How will they rule ??!

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More commendable is a selfish desire than a sincere heart. Hhhhhhmmmmm. That sheds a great deal on your posting habits here.
Your faith teaches we're all sinners. But we should strive to do good despite that. Unsurprising you're unfamiliar with and critical of a core ideological tenet of your own faith when you generally only wield it as a rhetorical weapon.
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As ALWAYS, you meet my posts with name calling and attacks, and yet, when it comes time to dispute the substance, your silence is always deafening. Everything I stated is true and you know it. But tell me...are you running into a tidal wave of Conservative African Americans over on the conspiracy theory websites and messages boards?

Oh, and as far as Michelle Obama, she may have benefited from Affirmative Action, but I don't know. I know she wouldn't be so hypocritical as to benefit from an Affirmative Action while slamming the door in the face of those that followed her. But then we all know, Thomas has been exposed for his corruption in taking untold bribes and payments to a conservative billionaire.
Wow. I read your first triggered nonsensical sentence and realize that you are both hypocrite and in need of therapy. Your obsession with these claimed conspiracy extremist boards is also troubling. I sincerely think you need help.

As to Obama, you know she did benefit from affirmative action, despite her self-aggrandizing refutation. Read the statistical information Gorsuch provides in the case in response to the off-track dissent and you will see that all AAs at the Ivies benefited, because the percentage chance of their admission was far greater than other groups. Would they have been admitted otherwise? We will never know, because they were not on a level playing field where their race was not a prime consideration. Other applicants that were worthy of admission were, nevertheless, denied. The likelihood that she would be excluded were close to nil. That is a benefit.
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Your faith teaches we're all sinners. But we should strive to do good despite that. Unsurprising you're unfamiliar with and critical of a core ideological tenet of your own faith when you generally only wield it as a rhetorical weapon.
You may teach grammar, but probably should avoid teaching my faith. My faith does teach we are all sinners and that we should place our repentance in the hands of God, seeking His promise of forgiveness.

My faith does not teach that it is more commendable to do anything out of selfishness. Stick to grammar. God can do good with evil intentions. Evil intentions are not good.
Wow. I read your first triggered nonsensical sentence and realize that you are both hypocrite and in need of therapy. Your obsession with these claimed conspiracy extremist boards is also troubling. I sincerely think you need help.

As to Obama, you know she did benefit from affirmative action, despite her self-aggrandizing refutation. Read the statistical information Gorsuch provides in the case in response to the off-track dissent and you will see that all AAs at the Ivies benefited, because the percentage chance of their admission was far greater than other groups. Would they have been admitted otherwise? We will never know, because they were not on a level playing field where their race was not a prime consideration. Other applicants that were worthy of admission were, nevertheless, denied. The likelihood that she would be excluded were close to nil. That is a benefit.
and yet again, with all your typing and name calling, you can't dispute the fact that whatever benefits Mrs; Obama may have accrued through Affirmative Action, she consistently supports Affirmative Action for others while Thomas is just another shameless conservative hypocrite who greedily accepted Affirmative Action for himself but wants to slam the door in the face of others. It's so typical of your flawed.well nonsensical arguments (they really aren't arguments as propaganda pieces-) you'll type all day about how "triggered" I am, but don't have one substantive argument to defend Thomas's behavior.

Oh..and Gorsuch-just another partisan hack, part of the tainted legacy of past our past sexual assaulter.
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You may teach grammar, but probably should avoid teaching my faith. My faith does teach we are all sinners and that we should place our repentance in the hands of God, seeking His promise of forgiveness.

My faith does not teach that it is more commendable to do anything out of selfishness. Stick to grammar. God can do good with evil intentions. Evil intentions are not good.
The "even more commendable" was in reference to the posit of racism, not the self interest. You know that and intentionally distorted the post just for an attempt at a petty insult. Then your disingenuous attempt at moralizing was even turned back on you. None of that reflects well.
Wow. I read your first triggered nonsensical sentence and realize that you are both hypocrite and in need of therapy. Your obsession with these claimed conspiracy extremist boards is also troubling. I sincerely think you need help.

As to Obama, you know she did benefit from affirmative action, despite her self-aggrandizing refutation. Read the statistical information Gorsuch provides in the case in response to the off-track dissent and you will see that all AAs at the Ivies benefited, because the percentage chance of their admission was far greater than other groups. Would they have been admitted otherwise? We will never know, because they were not on a level playing field where their race was not a prime consideration. Other applicants that were worthy of admission were, nevertheless, denied. The likelihood that she would be excluded were close to nil. That is a benefit.
Since you want to discuss Michelle Obama, let's get after it. Mrs. Obama is one of the most admired women int he world, and at least once has been voted one of the most admired women in the world.

