How will they rule ??!

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Am I missing something about the Miss Piggy stuff? This a real story? This is what HC has on him, calling someone names 20 years ago?

Ironic....Hillary and the Clinton admin (looking at your lemon face, James Carville) expertly all the women Bill abused/raped.

Idk, seems an odd choice of hills to die on. She must be worried about weak turnout of women/Latinos and Miss Piggy fit both bills?
Donald Trump Is Often More Hawkish Than Washington Elites

"His “America First” image is a fiction built on lies. Until this election, he was an interventionist who pressed two presidents for more regime changes."

“We should go in and stop this guy which would be very easy and very quick,” Trump said, calling for war so cavalierly that later, he couldn’t even remember that he did it!

And yes, that’s right, while calling for regime change in Iraq, Trump suggested that an invasion of North Korea would also be a good option.

Notice how he talks about it, too. Give him one good admiral and he’ll get it done no problem, like his imagined invasion of Libya, nice and easy. He is dangerously naïve.

That is the worst kind of interventionist."
Over 100 children died in Aleppo this week alone; we could've intervened at various points and easily stopped that from ever happening.

We could've intervened and never allowed IS to form...

We could've not intervened and left Saddam Alone no Isis

We don't want to talk about such things, rather focus on needless drama that means nothing
Donald Trump Is Often More Hawkish Than Washington Elites

"His “America First” image is a fiction built on lies. Until this election, he was an interventionist who pressed two presidents for more regime changes."

“We should go in and stop this guy which would be very easy and very quick,” Trump said, calling for war so cavalierly that later, he couldn’t even remember that he did it!

And yes, that’s right, while calling for regime change in Iraq, Trump suggested that an invasion of North Korea would also be a good option.

Notice how he talks about it, too. Give him one good admiral and he’ll get it done no problem, like his imagined invasion of Libya, nice and easy. He is dangerously naïve.

That is the worst kind of interventionist."

Grasping at straws - honestly, some of this is stuff brought up from 1999 and 2002! Please remember that Trump was a private citizen and businessman. What he said 15 years ago or 2 years ago doesn't matter AT ALL. People change their views and opinions all the time and he didn't have the luxury of being in the loop about the dirty details going on in Libya or Iraq at the time.

Hillary on the other hand - well, she's the most corrupt person to ever run for President and was either intimately involved or solely responsible for many of the problems going on in the Middle East right now.

I can understand people have concerns about his lack of experience or even his temperament. What I can't understand is how people could vote for Hillary with all of the lies, deceit and corruption.
So NO! Only in a way that allows you to say yes at first and back your way into a no.

I did not. I said that "controls" was an exaggeration about what is a clerical function.

The US doesn't own the internet. We didn't invent the WWW. The internet is founded on a set of protocols and courtesies that facilitate computer communication. One of those courtesies is insuring that names and addresses are kept consistent, current, and unique. To prevent confusion, there is a server which is the final referent for that. It isn't power to dictate anything. If the maintainer grows lax or unreliable, others can change a table entry and another server can assume that role. It's literally something that can be resolved in seconds. We currently serve that role (maintain that server) but there is not much more than courtesy that prevents someone in Timbucktu or Vladivostok or Melbourne from setting themselves as the top dog and maintaining their own list.

In my old job, when we'd set up a server or add a user's computer we'd get approval for a name and address from a local authority. Not from the top level. Local authorities are assigned banks of IP numbers for the servers and users in their range. Names and addresses are decided there. Changes to these names and addresses are entered into a local server file and reported on up the chain. If you look at an IP number, there are 4 (or 6) numbers separated by periods., for example. Those numbers are the address of a unique device connected to the internet. (VPNs elaborate on this but that's not really germane here) The local authority updates its table of names and addresses (its DNS table) and then automatically sends this to a local sever further up the chain to the top. (These send back to local servers any pertinent change the local servers might need to know.) It's an automated process. There is no sinister figure at the top It's all machines.

