How will they rule ??!

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I’d take Trump’s record of policies and results any day, mean tweets and all. America was thriving under his leadership. That’s what is important! Jesus Christ.

We’re going into a very dark place under these leftist ideologues. You touchy-feely voters will reap the results of your misaligned priorities. We all will. Hell, we already are. Yet you’re so deranged that your emotional hate allows you to freely keep walking into the inferno that is destroying us all.
And they do it gleefully. It's a cult mentality they have taken on.

Trump done things they said could not be done.

Peace in the Middle east. Unemployment at record lows. Gas under 2 dollars. America energy independent. Border wall being built. No wars. Lowered prescription drugs. Greatly improved the VA.

My goodness. If Biden did one of those it would be noteworthy. Trumps personality is off putting. His ego is over the top. His mouth opens too much at times.

But man, he did most everything he campaigned on. This country was booming. But folks are so fragile emotionally, they couldn't see any good he did because of their hatred. Still can't.
Might wanna check your facts before making goofy assertions.....
The population in poverty was approximately 45% in 1870, it declined to around 30% by 1910, only to reach about 45% again in the mid 1930's and decline again to near the 30% mark by the early 1950's (Ornati 1955; Hurst 2004).
The official poverty rate in 2021 was 11.6%, with 37.9 million people in poverty. Neither the rate nor the number in poverty was significantly different from 2020. The SPM rate in 2021 was 7.8%, a decrease of 1.4 percentage points from 2020.
Numbers mean nothing, the statistics are useless. What the War On Poverty did can not be measured in poverty rates. The cruelest and worst thing coming out of this was the total destruction of the family. It evolved into government assistance replacing the need for a male bread winner and father figure. Discipline suffered and now we have rampant crime, schools that are war zones, total disrespect for adults and parents. School teachers are required to take the place of the parents especially in the form of discipline.

Generations before this demanded respect and they demanded men work and support their family. That is gone now. If you a problem you are expected to call some social service and they will handle it. Parenting has been replaced and is even frowned up.
Might have already been posted:

Interesting article...from the article:

Among Friend’s allegations:​

  • The Washington, DC, field office is “manipulating” FBI case management protocol and farming out J6 cases to field offices across the country to create the false impression that right-wing domestic violence is a widespread national problem that goes far beyond the “black swan” event of Jan. 6, 2021.
  • As a result, he was listed as lead agent in cases he had not investigated and which his supervisor had not signed off on, in violation of FBI policy.
  • FBI domestic terrorism cases are being opened on innocent American citizens who were nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, based on anonymous tips to an FBI hotline or from Facebook spying on their messages. These tips are turned into investigative tools called “guardians,” after the FBI software that collates them.
  • The FBI has post-facto designated a grassy area outside the Capitol as a restricted zone, when it was not restricted on Jan. 6, 2021, in order to widen the net of prosecutions.
  • The FBI intends to prosecute everyone even peripherally associated with J6 and another wave of J6 subjects are about to be referred to the FBI’s Daytona Beach resident agency “for investigation and arrest.”
  • The Jacksonville area was “inundated” with “guardian” notifications and FBI agents were dispatched to conduct surveillance and knock on people’s doors, including people who had not been in Washington, DC, on Jan. 6, 2021, or who had been to the Trump rally that day but did not go inside the Capitol.

Friend says he was punished after complaining to his bosses about being dragged into J6 investigations that were “violating citizens’ Sixth Amendment rights due to overzealous charging by the DOJ and biased jury pools in Washington, DC.”
Might wanna check your facts before making goofy assertions.....
The population in poverty was approximately 45% in 1870, it declined to around 30% by 1910, only to reach about 45% again in the mid 1930's and decline again to near the 30% mark by the early 1950's (Ornati 1955; Hurst 2004).
The official poverty rate in 2021 was 11.6%, with 37.9 million people in poverty. Neither the rate nor the number in poverty was significantly different from 2020. The SPM rate in 2021 was 7.8%, a decrease of 1.4 percentage points from 2020.
The Great society created huge islands of poverty within the inner city mainly. I really don't know what to tell you if you don't understand that. Replacing fathers with the government was a huge mistake.
To just name a few, before Trump became President he was forced to pay over $2 Milliion in fines for running a fake charity, he paid $25 million to settle lawsuits for running a fake university, he paid over a million dollars in combined fines to New York and New Jersey for violating the law with his casinos, he paid nearly a million in fines to the FTC for illegal trades. Those are just a few of the many legal cases against him that he has lost or settled.. There are a lot more if you want to take the time to look them up. These all happened before he was President, and they are well documented.
The toughest position in politics today in this country may be non-partisan about Trump.