She has a great education, and could have easily had a brilliant career on her own, but chose to selflessly put her professional goals aside to be the wife of the most powerful man in the world and a mother to two precious little girls. She navigated her four years with fidelity, elegance, grace and compassion, the role model of what conservatives pretend to believe, but in fact despise. Her memoirs are among the best selling of all times. Despite being physically as well as personally and intellectually lovely, she has been constantly ridiculed by conservatives as being a man or an ape. Interestingly, in cases where specific individuals called her an ape, each one has denied being a racist. Funny how the Republican mind works!

Uhh what? They’re protesting for civil rights after the shooting of a minority so non-ethnic French aren’t de facto second class citizens. Basically France’s version of BLM protests. How does that have anything to do with “open borders and mass migration”? He was a French citizen, not a migrant.
Protesting eh? Is that what you call it? Peaceful protests like how CNN labeled the GF riots?

You clearly have no understanding that many of these people have no intention of assimilating into French society. It doesn’t matter if they are citizens if they refuse to assimilate.
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Protesting eh? Is that what you call it? Peaceful protests like how CNN labeled the GF riots?

You clearly have no understanding that many of these people have no intention of assimilating into French society. It doesn’t matter if they are citizens if they refuse to assimilate.
Welp, there goes the 'We only care about the ILLEGAL part of immigration!!' argument. Now you're openly advocating for violent oppression of a minority segment of the citizenry.
Since you want to discuss Michelle Obama, let's get after it. Mrs. Obama is one of the most admired women int he world, and at least once has been voted one of the most admired women in the world.

She has a great education, and could have easily had a brilliant career on her own, but chose to selflessly put her professional goals aside to be the wife of the most powerful man in the world and a mother to two precious little girls. She navigated her four years with fidelity, elegance, grace and compassion, the role model of what conservatives pretend to believe, but in fact despise. Her memoirs are among the best selling of all times. Despite being physically as well as personally and intellectually lovely, she has been constantly ridiculed by conservatives as being a man or an ape. Interestingly, in cases where specific individuals called her an ape, each one has denied being a racist. Funny how the Republican mind works!

Get off your knees slurping that ass. It's a bad look. I'm not sure I've ever read a grown man fawning over some random person as this.

No person is worthy of the pedestal you just put her on. That's makes me ashamed for you, and you sound like a 13 year old girl writing an ode to Taylor swift.
and yet again, with all your typing and name calling, you can't dispute the fact that whatever benefits Mrs; Obama may have accrued through Affirmative Action, she consistently supports Affirmative Action for others while Thomas is just another shameless conservative hypocrite who greedily accepted Affirmative Action for himself but wants to slam the door in the face of others. It's so typical of your flawed.well nonsensical arguments (they really aren't arguments as propaganda pieces-) you'll type all day about how "triggered" I am, but don't have one substantive argument to defend Thomas's behavior.

Oh..and Gorsuch-just another partisan hack, part of the tainted legacy of past our past sexual assaulter.
Again, you write a lot of nonsense about me.

You should talk to you alter ego, D-Sus, about whether Thomas is commendable or not. D-Sus commends the ill-motived over the sincere of heart. As I mentioned, Thomas was lambasted by liberals for suggesting he did not benefit from affirmative action. Probably by some of the same people who now praise Obama for her self-serving words. He may have later admitted to benefitting, I don’t care (he probably never denied it in the first place, but liberals just lied about him - their racism being most notable with him). What he has done, regardless, is admit that affirmative action is unconstitutional. That does not make him a hypocrite. That makes him intellectually honest.

You have benefitted from things in society that you would like to see undone. If you had the opportunity, you would, I assume, remove those benefits. Knowing your woke nature, I know this is true.

So, what we have learned from all of my writing here is that you are, again, a hypocrite for claiming Thomas has done exactly what you would do in his place (except in another manner).
The "even more commendable" was in reference to the posit of racism, not the self interest. You know that and intentionally distorted the post just for an attempt at a petty insult. Then your disingenuous attempt at moralizing was even turned back on you. None of that reflects well.
Maybe you should write more clearly, rather than repeatedly come back and revise your remarks. Good grammar without substantive clarity is not worth much.
Since you want to discuss Michelle Obama, let's get after it. Mrs. Obama is one of the most admired women int he world, and at least once has been voted one of the most admired women in the world.

