How will they rule ??!

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It's a tool that will be used for both beneficial and nefarious ends just like all tools. And just like other revolutionary technological advancements before it it will fundamentally change our economy. What is your labor worth when a machine can do anything you can do better and faster?
What "will of the people"? Biden was an incumbent president. There was no primary. Just like always.

There was a primary and the people who knew best how feeble and broken he is kept him in place and did everything they could to thwart the one viable candidate who challenged him. If you think the person who won in 2020 is running the country, you’re nuts. And, you would cry about democracy, but not about how they tried to hoodwink us and how the person elected is not in charge.
This is all false. You need to accept this: people like you are precisely what has led to this figurehead presidency where shadows control a government that’s meant to be of the people.

There’s no homework left to do. You’ve been duped and Trump is the medicine for the deep state.
What’s false? The plan itself that’s out there for you to read?
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Except Trump isn't supporting it and just said he hadn't heard of it until recently. You leftist show your hand too quickly way too often. Like when you say "White Christian nationalism is on the rise" and then just say.... Trump is white Christian nationalist.... LOL... And then you'll say he isn't even a Christian.
I’m supposed to take Trump at his word? When has he ever told the truth about anything?
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Because they aren't enforcing laws.... They are making new laws on their own. Like the ATF banning certain firearms on whim. No law written to give them that right... They just get some lawyers in a room who say "hey, we could pretend these words mean this instead of that and then just do what we want"... That is unconstitutional.
WTF - for the 4th or 5th time. My statement was on them enforcing laws & you respond on them not enforcing them. Your reading comprehension on this sux.

THE USSC just said that if you don't like a law's interpretation that you can sue to see if the agency is right/wrong. That doesn't mean the agencies shouldn't exist. You're saying they should be disbanded when they don't enforce law as you or someone thinks.
I loved it when someone asked a girl in NYC what she thought about the trucker strike... She said she didn't care because she got all her stuff from the store. Some of these young people are so ignorant of how stuff moves across the nation and how our energy grid works and how supply chains work. It's amazing how ignorant most of our population is of common sense ststuff.
Understanding a supply chain isn't political
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The other day I made a post about how stupid lefties are for focusing on the immunity case, while not understanding Chevron getting tossed is far more impactful.

All of us, other than stupid lefties, were celebrating the end of Chevron and the power that took from the executive branch.

And like clockwork, here’s a stupid lefty with no idea what I’m talking about, thinking the people who celebrated the end of Chevron want more power in the executive branch.

I am so happy about Chevron.

I posted about it that day.

However, the demand for lawyers in Washington just increased dramatically (some agencies will be doubling their legal staff).
Because they are allowing unregulated immigration from 3rd world countries and muslims have 4 kids and native born Europeans have 1.3. If current trends hold, Britains major cities will all be muslim majority in just 10 more years. Enjoy being a progressive leftist with muslims. I know you guys love to love them but they are what you think Christians are.
Christians will go “bless your heart” and pray for you if you’re living a lifestyle they don’t agree with. They may even go so far as to not make you a cake. But radical Islamist’s? Not so much.
This board is hilarious. That debate isn’t causing people to change their vote. Half the country is voting Biden and the other half worships Trump. The people who claim to be undecided are either stupid or lying. It’s the same shitty candidates as last time. One was a catastrophe when faced with a global pandemic and the other is old but cleaned up Dear Leaders mess and at least has things moving forward in a positive way economically. Not perfect but still a better option. Trump was always going to win this election though. Nothing changed last night. It’s not like either one of them are good debaters.

Only the Democratic Party would be dumb enough to leave Newsome sitting on the bench when he’s the best option to beat Trump. It’s like Cal not starting Reed and Rob.
Newsome is the worst governor in all the blue states. People are moving out of Cali so fast that the Dems cant fill the void with illegals. $2-3 tax on gas forcing companies to move. Take away La and Silicon Vallet and the state votes Republican. California is not a good place to live unless you are rich.
Spoken like a true slumlord who makes bank off government housing.
At $1500/mo. & no problem filling, government partial support and not (50/50), they sure ain't slums. What's your position on housing for those that can't afford it?
There’s never been a truer post. I’m one who didn’t mind the storming of the capital. It should have been worse than it was. Washington needs to know they aren’t in control of this country, we the people are, but that’s been long forgotten about, a good majority of politicians on both sides are guilty of treason.
Wealth tax scares me to death. I've never made a ton of money but I have invested well and always improved my property.
As if we slumlords don't improve our properties. You're so proud of yourself, so high & mighty.
It's absolutely fascinating seeing the arguments Leftists make.

Just completely vapid and removed from any sense of reality.
Exactly, they’ll blow off the obvious happening right before their eyes as nothing then will proclaim to the high heavens “DRUMPH IS LIDDERLY HITLER AND’s GONNER BE A DEEKTATUR N PUT US ALL IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS!!”
Except Trump isn't supporting it and just said he hadn't heard of it until recently. You leftist show your hand too quickly way too often. Like when you say "White Christian nationalism is on the rise" and then just say.... Trump is white Christian nationalist.... LOL... And then you'll say he isn't even a Christian.

Looks like “project 2025” is the next liberal obsession. Just like Q anon, liberals know FAR MORE than conservatives.

Libs will harp on this non stop while 99.98% of conservatives won’t know anything about it, other than what they see on posts of libs crying.
The other day I made a post about how stupid lefties are for focusing on the immunity case, while not understanding Chevron getting tossed is far more impactful.

All of us, other than stupid lefties, were celebrating the end of Chevron and the power that took from the executive branch.

And like clockwork, here’s a stupid lefty with no idea what I’m talking about, thinking the people who celebrated the end of Chevron want more power in the executive branch.
It’s all out there in plain English in their plan. But hey sorry you’re too lazy to read.
Looks like “project 2025” is the next liberal obsession. Just like Q anon, liberals know FAR MORE than conservatives.

Libs will harp on this non stop while 99.98% of conservatives won’t know anything about it, other than what they see on posts of libs crying.
Maybe take some time to read up on what you’re voting for instead of just owning the libs.

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