How will they rule ??!

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Anyone who tells you they were surprised by Biden’s debate performance is either a) lying, or b) an uninformed drive by.

For years now, we’ve been tuning in to see what crazy Joe will do next. From shaking hands with the air, to pooping his pants, to expressing his affinity for young girls, to falling down, it’s been out there for years.

Thursday night, we had him killing Medicare and lamenting sister on sister rape.

The only “surprise” at this point, are the specifics.

The coordination of all the lib networks post-debate coverage (including Kamala pre-scheduled to go on MSNBC and CNN post-debate) was a huge tell.
While Chevron being overturned is absolutely beautiful news, the downside is that the 3-letter agencies will be dramatically increasing the number of lawyers it employs as they both a) figure out how to creatively enforce their nonsense, and b) prepare for endless litigation.

Did you know that even the bank regulators employee “Climate Risk Officers”, as they use junk science to try and force banks to invest money to assess the risk of climate change to their businesses?

Ideally, this stuff just floats away after this ruling, but these people are so crazy, you can expect them to lawyer up and die on this hill.

More of your tax dollars just got wasted.

Now, one positive is that an R president can actually put people at the tops of these agencies with a mandate to dismantle these groups. You don’t actually have to fire people - you just re-assign them to broom closets, etc.

Additionally, Senate confirmation, while preferable, is not even required anymore. POTUS simply appoints an “acting” head of the various agencies to carry out the agenda.

Change is coming. (And I’m not talking about climate change).
The sooner you understand that the Dems are not going to easily hand over power to Trump even if it’s the will of the people, the better you will understand what is going to happen the next 5 months.

They didn't peacefully hand it over last time. They spied, lied, and tried everything to get electors to not cast their ec votes. They succeeded in some cases, causing states to clarify their laws to remove and ambiguity giving delegates a choice.
Yes...but the press let too many horses out of the barn. The Obama tweet was a signal this is the narrative they've gotta run with bc, while they don't care, they'll be some hang up with some ballot laws, etc

Next week we'll be hearing more about how it was just a bad debate, he's actually still doing cartwheels around aides
The Heritage Foundation is saying the D may have trouble getting another candidate on the ballot in Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin. They said only death or 25th amendment will allow it. Don't know if true.
The Heritage Foundation is saying the D may have trouble getting another candidate on the ballot in Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin. They said only death or 25th amendment will allow it. Don't know if true.

There are fast approaching state deadlines. Those are facts.

Even 25th amendment makes Kamala President and she is tied to the super PAC money.

She’s in the pole position and they hate it.

Accordingly, I think Trump goes to prison next month.

At this juncture, I expect Trump to be elected and for his VP to be sworn in on January 20th, unless SCOTUS steps in before then.

The VP (acting President) pardons him (for what he can), but even that is problematic, because he was convicted in New York and supposedly only Hochul can pardon him.

If you thought 1/6/21 was a mess, just wait until 1/6/25 . . .
Re: Glenn Youngkin

I love him as my governor. I believe he is a good, principled man.

But for political purposes, I think he’s happy to reside in the squishy middle, in the name of non-partisanship. (Note: He’s never had an R-legislature to work with in 2.5 years as Governor).

While he was my preferred candidate in ‘21, the caucus system by which he was selected has always been viewed as a little suspect.

My take then was that he was an “establishment” selection being set up for a future presidential run.

If Trump’s election (prison, or not) becomes a foregone conclusion, then the establishment/uniparty becomes that much more invested in his VP selection.

In retrospect, I think we all see now that Pence was a deep state plant, and we “assume” that Trump won’t be fooled this time around.

However, let’s not pretend like they don’t have a knife to Trump’s throat. They can and will send him to prison next month for the rest of his life.

To think they can’t and won’t try and stick him with the closest thing they can to Gerald Ford is more than just a little naive.

And while I don’t think today that Youngkin is Gerald Ford 2.0, the reality is that in general, most politicians are extremely compromised, and who knows what Youngkin (or anyone else for that matter) might sacrifice for a shot at the White House?

And maybe that’s not Youngkin. Maybe it’s Burgum, etc. Who knows? But I am becoming increasingly fascinated by this selection.
Don’t feel sorry for him. He was purposefully destroying this country and American lives way before he went senile.
Just stop with the stupid right wing hyperbole. This country is fine. The sun keeps coming up. There are plenty of jobs for everyone. Unemployment is low. Stocks are high and life goes on with either clown in office. It is a choice between a very old man and a very bad man. Sucks either way.
Re: Glenn Youngkin

I love him as my governor. I believe he is a good, principled man.

But for political purposes, I think he’s happy to reside in the squishy middle, in the name of non-partisanship. (Note: He’s never had an R-legislature to work with in 2.5 years as Governor).

While he was my preferred candidate in ‘21, the caucus system by which he was selected has always been viewed as a little suspect.

My take then was that he was an “establishment” selection being set up for a future presidential run.

If Trump’s election (prison, or not) becomes a foregone conclusion, then the establishment/uniparty becomes that much more invested in his VP selection.

In retrospect, I think we all see now that Pence was a deep state plant, and we “assume” that Trump won’t be fooled this time around.

However, let’s not pretend like they don’t have a knife to Trump’s throat. They can and will send him to prison next month for the rest of his life.

To think they can’t and won’t try and stick him with the closest thing they can to Gerald Ford is more than just a little naive.

And while I don’t think today that Youngkin is Gerald Ford 2.0, the reality is that in general, most politicians are extremely compromised, and who knows what Youngkin (or anyone else for that matter) might sacrifice for a shot at the White House?

And maybe that’s not Youngkin. Maybe it’s Burgum, etc. Who knows? But I am becoming increasingly fascinated by this selection.
Would think Trump with input from his inner circle (Laura, Eric, Don Jr. etc) is not going to screw up the VP pick. So many angles to this pick which is why I think it is such a critical decision Trump has to make. He needs someone who have proven loyalty to him and the MAGA agenda. Not many out there in the current pool of candidates. Too many come lately’s who are clinging on to him for their own personal agendas.
Another way you know there isn't real one has asked who's actually running the country and B. The other obvious thing here...if he stays in the race there's no way if he won he could finish a 2nd term

Right. It’s only people on Twitter.

And of course, those same people have been asking for years, “who is running the country?”

But wait, they already know. The cabal is running the country.

There’s a reason why Barack Obama still lives in Washington when every other ex-President gets out of dodge ASAP.
Would think Trump with input from his inner circle (Laura, Eric, Don Jr. etc) is not going to screw up the VP pick. So many angles to this pick which is why I think it is such a critical decision Trump has to make. He needs someone who have proven loyalty to him and the MAGA agenda. Not many out there in the current pool of candidates. Too many come lately’s who are clinging on to him for their own personal agendas.

Logically, that all makes sense.

But he also endorsed Mike Rogers in the Michigan Senate race and stands shoulder to shoulder with RINO Mike Johnson.

Trump is a mixed bag on these things and now he has the threat of prison hanging over him.
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Would think Trump with input from his inner circle (Laura, Eric, Don Jr. etc) is not going to screw up the VP pick. So many angles to this pick which is why I think it is such a critical decision Trump has to make. He needs someone who have proven loyalty to him and the MAGA agenda. Not many out there in the current pool of candidates. Too many come lately’s who are clinging on to him for their own personal agendas.
He didn't screw up his first VP pick, so no reason to think he would now.