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And they do it gleefully. It's a cult mentality they have taken on.

Trump done things they said could not be done.

Peace in the Middle east. Unemployment at record lows. Gas under 2 dollars. America energy independentareer. Border wall being built. No wars. Lowered prescription drugs. Greatly improved the VA.

My goodness. If Biden did one of those it would be noteworthy. Trumps personality is off putting. His ego is over the top. His mouth opens too much at times.

But man, he did most everything he campaigned on. This country was booming. But folks are so fragile emotionally, they couldn't see any good he did because of their hatred. Still can't.
And unfortunately, that's on Trump. His personality may have doomed us all. None of the career politicians can get anything done because theyre cogs in a corrupt machine. Democrats will cite Trump's issues chapter and verse, but do any of them ask why the net worth of Obama, Pelosi, Biden, etc increase tenfold (or more) while they're in office? Hell no.
Pence had to issue multiple statements saying he wouldn't do it. Here's one: “my considered judgement that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not.”

Trump said multiple times he wanted Pence to do it. A handful of those: “If Mike Pence does the right thing we win the election.” “Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us, and if he doesn’t, it’s a sad day for our country.” “I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOS and the stupid people that he’s listening to.”

No one is criminalizing opinion. Eastman was providing coup theories to Trump. That they then tried to execute. The fascism is trying to overthrow our constitutional republic. You never answered when I asked you how you thought the Oath Keepers seditious conspiracy trial would turn out. Starts Tuesday.
Well the administration is criminalizing opinions by unconstitutional imprisoning Trump supporters on misdemeanor trespassing charges and labeling them Domestic Terrorists for snapping selfies in the Capital building or the fact they are considering Trump supporters as domestic terrorists in general. President gave a whole fascist speech about it and all. The FBI paying visits to people on "anonymous" tips from neighbors they were in DC on Jan. 6th, even if they weren't. Multiple whistleblowers inside the FBI claiming the DOJ is specifically targeting Trump supporters ahead of the election. Oh, and there is the whole "Disinformation panel" this fascist regime wants to put in place and has tried to put in place.
I did not follow a link, but I do not think a special master or a court could require such. If Trump was a plaintiff in some civil action against agents, he would have the burden of proving that to survive dismissal. But, in this context, a third party review of documents cannot require a potential defendant to make his or her case.
Might have already been posted:

Interesting article...from the article:

Among Friend’s allegations:​

  • The Washington, DC, field office is “manipulating” FBI case management protocol and farming out J6 cases to field offices across the country to create the false impression that right-wing domestic violence is a widespread national problem that goes far beyond the “black swan” event of Jan. 6, 2021.
  • As a result, he was listed as lead agent in cases he had not investigated and which his supervisor had not signed off on, in violation of FBI policy.
  • FBI domestic terrorism cases are being opened on innocent American citizens who were nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, based on anonymous tips to an FBI hotline or from Facebook spying on their messages. These tips are turned into investigative tools called “guardians,” after the FBI software that collates them.
  • The FBI has post-facto designated a grassy area outside the Capitol as a restricted zone, when it was not restricted on Jan. 6, 2021, in order to widen the net of prosecutions.
  • The FBI intends to prosecute everyone even peripherally associated with J6 and another wave of J6 subjects are about to be referred to the FBI’s Daytona Beach resident agency “for investigation and arrest.”
  • The Jacksonville area was “inundated” with “guardian” notifications and FBI agents were dispatched to conduct surveillance and knock on people’s doors, including people who had not been in Washington, DC, on Jan. 6, 2021, or who had been to the Trump rally that day but did not go inside the Capitol.

