How will they rule ??!

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Democrats have never understood the concept of "Unintended consequences"... but I'd love to know the answer to this:

Well hospitals got multiples times the dollar amount from the gov for Pts on vents. Not only that vents plus remdesivir was the “Covid protocol” that all physicians weren’t allowed to stray from. Sure added to those death numbers to keep the fear rolling along.

Best thing you could’ve done to survive “Covid”was stay out of the hospitals.
parent's job to teach religion not the school

Yes. Parents'job to teach their kids about all values. School teaches them information. That's how it should be. Instead schools teach the religion of wokeness.

Democrats have never understood the concept of "Unintended consequences"... but I'd love to know the answer to this:

Years ago in either this or the covid thread, my estimated guess was most of the pronged lung damage blamed on covid was actually due to poorly performed intubation.

If anyone remembers, the nation gave emergency authorization for basically all respiratory therapy students to be allowed to immediately start work. Most all of these complaints were from early on before the use of over the mouth respirators.

The math definitely adds up
BS. Public schools were never responsible for indoctrination of students on religious beliefs. That is nowhere in any Ky school curriculum.
I have been working in schools for over 30 years and there is no more or less religion than the day I started teaching. It's called separation of church and state.
It is the parent's job to teach religion not the school. NOBODY is keeping ANYONE from going to church every damn day of the week if they want to. What law prohibits parents from praying every day with their child before and after school? What law prohibits parents from taking their kids to church multiple days of the week? What law prohibits parents from posting a picture of the 10 Commandments in every room of their house?? That's not the school's responsibility.
If you wanna see the reason why kids are unaccountable turds who dgaf about God or morals anymore...Take a good look into your neighbor's homes or the mirror.
Quit blaming the reflection of society instead of the root cause.
When I was in middle school in Oldham County back in the early 80's, they had the Ten Commandments in a frame in the main lobby above the entry doors.
BS. Public schools were never responsible for indoctrination of students on religious beliefs. That is nowhere in any Ky school curriculum.
I have been working in schools for over 30 years and there is no more or less religion than the day I started teaching. It's called separation of church and state.

The fact that you are this clueless is really frightening.

The fact that you are in the same building with students is downright terrifying.
Seems to me that someone who is defending himself from a plethora of lawsuits SIMPLY BECAUSE he ran for office as a Republican and to drain the Deep SCeptic should use some of those funds to defend himself. Just a thought
Mother's Day weekend in Chicago....

In total, there were at least 21 reported shooting incidents and 27 shooting victims, which included at least six juveniles. Police said at least six people were fatally shot while one person was stabbed to death.

I am sure the libs will be all over this once they figure out what narrative to tie it to.
Seems to me that someone who is defending himself from a plethora of lawsuits SIMPLY BECAUSE he ran for office as a Republican and to drain the Deep SCeptic should use some of those funds to defend himself. Just a thought

I'd agree with that had he actually accomplished any swamp draining. If anything it's gotten deeper since he was elected. And don't get me started on his handling of Covid. Either way, if people want to give a billionaire their hard earned cash so he can not use his own money to pay lawyers, more power to them.
Is that the guy the big wrestler in the 1980s slapped around for calling wrestling fake? I'm bad with faces and names.

Thanks mdl. After the knees and back, the memory is the first thing to go at my age.
You remember(ed) more than me. I barely remember that. A guy by the name of David Schultz. Had to look it up.
WEF “predicts” it.

Two things here:

  1. In my opinion the WEF is nothing more than the cool kids club. I mean who gives a damn what Klaus Schwab says - just look at his background. But if you look at business execs who go to Davos each year, it's really just a flex on "yeah, I'm at Davos - look at me".
  2. Regarding the second point which is the risk of crime. To me, we're at a critical juncture in civilization where we need to slow the eff down and have real policy discussions about the use of technology. In my opinion, the tech is becoming way too powerful. The use cases for some of this powerful stuff should be controlled by democracies and used for the public good. And a lot of it has (think weather tracking, health outcomes, etc.) But right now we're in this Wild West of AI which is going to lead to some serious shit.
Two things here:

  1. In my opinion the WEF is nothing more than the cool kids club. I mean who gives a damn what Klaus Schwab says - just look at his background. But if you look at business execs who go to Davos each year, it's really just a flex on "yeah, I'm at Davos - look at me".
  2. Regarding the second point which is the risk of crime. To me, we're at a critical juncture in civilization where we need to slow the eff down and have real policy discussions about the use of technology. In my opinion, the tech is becoming way too powerful. The use cases for some of this powerful stuff should be controlled by democracies and used for the public good. And a lot of it has (think weather tracking, health outcomes, etc.) But right now we're in this Wild West of AI which is going to lead to some serious shit.

