How will they rule ??!

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Love that scene. Not a better symbol for a scam artist to be found than a Bible salesman. Genius.
We get it, you don't believe in God or Christianity and think anyone who does is an idiot. So why do you care so much about us poor, uneducated and misinformed people? I mean does it hurt you that bad that we are so wrong?
Another comment I saw in regards to the assassination attempt that I hadn't thought of yet...

"He bought a ladder hours before the rally, which implies he had some reason to believe the roof he wanted to gain access to would Not have a law enforcement officer on top of it. Where did that belief come from, and why was it correct? "

What an amazing coincidence that two days before he is to receive the nomination and that Jill Biden is in the area and gets his SS team instead, and no one guards the one place with a straight shot at Trump.

I 1000000% percent believe this admin/intel agency was behind it.
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Any leader worth a shit would have reached out almost immediately after a travesty, especially one of their own events, you know because that's a quality people typically like in a strong leader. You really think Trump isn't reaching out because he has the forethought of letting families grieve? LOL.

Trump has already been shown to be out in public already with his ear pad on, so dealing with his own issues is a piss poor excuse, scout.

Go F I said before, you're a dipshit.

Former President Trump will attend the funeral of the firefighter who was killed during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania last Saturday, according to reports.

During the rally, Trump was nearly assassinated when Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire from on top of a roof, grazing the president’s ear and ultimately killing Corey Comperatore.

The New York Post reported that a source close to Trump was asked if he would be attending the father of two’s funeral a week after skirting death, and he was told, “of course he is.”

The widow of the volunteer firefighter also told the Post on Tuesday that the former president called her and was "very kind," a report says.
We get it, you don't believe in God or Christianity and think anyone who does is an idiot. So why do you care so much about us poor, uneducated and misinformed people? I mean does it hurt you that bad that we are so wrong?
Never read his posts but they all hate people with joy in their hearts since they have none and are too lazy to go get it.
The interaction of gun, bullet, and person are all observable physical phenomenon that will be gone over in court. People aren't convicted in America for praying someone else to death. You don't get to admit into evidence that God killed them with magic.
You have no answer for the complexity and precision of the universe except to bury your head in the sand. It's quite evident to any reasonable person with a working brain that there is a God. You deny it because you WANT to deny it. You have zero evidence to claim there is no God, and you blithely scoff at others for not backing up their claims. But you will not engage. You dodge scientific responses to your silly claims and just jump to the end of the thread and spout more nonsense. It's an intellectually dishonest, lazy, and weak position. You're not even smart. You're just a child throwing a tantrum because God isn't molded the way you want Him to be.
We get it, you don't believe in God or Christianity and think anyone who does is an idiot. So why do you care so much about us poor, uneducated and misinformed people? I mean does it hurt you that bad that we are so wrong?
You vote. Many of you directly on said Christianity. On that very page were quotes from our possible next Vice President about Christian dogma. This directly affects all of our lives.
You vote. Many of you directly on said Christianity. On that very page were quotes from our possible next Vice President about Christian dogma. This directly affects all of our lives.
Our side doesn't assassinate Presidents. Yours does. So either you're a total dipshit or you really want your murderous band of fellow travelers in charge.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) became the latest Democrat to call for President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race on Wednesday.
“[Biden] has been one of the most consequential presidents in our nation’s history, and his lifetime of service as a Senator, a Vice President, and now as President has made our country better,” Schiff, a close ally of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said in a statement to the Los Angeles Times.

“But our nation is at a crossroads. A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November,” he added.
Schiff, who is running for U.S. Senate in California, said the “choice to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone,” adding that Biden should “pass the torch.”

“That’s Nancy using her drone, it’s the SAME as Obama using Clooney,” a Hill aide told Puck, referring the George Clooney’s New York Times op-ed calling on Biden to drop out.
You vote. Many of you directly on said Christianity. On that very page were quotes from our possible next Vice President about Christian dogma. This directly affects all of our lives.

You may not know this, but ALL voters "vote" according to their personal beliefs. And that directly affects all of our lives. Or have you not been paying attention for the last 4 years?
Imagine having to tell your ancestors that everything they built and worked for was just given away so easily...both here and in Europe.

i live in a ohio town about the same size as springfield. we haven’t seen this surge yet but it’s only a matter of time.


Is it normal to report a 20 year old missing in less than a day? 🤨

You’ll never get the truth because they have scrubbed his social media, and probably had a manifesto.

Scrub schmubb..

When you take a headshot at a former President, and the current odds on favorite to become the NEXT President, a manifesto seems redundant. You've clearly made your opinions known.
You have no answer for the complexity and precision of the universe except to bury your head in the sand. It's quite evident to any reasonable person with a working brain that there is a God. You deny it because you WANT to deny it. You have zero evidence to claim there is no God, and you blithely scoff at others for not backing up their claims. But you will not engage. You dodge scientific responses to your silly claims and just jump to the end of the thread and spout more nonsense. It's an intellectually dishonest, lazy, and weak position. You're not even smart. You're just a child throwing a tantrum because God isn't molded the way you want Him to be.
Evolution. Many very complex structures have been shown to have arisen directly from simpler ones. The same appeal to basic reasonability works the other way too. Which seems more likely, that complex things arose very slowly over a long time from other, simpler things? Or that this whole universe, our bodies made up of billions of cells that all perform myriad different complex functions, quasars and stars and nebulae and comets, fusion and fission and gravity, everything we can see and hear and touch, all just popped into existence fully formed in an instant 'cause someone flipped a switch? I know which seems more likely to me.
You may not know this, but ALL voters "vote" according to their personal beliefs. And that directly affects all of our lives. Or have you not been paying attention for the last 4 years?
That was my point. And many in America are staunchly Christian. So it affects all of us. What about that did you not get?
Scrub schmubb..

