Something that is very telling and concerning is that I haven't read a single post by any of our resident Trump haters denouncing the many posts on here showing the violence perpetrated by Antifa and BLM in DC this weekend against Trump supporters. As a fellow human being, can any of you please say that the sucker punches, spitting, robbery, etc. were awful and should not be tolerated?
I can say that if I see any people on my 'side' that do this, they are totally wrong and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. How come none of you have posted anything even remotely like this about the video we have seen? The closest one was Wildcat in St. Louis saying he would have to see video before the sucker punch to denounce it completely. Even that is concerning to me because no one deserves to be sucker punched, kicked, and robbed no matter what they said.
Is the division between our 'sides' so complete that you can't even denounce violence because it would be 'giving in' to the other 'side' Plat, Sammy, Dion, Ed do you agree with this violence because someone supports a candidate that you don't? I would accept a simple yes or no reply and promise you that it won't make me think less of your convictions. It will actually make me think more of you as a fellow human being if you would say that it is wrong.