Is it really far fetched to imagine ourselves in a Skynet situation at some point in the not too distant future?
Social media is not free speech you damn lunatics. You are still free to walk out of your trailer and scream you conspiracy bullshit to your neighbors because that is free speech. Social media is a business and they get to decide who their customers are. That's called capitalism. Pretty much the only time I see any tweets is in this board so I give no ****s about it.
In other words, the party that once prided themselves on being the party of the "Rule of Law" now is the party of "If you don't like the law, just don't follow it?"

Sounds like a recipe for a successful society..NOT.
So you’d agree then, that liberal prosecutors that decide to selectively enforce, or not enforce, laws already in effect, and also sanctuary cities who decide to ignore laws are not a recipe for a successful society.
Is it really far fetched to imagine ourselves in a Skynet situation at some point in the not too distant future?

I think we're playing with fire right now. The first shoe to drop is going to be the economic collapse due to white collar jobs getting crushed. The tech is too good. And they're just getting started.

There is no f'ing way that anyone would have been on social media and providing this sort of data for these major tech companies to consume had we known they were going to create AI and wipe out all knowledge work permanently.

My worry is that the people running these companies are pscyhos. I actually think the Google CEO is terrified of what they've created - but feels like he'll be out of a job if he doesn't compete with Microsoft.

This is the role of government, but Biden doesn't understand this and Kamala is drunk. Hopefully the senate and congress get with the program.
BS. Public schools were never responsible for indoctrination of students on religious beliefs. That is nowhere in any Ky school curriculum.
I have been working in schools for over 30 years and there is no more or less religion than the day I started teaching. It's called separation of church and state.
It is the parent's job to teach religion not the school. NOBODY is keeping ANYONE from going to church every damn day of the week if they want to. What law prohibits parents from praying every day with their child before and after school? What law prohibits parents from taking their kids to church multiple days of the week? What law prohibits parents from posting a picture of the 10 Commandments in every room of their house?? That's not the school's responsibility.
If you wanna see the reason why kids are unaccountable turds who dgaf about God or morals anymore...Take a good look into your neighbor's homes or the mirror.
Quit blaming the reflection of society instead of the root cause.
The country had foundational beliefs that bound it together. The unraveling we are seeing should surprise nobody who remembers when it was different. I don’t disagree that the parent should be the one who teaches religion and morality. But the message that religion has no place in the public square is absolutely wrong. It’s as egregious as the notion that the Constitution gives the right to an abortion.
Any thoughts on the KY Repub primary tomorrow?

Would especially appreciate opinions on the non-Governor races...
I think we're playing with fire right now. The first shoe to drop is going to be the economic collapse due to white collar jobs getting crushed. The tech is too good. And they're just getting started.

There is no f'ing way that anyone would have been on social media and providing this sort of data for these major tech companies to consume had we known they were going to create AI and wipe out all knowledge work permanently.

My worry is that the people running these companies are pscyhos. I actually think the Google CEO is terrified of what they've created - but feels like he'll be out of a job if he doesn't compete with Microsoft.

This is the role of government, but Biden doesn't understand this and Kamala is drunk. Hopefully the senate and congress get with the program.

No need to worry. You're right. They all understand it. Congress and senate sold us out decades ago.
This is one reason why the Vegetable spends so much time at his Delaware compound - to shield himself from public scrutiny regarding his visitors.

Remember when the media got the vapors over wanting to know about George W.'s visitor logs to understand who was influencing his energy policy? Imagine the outrage if Trump spent as much time at Mar-a-Lago as BIden does at his place. Yet, we predictably get nothing but crickets from the MSM media over this.
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So you’d agree then, that liberal prosecutors that decide to selectively enforce, or not enforce, laws already in effect, and also sanctuary cities who decide to ignore laws are not a recipe for a successful society.
Exactly. That's the point Thomas Massie was trying to make, but it went waaaaay over MadAboutBlue's head.
I think we're playing with fire right now. The first shoe to drop is going to be the economic collapse due to white collar jobs getting crushed. The tech is too good. And they're just getting started.

There is no f'ing way that anyone would have been on social media and providing this sort of data for these major tech companies to consume had we known they were going to create AI and wipe out all knowledge work permanently.

My worry is that the people running these companies are pscyhos. I actually think the Google CEO is terrified of what they've created - but feels like he'll be out of a job if he doesn't compete with Microsoft.

This is the role of government, but Biden doesn't understand this and Kamala is drunk. Hopefully the senate and congress get with the program.
So now all the coal miners that biDIM told they had to learn to code, are screwed again?
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