How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You can try to label anything you don't like socialism, but it's pissing into the wind. America is one of the most capitalist places on the planet and the rationalization it takes to just hand wave away all of the negatives that happen as 'not real capitalism' is the same hypocritical accusation you throw at Marxist all the time.
Even when he was cogent, Joe Biden was always an absolute POS.

This nonsense about him being a dignified statesman is pure fiction.

His legislative record, and personal conduct have always been atrocious. And the mountains of evidence are out there, for anyone to see.

There were abundant reasons to disavow him LONG before his brain turned to apple sauce.

That is why I have maintained, all along, that voting for him as the lesser of two evils was a fool's errand.
Harris isn’t dropping out for a SCOTUS seat. Her stepping aside is worth tens of millions of dollars cash today, not a few hundred thousand annually and needing to show up to work for the rest of her life.
<iframe src="" width="480" height="360" style="" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
On our Independence Day I make it a point to read the Declaration of Independence. An absolutely brilliant document.

Here’s the text for anyone interested…..

Boggles my mind how far the country has fallen in just 3-4 years.

A little reminder of when we had a President (and an administration around him) who loved our country.....


The contrast is truly remarkable - fours years of incredible peace and prosperity ruined by Covid followed by this administration's coup de grace of corruption and incompetence that has us positioned towards anything from economic or societal collapse to WW3.

Lol...this bitch is nuts.

"I'm not going to gaslight you!"

You can't and won't ever be able to get through to these people who have been gaslit or are doing the gaslighting. They've completely lost the plot; they want to believe the lies they've been told and won't let them go.
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And you blurt out the nonsense that Congress can't create agencies to enforce their laws.
The issue at hand is the 3 letter agencies are, in essence, creating laws that we have to abide by or get destroyed. Add to that, they are corrupt as hell and completely unaccountable when they wrongly destroy our lives.

If someone (didn't say YOU) is cool with that kind of tyranny, then IDK what to say. And there are several on this board that shout for that kind of tyranny.
Yeah I know, you have plenty of billionaires to grovel and fawn over. A whole cast of heroes to cheer and villains to jeer in the little melodrama they put on for you. Keep clapping, seal.
So they deserve their bodies being separated from their heads simply for becoming billionaires? Do you buy shit on Amazon? Musk is probably the most inventive and brilliant mind since the likes of Nikola Tesla, Einstein or Edison. He’s contributed far more to mankind than you or I ever will.
This whole issue China Joe brings up several questions. Do Dims respect elections? History over the last 20 years suggest they do not. Have the primaries been conducted and are they going to respect the "peoples'" decision in those elections? If Joe is unable to run because he doesn't have the mental faculties to run (actual reason: because his poll numbers are destroying the Dim party), then will they remove him from POTUS?

What will be funny is the Dims will concoct some ridiculous explanation and the lefts on here will parrot the story as it is 100% fact and grounded in legal doctrine. Just like they have parroted that Biden is "sharp as a tack" LOL. Write that down, they (Sam and DIon in particular) will believe ANY nonsense the party (cult) throws at them.
If it were up to me they would’ve all been frogmarched to the guillotines long ago. Along with Musk, Gates, Bezos, and the rest, but that’s for another day. You’re new enough in the thread that you don’t know all my posting history, but you’re not dealing with the average Dem here. I’d possibly string up more fascist liberals than you would. I’m closer to Mao on the political spectrum than I am Joesph Robinette Biden Jr.
Pretty fascist of you. Envy will destroy you.
I think the only option they have, minus whacking both, is to try and see if they can get Kagan or Sotomayor to step down amd offer that spot up to kamala.

Not sure her ego will accept. She won't be the first woman SCOTUS, nor black(indian/jamaican) woman.
Nor the first retard.