How will they rule ??!

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What’s funny is I’ll never forget when I began to study study political science at college and the professor asked how many in this room are classical liberals. Everyone raised their hand, and then we began to learn how backwards most people’s terms are. Of course, none of them were classical liberals as that’s essentially the opposite of a left wing ideologue. lol.

I try and stay away from the term “liberal” today and use the term American modern left. Western liberal values are a great thing and shouldn’t be confused with them. It’s a new class on the political spectrum, and they’re dangerous for any free society. They will lead to full government takeover because the founders in academia who began to push these ideas believe America is an extremely evil place and want their belief to be validated. They don’t go where the evidence takes them, they create the evidence and act.

It’s simply the new Marxist element in hiding, of sorts.
Study political science in college? WTF? Anyone learns more here about politics than in any college course. What an F-ing joke.
Pigeons dont.

I dont have enough faith to be atheist.
I’m not like a strict atheist. If God came down tomorrow and was like ‘Yo’ I’d be all about Him. I base my position on current understanding. Which that would update. Every “atheist” I’m ever met or talked to is the same, we’re not hardcore unbelievers in the same way you’re a believer. Pure faith, in anything, is evil.
Let’s fill out Trumps cabinet:

Carson- surgeon general or HHS
Scott and Donalds -too valuable in their current positions

Help me finish
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It was a FBI staged setup. What they do best. Create a patsy so the feds can sell a narrative.
Did the FBI stage the jury, trial, conviction and sentencing too? 🤡

When you consider all of the evidence we have at our disposal, the likelihood that complex life formed spontaneously on this planet is the more rational one. Given, as I said, what we currently know.

Abiogenesis is built on nothing but faith. So, it's hard to take an atheists POV about those that believe in a creator very seriously.

See what I did there?
Let’s fill out Trumps cabinet:

Carson- surgeon general
Scott and Donalds -too valuable in their current positions

Help me finish

Some stuff he probably doesnt have because its too inexpensive

Woodford Double Oaked
Eagle Rare
Buffalo Trace
Balvenie 14yr Scotch Carribbean Cask

Should've asked how much room he has left in it first.
I’m not like a strict atheist. If God came down tomorrow and was like ‘Yo’ I’d be all about Him. I base my position on current understanding. Which that would update. Every “atheist” I’m ever met or talked to is the same, we’re not hardcore unbelievers in the same way you’re a believer. Pure faith, in anything, is evil.
Then I believe yalls "term" shud be agnostic. That sounds more like what ur referring to than Atheist. (This is me coming across this comment without a dog n the fight and just tryna correct terminology).
Then I believe yalls "term" shud be agnostic. That sounds more like what ur referring to than Atheist. (This is me coming across this comment without a dog n the fight and just tryna correct terminology).
Issue is agnostic implies you’re questioning. I’m not. I have a pretty good idea about things based on the realms of scientific knowledge. There would have to be some obvious proof to counteract the current preponderance. Which is absolutely possible, but not likely. So “agnostic” seems lame. If you tell someone you’re agnostic in America they generally assume you’re a lapsed Christian. While technically correct it isn’t usually more practically correct in terms of quickly conveying concepts.
Ah, the fallback position- that God is a renaissance painting. That people who question narratives are somehow deluded. The irony here is thick.
Question narratives? You’re being fed the ultimate narrative. God is not real. He does not care for you. There is no reward when you die. All these things have been made up to keep you in line. The most successful made up narrative in the history of mankind.

Yep. Musk announced earlier. All over local news. Good for ATX. Good for Texas.
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Study political science in college? WTF? Anyone learns more here about politics than in any college course. What an F-ing joke.
not gonna come close to saying there’s not some truth in there especially for modern day issues. Had a really great couple of professors and more Marxists. My favorite worked in congress and the white house. He was in the governors mansion with Huck in Arkansas. The stories of what his family went through coming behind the Clinton’s are extreme. They feared for their family 100%.
  • Haha
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Question narratives? You’re being fed the ultimate narrative. God is not real. He does not care for you. There is no reward when you die. All these things have been made up to keep you in line. The most successful made up narrative in the history of mankind.
You guys are so ignorant it’s almost shocking if I wasn’t so used to it. Keep thinking that, I feel sorry for you. I know it because I have a personal relationship with him. You will regret these decisions man hope eventually you reach out.
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Hadn't seen that till I saw your post. That is great news.

Yep I think we finally got a break here. He shouldn’t have fallen to 7th. Still need to fire Mozeliak I don’t know what Dewitt is waiting on. He’s been a good owner and it could be worse but Mozeliak totally got in his head and we just can’t get rolling because of it.

