How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Personally, I would hope that everyone that was pro-lockdown, masks, any of that nonsense, if they had the gall to celebrate the 4th yesterday, that the fireworks exploded in their face, or blew off some fingers.
Saw where the kid who plays b'ball for Harlan County (teammate of new recruit Noah?) lost a couple of fingers. Some type of firework/firecracker went off, supposedly even before he lit it (??). Was care flighted to Lexington. About 5 members of the UK team went to see him yesterday.

Because they are allowing unregulated immigration from 3rd world countries and muslims have 4 kids and native born Europeans have 1.3. If current trends hold, Britains major cities will all be muslim majority in just 10 more years. Enjoy being a progressive leftist with muslims. I know you guys love to love them but they are what you think Christians are.
Remember seeing an interview with Peter Townsend of The Who about 5-7 years ago about all the immigration/Muslims in London. Was NOT a fan at all of it. Seems that he was thinking of moving out of the country....he could see the writing on the wall.
And I'm sure that Pete is no conservative, right wing nut job.
Maybe take some time to read up on what you’re voting for instead of just owning the libs.

First you say it represents Trump, then you claim him denouncing it proves it represents him. So…yea, you’re a special one.

You are deranged and if I remember correctly from previously engaging you, you have a disturbing view on children.
yeah, you all see what is happening here. The DNC has put out the talking points for the mindless leftist NPCs here to talk about a non-Trump agenda to distract from Trump47 Agenda. All came here in lock in step with their master’s narrative to spread the bullshit. Same time, same exact messages. None of you leftists here are capable of thinking for yourselves. Just useless wastes of oxygens. No human value. Just worthless.
Don’t you have a pride rally, save Hamas terrorists, or climate change march/protest to attend today?

My god teaches good and forgiveness, yours teaches you to sexualize children….
I haven't really seen anything from you to suggest you follow Christianity with any sort of fidelity in terms of the "love thy neighbor" aspect. I think you and most on this thread use it as a tool to try and control people different than you.

Wait, is Trump actually God? That might clear up a few things if so.
Saw where the kid who plays b'ball for Harlan County (teammate of new recruit Noah?) lost a couple of fingers. Some type of firework/firecracker went off, supposedly even before he lit it (??). Was care flighted to Lexington. About 5 members of the UK team went to see him yesterday.

Remember seeing an interview with Peter Townsend of The Who about 5-7 years ago about all the immigration/Muslims in London. Was NOT a fan at all of it. Seems that he was thinking of moving out of the country....he could see the writing on the wall.
And I'm sure that Pete is no conservative, right wing nut job.

I may never hold another firework again.

I haven't really seen anything from you to suggest you follow Christianity with any sort of fidelity in terms of the "love thy neighbor" aspect. I think you and most on this thread use it as a tool to try and control people different than you.

Wait, is Trump actually God? That might clear up a few things if so.

😂😂😂. Twink did the meme

I haven't really seen anything from you to suggest you follow Christianity with any sort of fidelity in terms of the "love thy neighbor" aspect. I think you and most on this thread use it as a tool to try and control people different than you.

Wait, is Trump actually God? That might clear up a few things if so.
I’m not a preacher and don’t discuss my faith on a sports message board. You on the other hand do as your leftist beliefs are your religion. A very sick and twisted one.
Love how the left always latches onto to some crazy hare brained idea like Q and now protect 2025 and try to paint all conservatives with that brush. Meanwhile almost no one outside the lefty’s know a darn thing about it.

At the same time, we just point out sh!t you psychos are actually doing and watch you deny or gas light.
It’s all out there in plain English in their plan. But hey sorry you’re too lazy to read.
Telling a lawyer he's too lazy to read. Wow, new level of stupid.

His point, like the rest of us, is NO ordinary day-to-day conservative knew anything about this. You crackheads brought it to the discussion. Their "purpose statement" sounds pretty dam good, but evil marxists can do the same ("if we save one child, it is worth it" they used to say...) with a single statement.

Are their ridiculous items on there? Don't know and not worth our time ... the bad ideas will be shunned and the good ideas kept. That is how it works with checks and balances. Oh yeah, we're dealing with lefties here...your side has no common sense checks and balances anymore ... we end up with shit like the green new deal, mandates, and TLAs banning gas stoves FFS. Is that really why you guys have your panties in a wad? Because you have removed the guardrails from government and now you're scared the other side will no longer use them either??

