How will they rule ??!

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Then your guess is wrong. My answer was the same, at least as it relates to those engaged in looting and violence. ...instead of true protest.

Criminal mayhem on our streets is wrong, Criminal mayhem in our federal buildings is wrong. Both are wrong, regardless of where the participants fall on our political spectrum. It’s a very simple concept. Not sure why it’s one so difficult for Americans to grasp.

However, this was different because the criminal mayhem also amounted to a treasonous insurrection shamefully provoked and encouraged by the POTUS. That is something we’ve not seen before.

What specially did Trump say to incite people to enter the capitol building?
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Collusion was not proved but it wasn’t dismissed either. Russian interference was real. Read the entire report, not the summaries.

Thought you couldn't prove a negative? Russian interference is always real, so is Chinese.
More parties and elections. Removal from office via impeachment and or recalls. There are options within our legal framework.
Of course there are options but conservatives (repubs?) don’t care enough to use them. and judges won’t even hear suits brought by the potus with evidence of a fraudulant election. it will take radical conservatives—if there is such an animal—in all levels of our government to right the ship—which is scarily floundering right now. djt was making inroads in his four years but now it’s back to square one.
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With you there until the end. THe assholes are the people who created this environment to regain power.
They're are plenty of assholes on both sides, yes. This did not happen overnight, and there are plenty of Dems, Reps, and the media on both sides that have stoked these fires for years.

However, Trump threw a match on a tinder pile yesterday and did basically nothing to try to put the fire out. A sitting president threatened the VP and incited a mob to storm the capitol. He's 100% complicit. It was disgusting, and if you still support that man, you need to really do some soul searching about what you are supporting.
As much as he wants to believe otherwise, Bill is not a con law expert. The problem with this thread, and with social media in general, is that everyone thinks they are an expert on everything.

You don't have to be a Constitutional lawyer to read the words in the Constitution. I don't think I'm a Constitutional lawyer, but please explain how the Constitution explicitly stating that only State Legislatures can change state elections can mean anything other than that?

It's plainly obvious what it means, because it says those exact words.
One person vs police is no where comparable to a mob against vs police IN THE CAPITOL BUILDING.
There was also only one shot fired vs 7, 15 or 32.
Good Lord man. You are the ultimate team player aren’t you? That was just an example of how the media paints the pictures. And you buy each and every painting.

I guess you forgot about Minneapolis? Portland? Louisville? Mobs burned down cities, attacked people and police were told to stand down. Your take was quite different back then on mobs of people.

Cities, businesses and family homes were burned to the ground but I guess that was no biggie, people were hurting over media manipulation and it’s not the capitol building and the elite in the mix so who cares?

And to be clear I’m not justifying storming the capitol. I’m not even arguing that no one should not have been shot based on what they we’re doing. Just insane how one’s opinion changes based on who is committing the crime and who is getting shot.
If you are defending or downplaying what happened yesterday, you are un-American.

If you had a problem with kneeling for the anthem as disrespecting this country but are okay with breaking into the capitol, you are a hypocrite

You can oppose both. You really don't have to choose sides. It is possible to judge the conduct on its own, regardless of which side does it.

Social media and msm wants everyone to think everything is binary. It isn't.
I had to actually work yesterday, which seems to be a rarity these days in America. I too would like to know the cliff notes of what he said. Did he tell them to go into the building?
He said the same things he's said in all his post election speeches.
"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
Ashli Babbitt was no patriot. She undid all the good she ever did with her misguided loyalty to Trump. She will be remembered as the woman who was shot in the Capitol. I wonder if she would tell you it was worth it?
How exactly did she undo all the good she ever did? Are you saying she deserved to be shot? Looked like she was just standing there and was not violent.
This post really captures how huge a role the media plays in how we react to things. Personally, I felt anyone looting, trespassing, or destroying property during the BLM riots over the summer were criminals and should be treated as such. I felt the same yesterday. Yet the MSM would have you believe that the two groups are different. They’re not - they’re all criminals.

