How will they rule ??!

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And here ya go...lower the bar so much for four plus years that if Biden actually has a decent showing once in a while, commentators feel they must lie and makes excuses as to why he didn't just fall over dead. Again, never seen so many of you this terrified of a future debate and a few rules put in place so it's actually watchable. And to be fair, the far left did the same with Trump when he showed a bit of energy. Reason number 1,250 why the far right and far left are just alike and equally annoying.

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And here ya go...lower the bar so much for four plus years that if Biden actually has a decent showing once in a while, commentators feel they must lie and makes excuses as to why he didn't just fall over dead. Again, never seen so many of you this terrified of a future debate and a few rules put in place so it's actually watchable. And to be fair, the far left did the same with Trump when he showed a bit of energy. Reason number 1,250 why the far right and far left are just alike and equally annoying.

Nightwish getting concerned about his upcoming trip to the reeducation camps once Trump wins!
He said this:

"Bonding companies look at our financials", but those balance sheets are "clean because we rent." He admits he owns both but passes it through for tax purposes. Tax purposes being paying less. Like I said, our society is beyond broken when we allow this sort of loophole nonsense, and as seen here not just allow, but think of it as normal and openly brag about as he is. It's evil, if it were someone on welfare abusing loopholes to get more out of the system y'all'd call them scum and want them locked up and the key thrown away, but since it's the petite bourgeois instead of poor people it's totally fine. Clever even. The moral inconsistency of it all is grotesque.
Apples and oranges Dion. The “loopholes” are there and it’s not immoral or “criminal” to use them in order to keep from sending any more of your hard earned money to the wasteful Government than you should. People who do that are harming or affecting no one. It IS immoral though to purposely exploit the wasteful Government that we all pay our taxes to in order to bilk us taxpayers out of more money than they deserve because they choose not to be productive members of society. That’s theft by definition, but it’s a loophole so not illegal, but it is immoral. I have a legal obligation to pay my taxes not a moral obligation. I’m not “stealing” anything by using loopholes. But it all doesn’t matter. You want everyone equally poor and beholden to the government.

What’s your proposed tax plan? What would be a fair tax plan with no loopholes to exploit for everyone? Lay it out for us.
Are you trying to equate that with when jameslee wished rape on a granddaughter?

Maybe he should have said, “almost think he banged your above-age granddaughter, wife, mother, s.o. or life partner.”
It truly is amazing how bad his reading comprehension is. I know what he thinks I said but I didn't say that. I was pointing how insanely his case of TDS is... That it had to be personal... but he's incapable of any kind of step by step thought process. LOL.

And he's 108 years old... I thought it went without saying that his grand daughter would be in her 50's at the least.
Haha. Never seen so much whining over debate rules. Remember the last one? Remember Trump's constant interruptions and then picking a fight with the moderator as if he was being bullied? Everyone agreed it was embarrassing and unwatchable. It's a Presidential debate, not an SNL skit. So much fear here. What'd people like me say in 2020? If you convince yourselves Biden literally cannot speak, think, or walk - if you lower the bar so much that it's a win for Biden if he doesn't drool, that doesn't help Trump. Now Trump may actually debate on issues and not perform for an audience as if he's hosting a roast. You're all showing your hand - you pretend Biden is weak and will be beaten, yet you're riled up over a couple debate rules and probably wondering why you're not getting a debate on twitter with Tucker as the moderator instead lol.

That is what going extreme in one direction does to your mind. You believe everything is against you and if something doesn't go 100% your way (and only your way), then it's a conspiracy and everyone is involved. So here it is, on May 15th, we're already getting excuses about a debate when you all convinced yourselves Biden not only wouldn't debate, but Dems wouldn't allow him to run again. Well, this thread is already 0-1. Here's the next 50 pages of this thread...cheat cheating cheat cheat cheaters cheat!!!

Enjoy the debates!
I bet you didn't even see any whining. I'll bet that you just assumed people were whining and posted this thought piece and really thought you got us old dumb rednecks. LOL. You think we are extreme but you don't seem to understand that you are extreme too. You are extreme in your hatred for conservatives and you really hate any kind of research or reading. I bet I know why you always post your opinion and not a link to article you read.... It's because you don't read anything.
A fully developed piece of land/building subject to a lease with a credit worthy client is an attractive opportunity for certain REITs among other buyers, and the sale/leaseback is a way to monetize the value for the tenant op co.

Hilarious when the Village Idiot pops off some nonsense, amd professionals in the field here set him straight.

