How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Fortunately the company I work for never went down the mandatory vaccine path. They had protocols for if you got Covid and had a mask thing when in the public areas of the building, but never mandated the jab. So I’m still proudly jab free.
"Medicare for all" doesn't mean either of those things because it doesn't exist. And it could mean either one of those things depending on how a bill is written. This is how Republicans spread fake news fear, through made up legislation. It would be very easy to pass a Medicare for all bill that let anyone that chooses to keep the insurance they already have. Or like Medicaid where you are free to purchase additional insurance beyond what is provided. Of course the GoP plan for healthcare is to stick their heads in the sand and pray it away.
This is just like the GoP made up talking points on the green new deal. That legislation didn't do any of the fake news shit they were fear mongering about. It was only designed to begin dialogue on solutions to the problem, it had no actuall enforceable policy. It didn't eliminate cars or cows or planes or require every building to be redone. Those were just bullet points in a memo as a starting point for possible ideas.
I mean domestic relationships vs drunk strangers so definitely. But they were both arguments over politics that escalated to murder. One from each 'side'. Illustrates how divided we are.
And one paid the price with his life, as he should have. While the other walks free on bail. I hope the dudes under some sort of home incarceration and not able to roam freely. He admitted his guilt. He should spend the rest of his life in prison or in the very least be a very old man wen he gets out.
Mayor Gorton's true colors coming out now that abortion is on the table...

“I’m a registered nurse and I come at this from that perspective. I have had a career in nursing over a span of 40 years; it is sacred to me for a patient and a physician to go in the exam room together, close the door and make those important health decisions. The government has no business in that exam room,”

So, she wants abortion on demand without any limitation. Most people in polling have rejected that extreme position. She rejects that voters should be able to protect, for example, third trimester babies from being murdered. Great nurse!
Read the post right above yours. Read it slow so it sinks in. One side isn't prosecuting violent crime if you are a dem but will prosecute nonviolent crime as violent if you are right. I know you won't see it because you are a moderate that isn't "biased"...
Nightwish’s main opinion is that he doesn’t like conservative opinions. The great majority of his posts in the forum are him being triggered over what he perceives as conservatives being triggered. He merely hopes to shame people. Not much more substance that that, usually.
Crooks like Beto and Abrams are and were never going to win anything. But their friends and themselves are getting filthy rich off of running for something every 4 years. The amount of dark money flowing into their campaigns and hiring all their buddies to run for some office is making them a lot of money.
I just wish that if we are forced to look at Stacey Abrams the rest of our lives she would fix those teeth. It is painful to look at, ugly on top of ugly. I doubt she has ever been in a dentist office.
Was Bruce Jenner a six-year old boy who was just playing with his sister's barbie dolls when his parents took him to a doctor to cut off his peepee?

James is more concerned about whether that six year-old will vote as Democrat or a Republican. Oh, wait. No six year-old could possibly have permanently decided such a thing. Sorry.
Anything that shines a light on the reality of crime or reality in general, is called “racism.” Collecting government data showing who is committing the crime? Racist. Having video to show who is breaking into your cars and trying to break into your homes? Well, that’s racist too.

You should blur out the video and just say “local man” or “youths.”
My brother was telling about a TV station reporting on a crime. They said that the criminal was approximately 6'0" tall was wearing grey sweatpants & a navy blue hoody. They just so happened to forget to say that the perpetrator was black. Just another example of why peoples opinion of the media is in the gutter.
Stacey Abrams is dumber than dumb and Georgians who vote for her are sub illiterates. It is scary to think that we have people who would like to see her as Vice-President or even President. I shake my head in amazement and then look at what is sitting in the White House.

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams claimed earlier this week that fetal heartbeats detected at six weeks are “manufactured sound” designed to help men control women’s bodies.
And there are people who will believe that idiocy.
So to summarize, you have no argument that ole Herschel can’t string two coherent sentences together.
Let me explain. It’s kind of like you poking at Christians. He was poking at the Dem bible/playbook that says call people who are critical of a specific minority a “racist.” There, you should be up to speed now.
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I’m playing 7-D chess.

All four, Rex included, are well documented pieces of shit (addict/theif [Rex], animal abuser [Vick], thief [Favre], con man [Trump]) and skin tone or political affiliation has nada to with this.

Rex sucks. He’s a left-wing carnival barker. Pay him no mind. Deleting my Twitter account was the best thing I did. No more wing nuts spouting shitty hot takes with their cult of followers nodding along. This goes for folks on both sides of the aisle.
I am right there with you. I deleted Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and outside of being to brag when my kids accomplish something I haven't missed it at all. To be honest my life seems to be filled with less angst and hate. The only form of "social media" that I have is this place and there are time I question why I even come here. 🤷‍♂️🤣
the appeals court judges that Trump appointed called him a lying little bitch

“Plaintiff suggests that he may have declassified these documents when he was President,” the court wrote. “But the record contains no evidence that any of these records were declassified. And before the special master, Plaintiff resisted providing any evidence that he had declassified any of these documents.”
The whole quote was stupid. No one ever questioned “heartbeat” until laws about abortion were premised upon the “heartbeat.” It is just an excuse to kill babies.
Stacey has never been the brightest bulb in the room but she can raise money. Racism pays $$$$$$$$$$$

But 50% of America now believes the junk out of her mouth including 100% of the liberals posting on this forum.
Same ol’ playbook. Confronted with despicable liberal behavior, he deflects to Trump. I swear I think rattlesnakes have more integrity and are smarter than the average liberal.
It is so predictable. Any mention of a liberal draws them out to attack Trump. It is a joke. There is really no solution to their mental problems
Directly from the memo itself as I stated. Sorry I’ve linked it maybe seven times over the last few years, figured everyone had it. I don’t recognize your screen name, are you new? Anyway here you go, the pdf itself. I always try to work directly with source documents when available.
New? I've been here since 2008 and have 8,000+ posts, but I don't spend all day bickering on the political board lol. Just read so many times the bull that's spewed by you and one or two more and figured I would ask a question.