How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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He is right about all of them.
I read the Federalist Papers and see that James Madison, etc. wanted to elect the President by popular vote. The main reason for going with the electoral college was to overcome the notion of suffrage for slaves which was more diffusive in the north than in the south.

The electoral college bypassed this fundamental difference in opinion whereas the popular vote did not.
Madison does not argue for popular vote in the Federalist Papers. In fact, those papers argue for the electoral college system we have today. While Federalist 68 describes how the President is elected, I think a better choice for understanding the logic behind the system can be found in Federalist 39. Federalist 39 discusses the ratification of the Constitution and the character of government and the logic behind it. This paragraph in particular is quite informative, but I would recommend reading the whole article. It is extremely well written and well reasoned.

"The next relation is, to the sources from which the ordinary powers of government are to be derived. The House of Representatives will derive its powers from the people of America; and the people will be represented in the same proportion, and on the same principle, as they are in the legislature of a particular State. So far the government is NATIONAL, not FEDERAL. The Senate, on the other hand, will derive its powers from the States, as political and coequal societies; and these will be represented on the principle of equality in the Senate, as they now are in the existing Congress. So far the government is FEDERAL, not NATIONAL. The executive power will be derived from a very compound source. The immediate election of the President is to be made by the States in their political characters. The votes allotted to them are in a compound ratio, which considers them partly as distinct and coequal societies, partly as unequal members of the same society. The eventual election, again, is to be made by that branch of the legislature which consists of the national representatives; but in this particular act they are to be thrown into the form of individual delegations, from so many distinct and coequal bodies politic. From this aspect of the government it appears to be of a mixed character, presenting at least as many FEDERAL as NATIONAL features."

The slavery issue was not why the electoral college was created. The electoral college system meant states had to figure out how slave would be counted in determining a state's population and number of representatives.
The slavery issue was not why the electoral college was created. The electoral college system meant states had to figure out how slave would be counted in determining a state's population and number of representatives.
I think the slave issue was tied to the EV decision in that counting slaves 3/5 allowed the South more congressional representation & thus EV's with fewer people voting. I.e., the North bought their acceptance by giving them more power than they deserved. Don't know where that's stated/written, but sure it was on Southerners' minds & helped them to accept Constitution.
It might be a long time before there are 24k people in rupp again.

Maybe for big games but fans are leaving all sports teams, for multiple reasons. This is only one reason. Younger fans don’t care as much and now they’ve insulted the older ones. And not one thing has been done or said that is actually aimed at addressing the roots of the problem.
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If and when COVID clears up, turnouts at sporting events will be at all time highs. Mark this post down. By next football season and basketball season, it is going to be awesome. You have the Name, Image and Likeness legislation as well. I can't wait. I've missed it so much.
If and when COVID clears up, turnouts at sporting events will be at all time highs. Mark this post down. By next football season and basketball season, it is going to be awesome. You have the Name, Image and Likeness legislation as well. I can't wait. I've missed it so much.
You could be right & I'd be happy for you, BUT I think the time off has allowed many to find better things to do & those won't be coming back. Won't affect me. I'd given up before covid hit.
I'm looking forward to returning to normal life. Hopefully much less coverage about politics, I know Biden will not be tweeting all over the place and constantly bringing attention to himself. He plans to immediately extend Student Loan assistance and have Congress immediately cancel 10K in student loan debt for everyone. Hopefully he gets rid of or increases the SALT Cap. Get a handle on this pandemic and again by next sport season, things return to some normalcy. I'm optimistic.
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If and when COVID clears up, turnouts at sporting events will be at all time highs. Mark this post down. By next football season and basketball season, it is going to be awesome. You have the Name, Image and Likeness legislation as well. I can't wait. I've missed it so much.
Not happening. There’s already a new “variant” amongst us and we have to start “Building Back Better” shortly. Your personal freedom is way down on the priority list of The World Economic Forum

It's "Back the blue", not "BASH the Blue over the head with fire extinguishers until they die". Ok? They are not the same thing. I'll draw you a picture if need be.
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If and when COVID clears up, turnouts at sporting events will be at all time highs. Mark this post down. By next football season and basketball season, it is going to be awesome. You have the Name, Image and Likeness legislation as well. I can't wait. I've missed it so much.

Icymi ncaa is tabling nil.

As usual, woke is only words not actions.