Father being a registered Libertarian is very interesting. Extremely few of those. Plenty of people call themselves Libertarian, very few actually register as it. Roughly .3% of the population.
Really? What does He tell you?

That’s a long story buddy and I’d rather not plaster it in the political thread lol. If you had genuine interests I wouldn’t mind explaining it all outside of here. He intervened in my life I was very lucky to whiteness some things that showed existence that cannot be explained any other way. I began to pray for a personal relationship with him afterward and everything began to change. Through some of these situations it even changed the opinions of some atheist in my family as well as my belief system so it wasn’t just me that had a transformation. I’m very lucky I probably wouldn’t be here had it not happened. Everything is in his time you’ll do great.
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Father being a registered Libertarian is very interesting. Extremely few of those. Plenty of people call themselves Libertarian, very few actually register as it. Roughly .3% of the population.

It’s laughable that anyone would believe this kid was anything other than a nut leftist. Registering in Pennsylvania is literally meaningless. Where the money goes is always the truth. Not to mention the small detail that he wanted Trumps head on a plate. It wasn’t Biden he was interested in.

The gaslighting from the media about being a registered republican when they know it isn’t true is just gross. Some of them can hardly conceal their intentions when they say it, their body language and expressions are fairly obvious. To me regardless this was a hit brought on by the left and media, they knew they were sending signals for an assassination.

I will say that I’m not a conspiracy guy, I just don’t believe grand conspiracies can be kept from exposure, the more that know the more it grows. But for the first time the evidence here does lend itself to the possibility this really was a hit of something more sinister / deeper. It’s just an extremely bizarre case.
It’s laughable that anyone would believe this kid was anything other than a nut leftist. Registering in Pennsylvania is literally meaningless. Where the money goes is always the truth. Not to mention the small detail that he wanted Trumps head on a plate. It wasn’t Biden he was interested in.

The gaslighting from the media about being a registered republican when they know it isn’t true is just gross. Some of them can hardly conceal their intentions when they say it, their body language and expressions are fairly obvious. To me regardless this was a hit brought on by the left and media, they knew they were sending signals for an assassination.

I will say that I’m not a conspiracy guy, I just don’t believe grand conspiracies can be kept from exposure, the more that know the more it grows. But for the first time the evidence here does lend itself to the possibility this really was a hit of something more sinister / deeper. It’s just an extremely bizarre case.
Did his HS classmates just make up all the stuff about him being staunchly conservative then? Or you think he did a drastic 180 in the last two years? While being into gun culture enough to have dozens in the house, go shooting with his Libertarian dad often, and buy youtube gun merch.
Did his HS classmates just make up all the stuff about him being staunchly conservative then? Or you think he did a drastic 180 in the last two years? While being into gun culture enough to have dozens in the house, go shooting with his Libertarian dad often, and buy youtube gun merch.

Well, classmates aside, I think he made his preference fairly clear, when he tried to blow Trump's head off. I mean, there is THAT.

It doesn't seem that we have a very clear picture of where his head was at, in the two years since HS and when he climbed up on that roof. We know that the extreme left/Democrats have historically been more prone to start shooting political opponents.

You have to admit, that a staunch right wing conservative or libertarian would be acting against their own interests by killing Trump. (Unless you think the sole motivation was to martyr him, which seems superfluous, since Trump was already the favorite to be elected)
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Well, classmates aside, I think he made his preference fairly clear, when he tried to blow Trump's head off. I mean, there is THAT.

It doesn't seem that we have a very clear picture of where his head was at, in the two years since HS and when he climbed up on that roof. We know that the extreme left/Democrats have historically been more prone to start shooting political opponents.

You have to admit, that a staunch right wing conservative or libertarian would be acting against their own interests by killing Trump. (Unless you think the sole motivation was to martyr him, which seems superfluous, since Trump was already the favorite to be elected)
Not at all. Many Libertarians hate Trump. You saw what happened at their convention I'm sure. If his dad is actually registered it's very likely he's hardcore, like I said only .3% of the electorate. Tiny. All signs point to this being extreme rightwing right now. Could absolutely change as more comes out, but that's how it's looking at the moment.
Not at all. Many Libertarians hate Trump. You saw what happened at their convention I'm sure. If his dad is actually registered it's very likely he's hardcore, like I said only .3% of the electorate. Tiny. All signs point to this being extreme rightwing right now. Could absolutely change as more comes out, but that's how it's looking at the moment.
Cuckoo for Coco Puffs.