Every. Damn. Time.
3rd debate moderated by Joe Rogan. That would be must watch. His loyal viewership would make it the most watched debate ever. Across multiple platforms at the same time. Which is why it won't happen

Trumps cockiness has him stepping into a bear trap once again.

Rigged “debate” where Joetato gets the script in advance, the questions/the answers, etc… deranged Dems controlling the debate, the mics, the mute button, the time, the cameras, lighting, and doing the live fake fact checking discrediting anything Trump says. He takes on all risk with no chance of reward. Be nice if the days of honest debate could take place, but those days are gone.
Of course it is. I campaigned for Bernie twice. He, AOC, and the rest of the progressives are the closest to my ideology in Congress. I’d defend them a thousand times over Pelosi, McConnell, or MTG as they’re actually worth defending. Why it is that surprising?
The crap you and your buddies shove down our throats....

You should really pay us reparations.
He said this:

"Bonding companies look at our financials", but those balance sheets are "clean because we rent." He admits he owns both but passes it through for tax purposes. Tax purposes being paying less. Like I said, our society is beyond broken when we allow this sort of loophole nonsense, and as seen here not just allow, but think of it as normal and openly brag about as he is. It's evil, if it were someone on welfare abusing loopholes to get more out of the system y'all'd call them scum and want them locked up and the key thrown away, but since it's the petite bourgeois instead of poor people it's totally fine. Clever even. The moral inconsistency of it all is grotesque.

I am sorry you are so unhappy and apparently angry. Truly. But, this was your response to what you now apparently admit is lawful use of an LLC which you now characterize as a “loophole” (I am not going down a rabbit hole with you about that characterization):

Yeah, you pay "very good accountants and attorneys" to cheat on your taxes. We heard you the first time. It's bullshit and you should be in jail, not making money. You are a criminal. Far more than anyone walking across the border.

You now admit that it is not “cheating” or unlawful.

If this message site makes so upset that you feel the need to say such things, get away. Do yourself that favor.
  • Haha
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And here ya go...lower the bar so much for four plus years that if Biden actually has a decent showing once in a while, commentators feel they must lie and makes excuses as to why he didn't just fall over dead. Again, never seen so many of you this terrified of a future debate and a few rules put in place so it's actually watchable. And to be fair, the far left did the same with Trump when he showed a bit of energy. Reason number 1,250 why the far right and far left are just alike and equally annoying.

What's wrong with them having drug tests right before they walk on stage?

It is truly amazing how little people seem to care about crimes against children. Let a school shooting happen and they'll yap about banning guns but let a couple hundred thousand kids go missing to sex trafficking and it's crickets.
This isn't even remotely surprising.

People would be MORE surprised if Democrats WEREN'T running a pedo ring.
Did you really just link a 3000 word novella about a Texas school board member?

Your aw-shucks just-passing-info routine is a bore.

3000 words and somehow the author couldn’t list what materials her constituents wanted removed from the school library.

3000 words to say, “school board member found no bad words detected. Move along now, right wing extremist.”
I am sorry you are so unhappy and apparently angry. Truly. But, this was your response to what you now apparently admit is lawful use of an LLC which you now characterize as a “loophole” (I am not going down a rabbit hole with you about that characterization):

You now admit that it is not “cheating” or unlawful.

If this message site makes so upset that you feel the need to say such things, get away. Do yourself that favor.

He just trolls, but this one seemed like all of this was new info to him. He has all of the knowledge of someone who can’t itemize past the standard deduction.

Why have taxes at all? Aoc says the government can just print more money. She says fedgov just borrows money on paper from itself.

Why do they need mine?

He’s true to his commie roots. The only crime he views as punishable by law is over money.
It is only a matter of time till there is a major attack from a foreigner who was allowed to just walk right into the country illegally.

Im starting to think they are wanting the terror attacks for an excuse to declare martial law. Everyone in our intel services are saying it's coming yet they do nothing to stop it... in fact, they spend more and more resources investigating parents at a school board meeting.
Im starting to think they are wanting the terror attacks for an excuse to declare martial law. Everyone in our intel services are saying it's coming yet they do nothing to stop it... in fact, they spend more and more resources investigating parents at a school board meeting.
It all revolves around some form of cheating to maintain and increase power. As a last resort, martial law could cover the cheat quite well.
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** Film at Eleven **
I was assured by the educator that current inflation was only a trifle compared to the Carter years.

I wonder if housing prices increased from 76-80 like they have from 20 to 24?

Spoiler- they did not.