Exactly.. thabks for typing all that out and confirming exactly what i said.

We control naming/numerical rights, which is subcontracted thru ICANN.

The change happening is we will no longer be subcontracting, and ICANN will be in full control.

So yes, you did agree. Because all i said was exactly what you said. Just your dumbass counterpart cant read and had to get his bash in before he splooged on the screen and fell asleep.
Wednesday afternoon, 15 illegals from Mexico and Guatemala, were stopped in Dickson Tn on I-40 and were turned over to Federal Authorites. Wonder what happened to them after that?
Exactly.. thabks for typing all that out and confirming exactly what i said.

We control naming/numerical rights, which is subcontracted thru ICANN.

The change happening is we will no longer be subcontracting, and ICANN will be in full control.

So yes, you did agree. Because all i said was exactly what you said. Just your dumbass counterpart cant read and had to get his bash in before he splooged on the screen and fell asleep.

My point was that "control" has overtones that are inappropriate for such a clerical duty. The only naming over which there is "control" is for top-level domains. edu, com, net, etc. The bulk of these are in existence already. As for the decision on those names, I never took part, but I bet there are committees involved.
Interesting NYT article, admitting Hillary has conceded Ohio. Even more interesting quotes from the state Dem chairman there, who basically blames Ohio not having enough immigrants as the reason.

Am I missing something about the Miss Piggy stuff? This a real story? This is what HC has on him, calling someone names 20 years ago?

Ironic....Hillary and the Clinton admin (looking at your lemon face, James Carville) expertly all the women Bill abused/raped.

Idk, seems an odd choice of hills to die on. She must be worried about weak turnout of women/Latinos and Miss Piggy fit both bills?

Everyone forgets that Hillary used to call Bill's mistresses a bunch of "Nuts & Sluts". So its not like Hillary hasn't degraded women in the past either.

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Everyone forgets that Hillary used to call Bill's mistresses a bunch of "Nuts & Sluts". So its not like Hillary hasn't degraded women in the past either.


Democrats can do that, the liberal media won't talk about that. The media is only concerned when a republican does it.
Interesting NYT article, admitting Hillary has conceded Ohio. Even more interesting quotes from the state Dem chairman there, who basically blames Ohio not having enough immigrants as the reason.

I think he was trying to say Ohio is turning into Kentucky.
Hoboken train crash. Q

really kind of shocked moe hasn't done the same, loves those infrastructure quips (never factors in the porkulus tho...)
Always cracks me up seeing leftist idiots bitch about infrastructure when one of Obamas first big bills was a spending bill on infrastructure.

They are saying Obama failed without actually saying it.
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I know GJ is running a bare bones campaign but he should hire a food taster and get some foreign leader flash cards.
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that's from a few weeks ago.. if Trump gets Ohio and PA that will cascade throughout the midwest and Clinton will lose.

the threat is very real to the Dems, which is why I think they are focusing so hard on everything but the issues and focusing so much on character assassination
Well that's what the USA Wide polls are showing. Trump is killing it in traditionally democratic leaning states that happen to be high percentage white.
Lester was just taking it out on Trump because he was pissed The Donald wasn't sharing any of his cocaine.

that's from a few weeks ago.. if Trump gets Ohio and PA that will cascade throughout the midwest and Clinton will lose.

the threat is very real to the Dems, which is why I think they are focusing so hard on everything but the issues and focusing so much on character assassination
weird election in so many ways. Trump appeals to working class whites moreso than any R in history (and for how many generations was the Democrat Party the "party of the working class"?). Meanwhile, the new D constituency - all that demographic change which has had Ds crowing for a decade now it seems - doesn't seem all that fired up for Hillary. I suppose Trump could win the election by virtue of all that. Still hard to imagine - wouldn't all that show up in polling by now? Unless all the pollsters are missing something pretty fundamental (heard a guy last week make the very case, comparing this US election to Brexit)......