Friend says he was punished after complaining to his bosses about being dragged into J6 investigations that were “violating citizens’ Sixth Amendment rights due to overzealous charging by the DOJ and biased jury pools in Washington, DC.”
@Dionysus444 See this? Criminalizing having a different opinion. Using the DOJ and FBI to target political opponents and their supporters. Something fascists would do.

And is Comey that tall or is Friend that short?
That’s unironically half the thread’s take though.
That isn't true, Most everyone on here at the time thought what happened to Floyd by that Cop was egregious, regardless of how big a POS Floyd was. Most agree that the fentanyl in his system is what actually killed him though, regardless most on here also thought the knee to the neck for that long was a bit much, but deifnitely not deserving of being anointed to near sainthood status and triggering a year of destructive and deadly riots.
Did Trump write the memo himself? Was it a suggestion from his legal team? That's what the phrase "We propose" typically means. Where on that document does it say who produced it? Where in that memo does it say this is absolutely what we are going to do and Trump is 100% on board with it? Is that the stretch CNN took with the memo? The memo also states their reasoning for their proposal was because they felt something about the process was unconstitutional. They are allowed to feel that way, whether right or wrong. Our constitution allows for people to have a different opinion. What's unconstitutional is criminalizing opinions that vary from the government narrative. That would be considered fascist.
I do remember a memo in Brennan's handwriting that was released from a FOIA request. In a mtg with him, BO, JB, JC and HC, before the election, and that is where they concocted the "russian collusion" trope.

Seems like simple citizens making FOIA requests could've shined the light on trumpies takeover. Instead, lawmakers and self-made "kings" are holding "hearings" with the stench of tyranny behind their every move.
I did not follow a link, but I do not think a special master or a court could require such. If Trump was a plaintiff in some civil action against agents, he would have the burden of proving that to survive dismissal. But, in this context, a third party review of documents cannot require a potential defendant to make his or her case.
It's for the list of items being reviewed, not dismissal of the case.

"Judge Raymond Dearie, the court-appointed special master, said in a filing Thursday that Trump's team needs to submit a sworn declaration saying if they believe the Justice Department included any items on their "inventory" of materials taken from Mar-a-Lago that were not actually seized during the search. The declaration must include "a list of any specific items set forth in the Detailed Property Inventory that Plaintiff asserts were not seized from the Premises on August 8, 2022," Dearie wrote in the order."

Direct link to the filing provided.
So the Celtics really suspend their coach for a season solely because he had a consensual relationship with a female staff member? Crazy.

If he really wanted to play that game, he should come out as gay or bi. Instant reinstatement and potential raise.
ESPN did an hour long segment on it today. What happened to all the "private company" bullchit the left cried when twitter suppressed conservatives? Also, the guy was likely the "senior ranking" of the two ... so where is the sexual harassment in the "office" folks? Sort of like turtleneck petrino.

My humble, meaningless opinion on this topic with the little I know about it (and I DO NOT care to look more into it...) ... if the celts have suspended someone before for this behavior OR if it is clearly written into his contract, then they are solid in their move. if not, then they are toast and he will never need to work again.
Retirement funds taking another hit today. This administration and Democrat Congress are determined to make you poorer.
Scared to look at my 401K. I have a small little Acorns investment account that I kinda use to monitor things as a small sample. it's down 16.87 PHUCHING PERCENT this year. And I don't usually touch it. have it set to moderately aggressive and put $20 bucks a week in it. but my +$20 this week turned into damn near -$200. Thinking I should just pull it and put it in savings for now. There aren't any gains I'll have to pay taxes on. If I report a loss do I get tax credit?
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That isn't true, Most everyone on here at the time thought what happened to Floyd by that Cop was egregious, regardless of how big a POS Floyd was. Most agree that the fentanyl in his system is what actually killed him though, regardless most on here also thought the knee to the neck for that long was a bit much, but deifnitely not deserving of being anointed to near sainthood status and triggering a year of destructive and deadly riots.
You know as well as I do that's BS. Gassy posts that he deserved it still to this day. As do others. And that's not even getting into your inaccurate portrayal of the facts of the case.
ESPN did an hour long segment on it today. What happened to all the "private company" bullchit the left cried when twitter suppressed conservatives? Also, the guy was likely the "senior ranking" of the two ... so where is the sexual harassment in the "office" folks? Sort of like turtleneck petrino.