To your other point there will still be crowds I just don't think it will be the same for one reason or the next. Putting aside politics, alot of people realize it's pretty great watching at home on a large tv without battling the elements, traffic, and exorbitant cost.

Same with concerts. Why sweat your ass off and be crammed in with hoardes of people paying crazy prices?

Add politics into all that, and a whole bunch of people will begin staying home

Me personally I'll still go most of the time because I really enjoy it. But covid taught me and millions of others - we can do without many things we thought we couldn't.
Biden ... plans to immediately extend Student Loan assistance and have Congress immediately cancel 10K in student loan debt for everyone. Hopefully he gets rid of or increases the SALT Cap.
Those ideas are both wrong, anti-unity. No reason to single out elites wannabes for debt cancellation over McDonalds workers with lower income potential. It would be a profound injustice to the lower classes.

SALT deductions just give the wealthy in high tax states a Fed tax break at the same AGI. Zero reason to do that other than to penalize places & people that prefer lower taxes.

I'd like to know why you think either is good policy.
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It's "Back the blue", not "BASH the Blue over the head with fire extinguishers until they die". Ok? They are not the same thing. I'll draw you a picture if need be.

Antifa/BLM. Bet money on it. If it had be been a Trumper, he would’ve already been doxxed and all over the msm because all of a sudden now Libs/News value cops lives when it means they can demonize Trump. Kinda like you’re doing every other post. ;)
For the mental midgets on the RADICAL RIGHT:

Alive cop = GOOD👍 🙂

If that's too complex, let me know if you need me to break out the puppets. Hopefully this demonstration will stop you Republicans from killing police officers. Doubt it tho.
Those ideas are both wrong, anti-unity. No reason to single out elites wannabes for debt cancellation over McDonalds workers with lower income potential. It would be a profound injustice to the lower classes.

SALT deductions just give the wealthy in high tax states a Fed tax break at the same AGI. Zero reason to do that other than to penalize places & people that prefer lower taxes.

I'd like to know why you think either is good policy.

It's good policy for me and my family and I fail to see how it hurts anyone else. However, I'm not a heal digger so if you can present to me something I may be missing, I can be persuaded to see and accept another viewpoint. I have a rental property in New Jersey and my primary is in Maryland, so the SALT Cap at 10k isn't fun for us. My wife and I both have student loans, mine will be done by April, and hers by next year, but if we can relieve ourselves of it quicker, why would I not? My family income is approximately 290K, which isn't even close to being rich or wealthy, so when they say it only benefits that demographic, I disagree. I look for any and every break we can get. I'm amenable to compromise. Increase the SALT Cap to 20K then instead of eliminating it all.
*update. not on my iphone but is still on my ipad. sorry
Not sure how they could take it off my phone after I’ve already installed it. It’s still on my phone as of this morning. I just thought it could no longer be acquired from the App Store. If Apple were to remove it from phones then they should have a large class action lawsuit on their hands. They have no right to deny me the use of it since I already own that app prior to their making it unavailable.
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It's good policy for me and my family and I fail to see how it hurts anyone else. However, I'm not a heal digger so if you can present to me something I may be missing, I can be persuaded to see and accept another viewpoint. I have a rental property in New Jersey and my primary is in Maryland, so the SALT Cap at 10k isn't fun for us. My wife and I both have student loans, mine will be done by April, and hers by next year, but if we can relieve ourselves of it quicker, why would I not? My family income is approximately 290K, which isn't even close to being rich or wealthy, so when they say it only benefits that demographic, I disagree. I look for any and every break we can get. I'm amenable to compromise. Increase the SALT Cap to 20K then instead of eliminating it all.
How is giving college kids $10K and not the poor non-college attendees good policy? How is not giving those without college debt the same $10K not hurting them (relatively)? It's picking winners - those who roll up debt for college. And that doesn't account for forgiveness of debt encouraging more debt & thus higher college pricing. Very narrow-minded to think only of yourself vs. society.

Of course a SALT cap isn't fun for you with high property & state income taxes. But those are your choices. Move to FL or TX or TN if you don't like them. Or vote for people who would lower them. Why should I subsidize those choices with deductions that favor the wealthy & high tax places? I get that SALT deductions would help you, but that's at the expense of all Fed tax payers. Try convincing 99% of people that $290K isn't wealthy. Your're delusional - and maybe intentionally so here.