She has a great education, and could have easily had a brilliant career on her own, but chose to selflessly put her professional goals aside to be the wife of the most powerful man in the world and a mother to two precious little girls. She navigated her four years with fidelity, elegance, grace and compassion, the role model of what conservatives pretend to believe, but in fact despise. Her memoirs are among the best selling of all times. Despite being physically as well as personally and intellectually lovely, she has been constantly ridiculed by conservatives as being a man or an ape. Interestingly, in cases where specific individuals called her an ape, each one has denied being a racist. Funny how the Republican mind works!

Triggered the sycophant in you. Wow, what a saccharine wordfest.

I am glad you got that out of your system. If she needs a president for her fan club, I sincerely nominate you.
Most people supported Roe v. Wade
Most people thought roe v wade meant outlawing abortion. They weren’t educated. Take a poll in 3 years the people will support the current law over row v wade. This is a compromise and libs need to recognize. Conservatives want a federal law to outlaw. Libs want total freedom to kill the unborn. What better compromise than no federal laws and let states decide? Neither side gets what they want but we adhere to the 10th amendment. If a state can determine whether they implement the death penalty or not they can make this call. Let the people decide.

In the word of LLMs, large proprietary data sets are going to be even more valuable than data was in the past.

All the big players are going to stop third parties from using their data to train and support the third party models.

Musk would be a fool to keep the entire body of Twitter data open for third parties without monetizing access.
This is the answer that everyone should be able to rally around. We send 100’s of billions of dollars to foreign countries. Why?
Since you want to discuss Michelle Obama, let's get after it. Mrs. Obama is one of the most admired women int he world, and at least once has been voted one of the most admired women in the world.

She has a great education, and could have easily had a brilliant career on her own, but chose to selflessly put her professional goals aside to be the wife of the most powerful man in the world and a mother to two precious little girls. She navigated her four years with fidelity, elegance, grace and compassion, the role model of what conservatives pretend to believe, but in fact despise. Her memoirs are among the best selling of all times. Despite being physically as well as personally and intellectually lovely, she has been constantly ridiculed by conservatives as being a man or an ape. Interestingly, in cases where specific individuals called her an ape, each one has denied being a racist. Funny how the Republican mind works!

Unless she aborted them....then they wouldn't have been two precious little girls...right??
Unless she aborted them....then they wouldn't have been two precious little girls...right??
Mc91 mad about everything loves his self fulfilling posts. “ most admire woman in the world”, “voted most admire woman in the world” all self serving horse shit as voted on by MSM and liberal outlets so there’s the source on how great she/he is 🍺
supper tonight, grilled rib eyes, hammered boneless yard bird breast, with kickin chicken seasoning, taters and grilled asparagus. Of course the grill master enjoyed a few "coldies" while cooking...Same dinner with Trump as Prez, retirement pay only, with mush head, part time job as well as selling metal at the metal yard. thanks you mush headed non talking bastid!
Mc91 mad about everything loves his self fulfilling posts. “ most admire woman in the world”, “voted most admire woman in the world” all self serving horse shit as voted on by MSM and liberal outlets so there’s the source on how great she/he is 🍺
Well that was really stupid. Maybe you should learn that making a point through speculation is really not making a point. I hope you'll consider donating your brain to science so scientists can study it and learn what went wrong,
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Uhh what? They’re protesting for civil rights after the shooting of a minority so non-ethnic French aren’t de facto second class citizens. Basically France’s version of BLM protests. How does that have anything to do with “open borders and mass migration”? He was a French citizen, not a migrant.
So you are saying they are "mostly peaceful" Just looting , rioting, stealing killing people? All that peaceful now violent stuff blm and antifa did!!!
Triggered the sycophant in you. Wow, what a saccharine wordfest.

I am glad you got that out of your system. If she needs a president for her fan club, I sincerely nominate you.
Oh no, More insults! Who could have predicted you'd once again avoid the subject by throwing out even more empty attacks? We both know who's really triggered and it sure ain't me.

How it must chafe your behind to look at the Obamas in a loving and monogamous relationship compared to what followed them. No wonder conservatives have to resort to the most vile and inhuman racial slurs, all the while hiding behind "but I'm not a racist."

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