To the main point ... you crackheads are saying there is EVIL in their plans. What is it? What do you think is evil? Their desire to save the family? What?
It’s all out there in plain English in their plan. But hey sorry you’re too lazy to read.

“Their plan”

Who’s plan?

Trump said it was bullshit. He’s running for president and would be the one signing laws.

Just another one of your stupid lefty hoaxes where you guys know Trump believes the exact opposite of what he says, but only you enlightened lefties can hear the dog whistles or whatever you’re calling it these days.
Okay, currently sitting in terminal E at Boston Logan airport awaiting a fight to Iceland. Scheduled for departure in roughly 2 hours. I may check in once daily upon arrival.

Stayed up in Haverhill, MA last night. Folks up there hang "Trump for President" campaign signs on the fences and in their yards.

Makes ya proud to be American. Y'all please remain ungovernable.
Okay, currently sitting in terminal E at Boston Logan airport awaiting a fight to Iceland. Scheduled for departure in roughly 2 hours. I may check in once daily upon arrival.

Stayed up in Haverhill, MA last night. Folks up there hang "Trump for President" campaign signs on the fences and in their yards.

Makes ya proud to be American. Y'all please remain ungovernable.
Safe travels my friend.
I haven't really seen anything from you to suggest you follow Christianity with any sort of fidelity in terms of the "love thy neighbor" aspect. I think you and most on this thread use it as a tool to try and control people different than you.

Wait, is Trump actually God? That might clear up a few things if so.

Lefties bring up more about Christianity than anyone else does around here. Lol

Most if not all posts by anyone else on here is just responding to some derogatory comment or asinine claim. Y’all are ate up by Christians about as much as you are Trump.
Kentucky is #3 of states most dependent on federal tax **welfare** and Blue states are the least dependent, contributing the most tax dollars to the federal coffers that states like Kentucky live off of.

Conservativism is a failed ideology that wouldn't even exist if socialism wasn't propping it up.

Of course, many that vote red are also single -issue voters passionate about reducing women's healthcare or wanting to bring god into classrooms at all costs.
California has a 50 billion dollar deficit you moron. And socialism...let's talk about what miami looks like compared to what Detroit looks like. Remember socialism is nothing more than a band aid, it fixes no problems bc it's solution isn't to fix anything it's just to keep dumping everyone's money on everything forever

KY has been run by democrats for the overall majority of history since ww2.

Let me guess, your talking point is "trickle down economics" even though no republican has ever promoted or said that...its a Democrat invention. Like how they do with everything else, they just make talking points up like "don't say gay" and sprinkle everything with feelings and caring.
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WTF - for the 4th or 5th time. My statement was on them enforcing laws & you respond on them not enforcing them. Your reading comprehension on this sux.

THE USSC just said that if you don't like a law's interpretation that you can sue to see if the agency is right/wrong. That doesn't mean the agencies shouldn't exist. You're saying they should be disbanded when they don't enforce law as you or someone thinks.
Please list the 26 "lies" he told in the debate. That seems to be some sort of liberal magic number. And being conservative, I may be too dumb to pick them out.
Looks like “project 2025” is the next liberal obsession. Just like Q anon, liberals know FAR MORE than conservatives.

Libs will harp on this non stop while 99.98% of conservatives won’t know anything about it, other than what they see on posts of libs crying.
If the libs are the ones out preaching the evils of something before we ever hear about it, I tend to think it’s a false flag.
If the libs are the ones out preaching the evils of something before we ever hear about it, I tend to think it’s a false flag.
I see what the left supports. I frankly do not value anything they say when it comes to policy or what's best for this country. They only care about their team and will support whatever those people tell them to.

You'll rarely see an issue where they're not a total disaster on. What they did in 2020 and what they have done with bringing in migrants and giving us a dimentia patient as our "leader" should be enough to dismiss anything they say.
As TheFrontRunner posted.....

My g'father died from Parkinson's. Even though I was very young, I remember him all of a sudden running thru my Uncle's backyard...jumpin a rather tall fence...and running thru a pasture. Was having hallucinations that something was after him.

Sadly my brother now has it.

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