To quote the great fletcher Reed from Liar Liar - “stop breaking the law, asshole!”
Man it is crazy how people can’t apply the same logic to similar or in some cases identical situations. It’s maddening.
"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

That's not inciting violence or some call to arms. You are propagandized.
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Pence didn't (nor ever could) save you.

I agree, but why couldn't he? What document prevented that from happening? Could he have just ignored it, and the SCOTUS punt on it? If that had happened would the Democrats not be protesting this morning? Of course they would, and DC would be on fire. The same people browbeating today would be in full support.
In 2014 or so, when PC culture was really amping up, my friend and I used to discuss how long it would be before it destroyed the country. It was faster than we ever imagined.

Hardly anyone (on social media anyhow) analyzes situations based on the event itself. First we have to see what color they are, then their gender, then their political affiliation, and finally their religion before a judgment is made. The post above is a perfect example. The headlines about this event are a perfect example. Consistency would go a long way, but there’s nothing consistent about PC culture.

The media and social media are a big reason things are the way they are.
The media and social medis are THE reason things are the way they are! Fixed it.
"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."


So I see a fine people on both sides repeat here.

Did he tell them to enter the Capitol Building?
Bill, if someone commits murder but the police F up the investigation by improperly obtaining a warrant and thus the murderer goes free the murderer is no less guilty.
You can grobble about how a warrant was obtained but that makes the information found no less true.

What info that I stated is not true? Are you saying that a lawyer didn't alter documents in order to hide info from the FISA court? His name is Klinesmith.
The documents have all been released, Page was working with the Govt, the FBI knew this and hid it from the FISA court. They knew he wasn't a Russian agent, and hid it from the FISA court because they wanted access to the campaign.
I had to actually work yesterday, which seems to be a rarity these days in America. I too would like to know the cliff notes of what he said. Did he tell them to go into the building.

It's the same ole bullshit. They make these broad accusations with no proof to back them up. You ask them to get into specifics as to what specifically policy wise do they not like about Trump and the only thing they do is get angry and call you a racist, homophobe, etc. It's really pointless to argue with them.

Until these Dem polices come back to pop their little personal bubble they'll continue to follow the sheep. I know this because I live in an area that got ravaged by Obamas anti-fossil fuel agenda. I never had skin in the game until that happened. Needless to say it opened my eyes.
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That's not inciting violence or some call to arms. You are propagandized.
Don't be pedantic, dude. No, he didn't specifically tell people to break into the Capitol, but he is responsible for that BS with his words and behavior over the last two months, and you know it. His words yesterday were the culmination and led directly to what we saw.

That's a f'ing sitting president saying these things, man.
It's the same ole bullshit. They make these broad accusations with no proof to back them up. You ask them to get into specifics as to what specifically policy wise do they not like about Trump and the only thing they do is get angry and call you a racist, homophobe, etc. It's really pointless to argue with them.

THat's the whole point, create the fascist Hitlerian boogeyman that has no actual basis in reality to distract you from the unparalleled and remarkable successes in policy.

Yes, he doesn't deserve all the credit the same way a coach doesn't deserve all the credit for Doron Lamb 3 pointer or a specimen like Anthony Davis, but the coach is the coach and his decisions matter.
Don't be pedantic, dude. No, he didn't specifically tell people to break into the Capitol, but he is responsible for that BS with his words and behavior over the last two months, and you know it. His words yesterday were the culmination and led directly to what we saw.

That's a f'ing sitting president saying these things, man.

He shouldn't have spoken those words or any words in hindsight. But I'm not being flippant here, I'm completely serious that if you actually believe he wanted any sort of violence as a means to an end, then that belief arises from a distorted worldview.

And that distortion was and is indeed deliberately created as a means to an end. It is those people who are the assholes and they are responsible.