The worlds greatest governor, Andrew Cuomo is about to receive a $25,000.00 a year pay raise. New York has 63,000,000,000.00 debt. But that doesn't matter. Afterall considering what a great job he did with COVID-19. I mean what a stroke of genius it was when he shipped COVID-19 patients off to nursing homes. Cuomo even tells us what a great job he did with COVID. I'm sure he was trying to achieve herd immunity in nursing homes. And to his credit he pretty much pulled it off. He achieved it by pretty much killing off the nursing home population in New York. We should all be so lucky to have a governor like that.
It was always going to Supreme Court IMO.
Why would the Democrats question Barrett about recusing from hearings on the election, or if Trump could stay in office longer than his term if the election was in doubt?
Those aren’t questions asked of a scotus nominee.
When you all going to stop falling for this crap? If they had evidence don’t you think they’d have shown it by now? Real documented evidence. Not memes.
So, are you admitting you were wrong and the Swede's "herd immunity" idea is working?ur right... sorry i looked up world o meter on my phone and i mixed up a number ...i thought it said 172 for the US.... that was the average for every country.... iphones suck at statistical pages like that....
Burlington is really an odd place. A bunch of isolated lily white people who have had little to no interaction with black people, and have been so brainwashed into loathing themselves that they can literally be talked into anything like flying a BLM flag at an elementary school.
The sad thing is, I wonder if they even fly the American flag. Probably, but the fact that I am not positive is telling.
The worlds greatest governor, Andrew Cuomo is about to receive a $25,000.00 a year pay raise. New York has 63,000,000,000.00 debt. But that doesn't matter. Afterall considering what a great job he did with COVID-19. I mean what a stroke of genius it was when he shipped COVID-19 patients off to nursing homes. Cuomo even tells us what a great job he did with COVID. I'm sure he was trying to achieve herd immunity in nursing homes. And to his credit he pretty much pulled it off. He achieved it by pretty much killing off the nursing home population in New York. We should all be so lucky to have a governor like that.
Ok, I am going to help you out because all you did was read the headlines and nothing else.Hey guys noted scientist “CatsFanGG24” knows more about treating covid than researchers at Oxford university. We’re in the presence of greatness!
Again it is California so why do we care? They vote for this type of government so when he pulls a stunt like this it is on Californians. Apparently they like it because they continue to elect people like this.
When you all going to stop falling for this crap? If they had evidence don’t you think they’d have shown it by now? Real documented evidence. Not memes.
Because it is a disease that has spread to AZ, CO, NV, even TX. The first 3 used to be toss up or red and are now lean blue in every election.Again it is California so why do we care? They vote for this type of government so when he pulls a stunt like this it is on Californians. Apparently they like it because they continue to elect people like this.
So California, continue to wear your little mask, stay at home, crash your economy and pay your outlandish taxes. Just leave the rest of us alone. We have a life to live and families to raise. Without the interference from our state government
You aren't the middle, just stop it.The demagogue tit for tat reminds me of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Nobody willing to take the high ground. Endless back and forth. Nobody wants to admit that the most woke jackass is just as crazy as the most far right nut job. Both fringes are completely out of control and ruining the country for the majority in the middle.
You aren't the middle, just stop it.
Let’s face it. America needs a giant enema.
So much needs fixing. Politicians on both sides fluff their feathers, hold useless hearings, and make bold proclamations. But they are useless liars. Nothing ever happens.
We all know what the media has done. What social media has done. They are the true enemy of free America. And we let it happen because of our trusting, sheepish nature.
Nothing is going to get fixed until the fleet enema bag comes out.
No. They did certify. Because the issue they are crying about is around 100 votes. The balance sheets being 1 or 2 vote off the reported in multiple precincts.
When you all going to stop falling for this crap? If they had evidence don’t you think they’d have shown it by now? Real documented evidence. Not memes.
Do I think there were some shady things that went on? I certainly do
Do I think they have solid proof of it that could cause the election results to change or people higher up than a random poll worker get in trouble? Nope
Again it is California so why do we care? They vote for this type of government so when he pulls a stunt like this it is on Californians. Apparently they like it because they continue to elect people like this.
So California, continue to wear your little mask, stay at home, crash your economy and pay your outlandish taxes. Just leave the rest of us alone. We have a life to live and families to raise. Without the interference from our state government
We all know what the media has done. What social media has done. They are the true enemy of free America. And we let it happen because of our trusting, sheepish nature.
Then you would be wrong because the US Supreme Court is gonna reverse this travesty
One thing that can and should be done is remove the Section 230 from social media. Twitter, facebook, all of them. It must be done.
This was sponsored by two left coast politicians to protect their money train from big tech companies who are pushing a liberal agenda. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Chris Cox (R-CA). It was a pretend so website owners could moderate sites without worrying about legal liability. So they can throw out lies, block anyone who disagrees and stop free speech to an extent of interfering with an election. Congress was foolish to pass this.
Section 230 is only a small part of the problem with social media giants but it is a problem.
Then so it must be. Let the left take to the streets if Trump remains in office. If they do maybe other states will follow the Florida blueprint and make it legal to use deadly force to protect life and property.If they overturned the election, you'd see serious revolt and murder in the streets.
The right lost, got beaten and harassed by the left still, but if they got their so-called victory stolen from, they won't be content with a few sucker punches and yelling at children.
* KA - BOOM *Those cities are also what drive our economy.
Good example of the connection is Elizabeth Warren championing the student loan bailout yday in the media and opining about the cost of higher ed....after making close to half a million a year teaching two classes. No pushback.And academia is downstream from? Elite philanthropic families and government grants? That next link is always tougher.
Vote democrat in CaliforniaBecause it is a disease that has spread to AZ, CO, NV, even TX. The first 3 used to be toss up or red and are now lean blue in every election.
I’ve been skeptical of Trumps challenge but the dims are sending emails asking for money in order to fight in court. The tables must be turning somewhat. Not ready to say the outcome will be different but not so sure anymore the door is shut