When you take a headshot at a former President, and the current odds on favorite to become the NEXT President, a manifesto seems redundant. You've clearly made your opinions known.
Probably that Trump wasn't 'conservative' enough by your own metric. All indicators point to this being a hardcore Libertarian, close to anarchist. Want me to quote your scale back at you?
Ruh Roh. The Butler county Sherriff just said there were ZERO officers on duty at the event. There were just 7 traffic officers that were in the area and some ended up assisting. He went on to say that they were NOT responsible for securing the area and that anyone that says or reports it is lying. Wow.

Cheatle was just caught in a blatant lie.

Can't have any local cops getting a whiff of the plan......
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Very fair points. It’s also fair to say that the revealing has already happened and some don’t know about it.

I simply know this: I’ve never seen or heard of a better teacher of how to live than Jesus. How other cultures reconcile their beliefs with God is up to them.
Still doesn’t help to answer why a “loving god” would be cool with so much of his creation burning forever because he’s so narcissistic to think that people can go against their natural instincts he gave them and somehow believe wholeheartedly in something they can’t see or touch.
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Shooter feels that Trump is not right-wing enough.

Shooter wants to kill Trump, insuring that Biden will be re-elected.

Biden is exponentially less right-wing than Trump.

I see your point...
I don't think someone who's extreme enough to shoot a former president in a suicide run much cares about the incrementalist difference between Trump and Biden in the 2024 election, do you?
I don't think someone who's extreme enough to shoot a former president in a suicide run much cares about the incrementalist difference between Trump and Biden in the 2024 election, do you?

You're the one that posited that he picked the target based on where Trump lands on the political spectrum. "He wasn't right wing enough." I just pointed out that that doesn't make any sense, logically speaking.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) became the latest Democrat to call for President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race on Wednesday.
“[Biden] has been one of the most consequential presidents in our nation’s history, and his lifetime of service as a Senator, a Vice President, and now as President has made our country better,” Schiff, a close ally of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said in a statement to the Los Angeles Times.

“But our nation is at a crossroads. A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November,” he added.
Schiff, who is running for U.S. Senate in California, said the “choice to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone,” adding that Biden should “pass the torch.”

“That’s Nancy using her drone, it’s the SAME as Obama using Clooney,” a Hill aide told Puck, referring the George Clooney’s New York Times op-ed calling on Biden to drop out.

The man who they claim “will undermine the very foundation of our democracy” is going to win a democratic election and they cannot let that happen?
Evolution. Many very complex structures have been shown to have arisen directly from simpler ones. The same appeal to basic reasonability works the other way too. Which seems more likely, that complex things arose very slowly over a long time from other, simpler things? Or that this whole universe, our bodies made up of billions of cells that all perform myriad different complex functions, quasars and stars and nebulae and comets, fusion and fission and gravity, everything we can see and hear and touch, all just popped into existence fully formed in an instant 'cause someone flipped a switch? I know which seems more likely to me.

Evolution, as a theory, is being hotly debated and those within the field are calling for something new.

The Big Bang suggests all matter, space, and time popped into existence. Science just isn’t supporting your conclusions. Even your speculations about what and how are not science.

Face it, your belief system is based upon your gut.
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You vote. Many of you directly on said Christianity. On that very page were quotes from our possible next Vice President about Christian dogma. This directly affects all of our lives.

It’s amazing to see the people who are responsible for supporting the murder of babies and immoral sexual deviancy take issue with Christian dogma. The examples of biblical truth shine through you all in ways you’ll never comprehend.

Still hoping you figure everything out and grow before it’s get too late.
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You're the one that posited that he picked the target based on where Trump lands on the political spectrum. "He wasn't right wing enough." I just pointed out that that doesn't make any sense, logically

Ruh Roh. The Butler county Sherriff just said there were ZERO officers on duty at the event. There were just 7 traffic officers that were in the area and some ended up assisting. He went on to say that they were NOT responsible for securing the area and that anyone that says or reports it is lying. Wow.

Cheatle was just caught in a blatant lie.

Can't have any local cops getting a whiff of the plan......
I just saw/heard that. That police commissioner was not happy. How in the world does she not have the decency to resign?
Still doesn’t help to answer why a “loving god” would be cool with so much of his creation burning forever because he’s so narcissistic to think that people can go against their natural instincts he gave them and somehow believe wholeheartedly in something they can’t see or touch.

Read the Bible with that very question in mind. I believe it explains it.
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Love that scene. Not a better symbol for a scam artist to be found than a Bible salesman. Genius. A racist Christian, the perfect one-eyed monster.
Juxtaposed against the broader story (that you perhaps missed) of an agnostic who sneers at faith until he is forced to realize that his fast talking doesn’t provide all the answers and ends up on his knees begging for a miracle.

Sound familiar, Karl?