How will they rule ??!

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Women really have no business being in control of anything like this.

Why am I reminded of this quote when I read Cheatles comments-

" this point what difference does it make..."

Add in Pelosi's "failure" (as if it wasn't all planned and orchestrated by her and others) as head of the Capitol Police on Jan 6th and it makes a very poor sample
Yeah which is so stupid because we are more affected at a state level than federal. After 2020, you’d think people would see all that a governor could do🤦‍♂️

Louisville, Lexington and Paducah vs the state.

Plus the governor can win with 800K votes but Trump will have over 3M in votes.

It’s just different.
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I'd like to know how Kentucky has voted red in every presidential election since 2000 but votes for a Democrat as governor. So Lexington and Louisville can out number the state for governor but not president?
It may sound like a strange concept but sometimes voters cast their vote for the candidate and not the party which is the way it should be. So when Bevin committed political suicide by going against state employees retirement they voted for Beshear. This election Cameron wanted to spend his time talking about what a bad job Andy had done instead of saying what he would do.
I'm most certainly not of the McCain/Romney/McConnell mold. The GOP have been losers forever, content on losing; weak, and cave to the left all the time. We need saboteurs completely pushed out of the party.
I like the Vance pick for VP.

I barely know anything yet, but so far from today I’d think he is hand picked to be the guy willing to stand up to the BS liberals spew.

Thats all we want right now as republicans. Don’t fight the way they want you or the way they pigeon hole you with racism and as the rich people candidate.

Fight them the way you have to which means being dirty too. F em!
Totally agree with your last sentence. Get dirty with them and stomp a mud hole in their ass. It’s past time to take the gloves off.
I’ve seen speculation about secret service being pulled from Trump to provide more security to Joe Biden.

What I haven’t seen asked is who made the decision, while Joe was resting at their house in North Shores, that his wife should go campaign near Trump to give a plausible reason to water down his security detail.

Curious when both events were scheduled.
The prosecutor in the manafort case expected a pardon so he filed his forfeture as a civil case so the bitch don't get any of his money back. And NJ already prepping a state case to lock his ass back up.
** KA -- BOOM**

You are again dismissed.
** KA -- BOOM**

You are again dismissed.


Still amazing to me the picking and choosing of who is and isn’t prosecuted in Washington. The entire concept of no violence in politics is to limit the concept of a people taking their country back from the criminal element. No criminal politician wants to end up like Mussolini and that’s the truth. Which I don’t blame them, id rather go to prison rather than be drug through the streets.

You know this country has been completely propagandized when guys like JFK, Reagan, and Trump are seen as assassination worthy but the Clinton’s, Bush’s, and Obama’s have never even experienced a paper ball thrown their way.
First... lol. I mean, how can anyone with reason and logic try to argue this? It's like we're two different species or speaking two completely different languages.

Second, if you sincerely believe this is true, then it's not a huge leap of logic for it then to follow that it was God's will that for JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. that the assassin's shots were pure and true?

On second thought, don't worry about responding. Genuinely not worth it. This board is frustratingly entertaining though.

I think you know the answer to your first question and why you cannot see this is possible.

The poster believes in a God that interacts with His creation. Something I gather you do not. Within that context, his post is not illogical. Not hard to understand.

Your second conclusion is actually illogical. To say that God intervened, He must always intervene is not logical.
It’s incredible. I’m assuming people on this board that say God kept Trump alive likely went to church all their life. And they think God actually put his hands on Trump like he’s our savior? It’s insane. If God chooses Trump to be our savior, then we have way bigger problems and you have to question Gods judgment.

Weird comment and not one someone who has read the Bible would make, even if they don’t believe the Bible.
So let me get this straight. Cheatle said the roof of the building where the sniper was located was too dangerous for agents because it’s sloped. Yet, the building where the SS agents were located in close proximity to Trump had a far more sloped roof? Make it make sense?

