting your opponent, trying to get him off the ballot, trying to kill him, and then installing a candidate that none of your voters voted for .
Time for Trump to hammer away on the border. The message is simple. Kamala was given the border as her responsibility to address, and subsequently millions upon millions of illegal immigrants invaded the country. And then we subsequently have the numerous rapes/murders carried out by illegals.

Game. Set. Match.
Can we acknowledge how absolutely sinister and diabolical the Democrat Party is? If you didn't already know with cheating, prosecuting their opponent, trying to kill him, and likely colluded in the COVID crap---- they KNOWINGLY put in motion AFTER THE PRIMARY to sacrifice Biden and then install who they wanted.

Trump isn't going to be allowed to win. We all know this, right? This is House of Cards stuff.
Happened to be flipping thru the channels and landed on ABC. Nothing but a bunch of female reporters. They've mentioned Covic upteen times and 'historic' in talking about Kamala. How the blacks will rally around her.

Black men won't (at least the considerable number that have flipped to Trump)

Latino voters will trend even more strongly for Trump (because they have a lower opinion of Kamala, than they did of Biden) (Which could have an impact in New Mexico) I also think Trump will now get New Hampshire and the overall win in Maine.

But, depending on her VP choice, blue collar workers in the rust belt, that were still in Biden's camp will move to Trump. There is no way they're going with Kamala.
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I can’t wait to see how the liberal media will contort themselves to paint Kamala as an exceptional Presidential candidate. She won, what, like zero primary races when she ran 4 years ago? And exactly what are they going to cherry pick from her record as VP to run on?


It’s all goong to be about how it would be “historic” if she wins… “shattering racial and gender glass ceilings,” and what not.