My humble, meaningless opinion on this topic with the little I know about it (and I DO NOT care to look more into it...) ... if the celts have suspended someone before for this behavior OR if it is clearly written into his contract, then they are solid in their move. if not, then they are toast and he will never need to work again.
Hasn't Winston Bennet and Walter McCarty had their issues with this sort of thing as well?
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Show me a billionaire businessman who hasn't had legal issues and had to pay for them.

Compare that to the corrupt democrat establishment pos currently installed in the WH who has spent his life enriching himself and his family on the backs of the American people by using his political power and influence to work deals with our enemies. All swept under the rug by the media with absolutely NOTHING done about it despite mountains of evidence.

They've been investigating Trump since he was elected and every case they've brought against him was a proven manufactured LIE. They actually handed out Pulitzers for reporting proven lies.
Creating a fake University and cheating thousands of people who were trying to better their lives is not normal. If you personally think someone who does this sort of thing isn't a dirt bag, then that is your call.

As for the other investigations, there are an awful lots of people in prison as a result of those investigations. If these were all lies, then why were these people indicted and convicted? The most recent has the Trump CFO admitting to receiving illegal benefits and for tax evasion. He is facing very significant fines and/or jail time. Pretty significant consequences for a lie.
It's for the list of items being reviewed, not dismissal of the case.

"Judge Raymond Dearie, the court-appointed special master, said in a filing Thursday that Trump's team needs to submit a sworn declaration saying if they believe the Justice Department included any items on their "inventory" of materials taken from Mar-a-Lago that were not actually seized during the search. The declaration must include "a list of any specific items set forth in the Detailed Property Inventory that Plaintiff asserts were not seized from the Premises on August 8, 2022," Dearie wrote in the order."

Direct link to the filing provided.
No. I did not suggest it was for dismissal. My comment on dismissal was to state when a court can actually tell a party to prove their position or claim. In the criminal search warrant context, the court cannot force a party to prove a theory prior to the instigation of actual litigation.
I do remember a memo in Brennan's handwriting that was released from a FOIA request. In a mtg with him, BO, JB, JC and HC, before the election, and that is where they concocted the "russian collusion" trope.

Seems like simple citizens making FOIA requests could've shined the light on trumpies takeover. Instead, lawmakers and self-made "kings" are holding "hearings" with the stench of tyranny behind their every move.
They did. The Secret Service illegally deleted them. "Accidentally."
Europeans are generally much healthier and happier. Money isn't everything, thought you religious nuts understood that. Europeans get on average 3x as much vacation time as Americans so they actually have time off to enjoy themselves. The guaranteed minimum vacation for a 1st year employee in the EU is 20 days. and of course in the US it is ZERO. Europeans also don't need as much disposable income because they don't pay for healthcare and most education. The EU has some stupid shit they do but business environment, employee/employer relationship and healthcare is something we fail miserably at.
Yet apparently also fed-up with out-of-control left-liberal policies.

You are still dismissed.
The Great society created huge islands of poverty within the inner city mainly. I really don't know what to tell you if you don't understand that. Replacing fathers with the government was a huge mistake.
There's always been poor people and always will be.
I do think the qualifications for receiving government funding should be addressed. If you get government $$$ for food or housing..... You should have to work for it imo. There's plenty of jobs in a city that need to be done.
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You know as well as I do that's BS. Gassy posts that he deserved it still to this day. As do others. And that's not even getting into your inaccurate portrayal of the facts of the case.
Nope. that's where you're FOS. I think everyone recognized what a merciless, power-happy POS that police officer kneeling on the neck of George Floyd was and is. It was a disgusting display of abuse of power and absolutely inhumane.

The problem was that libs like you destroyed that communal outrage by blaming all white people and all police rather than blaming the POS police officer(s). So, you know, GFY for that.

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