Talked to an ex Secret Service agent of mine- at a minimum the sniper’s building should have had its line of sight blocked. And to blame local law enforcement is pretty pathetic. Resign!
Where did matter come from? Anti matter, even though noone can prove its existence and cant create it; so it's basically make believe. Where did anti matter come from?

Thats the part that gets me about atheists. Don't want to believe in god? Ok no problem. However dont act like believing in god is stupid when you believe in the exact same thing just call it something different.

Ant matter and god are literally the exact same concept just called something different.
LOL I love when idiots talk about things they don't know anything about. Antimatter is regularly produced every day at CERN. "The first antihydrogen was produced in 1955 by a team led by Walter Oelert." "Antihydrogen was first produced by ATHENA in 2002, then followed by ARTRAP in 2004, at a typical rate of 100 antihydrogens a second." "In June 2011 they trapped 309 antihydrogen atoms, up to 3 simultaneously, for up to 1,000 seconds."

So does this prove atheism for you just like if we had experimentally observed God? Or you just moving the goalposts again?
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LOL I love when idiots talk about things they don't know anything about. Antimatter is regularly produced every day at CERN. "The first antihydrogen was produced in 1955 by a team led by Walter Oelert." "Antihydrogen was first produced b ATHENA in 2002, then followed by ARTRAP in 2004, at a typical rate of 100 antihydrogens a second." "In June 2011 they trapped 309 antihydrogen atoms, up to 3 simultaneously, for up to 1,000 seconds."

So does this prove atheism for you just like if we had experimentally observed God? Or you just moving the goalposts again?
“Regularly produced”
Where did God come from then?

What? Again? If you paint a painting, are you confined by the properties of the painting? (To avoid confusion, the correct answer is “no”)

Even non-believers should know that the properties of this world, including time, matter, and space, did not exist at some point (point - just using our limited language as well as I can), according to scripture and the current predominant scientific theory. Asking where anything outside of creation “came from” is inane, because we are bound by all of creation’s properties cannot imagine what being unbound would be like.
What? Again? If you paint a painting, are you confined by the properties of the painting? (To avoid confusion, the correct answer is “no”)

Even non-believers should know that the properties of this world, including time, matter, and space, did not exist at some point (point - just using our limited language as well as I can), according to scripture and the current predominant scientific theory. Asking where anything outside of creation “came from” is inane, because we are bound by all of creation’s properties cannot imagine what being unbound would be like.
That last sentence sounds eerily like Kamala.
  • Haha
because we are bound by all of creation’s properties cannot imagine what being unbound would be like.
False. What would constrain our imagination in that way? I can imagine plenty of things that aren't real. Dragons, unicorns, you having a brain. Imagination is not constrained by reality.
Thats my concern. If trump was younger i wouldn't care because he fits trumps personality and is exactly what he wants. Trump is 78 and spent most of that life going 100mph. He might be in better shape than bjden but its a coin toss if he'll make it 4 years.

So this vp pick really needed to be someone who could either deliver a battleground state or run the country (preferably both but not sure that person exists).

Also agree vance wont be the man 4 years from now. There are some very talented people coming up in the gop for a change. Plus that talent is finally also a group that wont back down. Who knows though.

Vance appears to be very smart, a solid communicator, and Trumpian in personality. Trump has single-handedly changed the GOP. He picked a 39 year-old who, along with some others, seems to represent the future of the GOP, as Trump would have it. Saying Vance won’t be the nominee in three years is a total crap shoot comment. Given the events of this past weekend, the fact that things change quickly and unexpectedly should still be apparent. Guessing what happens in three weeks is hard enough. 3-4 years? Anyone’s guess.
Given the events of this past weekend, the fact that things change quickly and unexpectedly should still be apparent. Guessing what happens in three weeks is hard enough. 3-4 years? Anyone’s guess.
It's all complete BS. You don't "investigate the shooter" first. You get Trump OFF the stage and THEN go from there. I just am having a hard time believing they are that incompetetent when it happened just days after both Biden and Majorkis are thorougly embarrassed, publicly.
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