How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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If Trump ends up proving significant voter fraud, not just a dead voter or two here or there, regardless of whether or not it flips the result, then what other lies with no merit were true until the media told they weren’t?
and .... when he says that no observers were in philly or other cities....... when his laywers in court told the judge yes there were..... does that not damage the other claims of trump?
im 100% for it. both republican and democrat lawyers and observers. and whoever loses the state and if there is hundreds of thousands of votes wrong..... those that did it are tried on treason to our democracy.. and if not.. trump is tried for treason for his lies with no merit to the american people.

you agree ?

Here we have someone who evidently has no idea what Democrat machines have been doing for 150 years. He evidently think Trump has no basis in history for suspecting fraud.

Imagine having to live and work with someone who thinks like this at about a 10th grade level.
im 100% for it. both republican and democrat lawyers and observers. and whoever loses the state and if there is hundreds of thousands of votes wrong..... those that did it are tried on treason to our democracy.. and if not.. trump is tried for treason for his lies with no merit to the american people.

you agree ?
I agree to the point that if crimes are committed the offenders should be held accountable. Trump’s tweets, to the extent they are inaccurate, are corrosive to our public discourse but don’t necessarily rise to the level of criminal activity.
Here we have someone who evidently has no idea what Democrat machines have been doing for 150 years. He evidently think Trump has no basis in history for suspecting fraud.

Imagine having to live and work with someone who thinks like this at about a 10th grade level.

so then you would also say african americans have rights to be upset about their own being killed this year because of the past 200 + years of racial injustice right?
Stormy, Cohen, the investigator that looked into her bank account.....

LOL if you think it didnt happen. Its like if I asked you to prove if Clinton got a BJ in the white house... no sh*t it happened...
That's who you've decided to name.....Ha ha....gimme a break

I suppose you don't believe any of the Hunter Biden stuff though....thats not been verified right? Ha ha ha ha
I agree to the point that if crimes are committed the offenders should be held accountable. Trump’s tweets, to the extent they are inaccurate, are corrosive to our public discourse but don’t necessarily rise to the level of criminal activity.
well obviously he couldnt be found for treason even if everyone in this thread agreed to what I said......... but I dunno... i think when some Q members went to philly to shoot the place up...... based on Trumps words... maybe its time to be more careful and let the courts decide and not twitter.... i mean for trump.....and he usually has his news stations report and rile people up for him.... trump should give it a break and just get back to working as the president for the next 2 months
That's who you've decided to name.....Ha ha....gimme a break

I suppose you don't believe any of the Hunter Biden stuff though....thats not been verified right? Ha ha ha ha

doesnt even matter if it is true.... in the email.. he told the chinese person that he doesnt have that kind of pull with his dad. nothing burger.
considering i had to spend 2 years on obama care several years ago... excuse me for appreciating it

I'm not looking to putdown people who have had a rough patch, but I'm curious to know the circumstances.

Do you have a degree or technical job training? Did you go to college, get conned into a watered-down degree, and then have trouble transitioning into the job market?

Were you laid off and then the job market was flat? Were you injured and couldn't work?

Was Obama the President at the time? If so, did the administration do anything to help you to get a good job? Did the government do anything to harm your profession?

Did you have the skills to market yourself in the job market at the time? Have you done anything since to enhance your job skills and to further develop your marketability and need for retention?

Help us understand the man behind Meatwad.
Trump “There was voter fraud because I lost. Lawyers go find it”.
dont forget set up a phone line and website which he obviously had designed and bought before election day..... .... and his GOP members offering money .... his friends at veritas setting up gofundme's for people ......

the only wide spread rigging evidence is Trump putting Dejoy in charge of the USPS and having sorting machines removed and overtime nixed ....

Help me out.... are ballots put through sorting machines ? you dont have to answer... yes... anything around a quarter of an inch put into a sorting machine for fast sorting. quarter of an inch isnt exact but you get my point.
I'm not looking to putdown people who have had a rough patch, but I'm curious to know the circumstances.

Do you have a degree or technical job training? Did you go to college, get conned into a watered-down degree, and then have trouble transitioning into the job market?

Were you laid off and then the job market was flat? Were you injured and couldn't work?

Was Obama the President at the time? If so, did the administration do anything to help you to get a good job? Did the government do anything to harm your profession?

Did you have the skills to market yourself in the job market at the time? Have you done anything since to enhance your job skills and to further develop your marketability?

Help us understand the man behind Meatwad.
I bought and sold on ebay.. ran a store there... people caught on and started doing what i was doing and competition got to the point i wasnt making enough money. . I went to school for cinematography at SIU. met a woman i loved and no longer wanted to go into a career doing 18 hour days. So i just stuck with ebay and got a second job working at a warehouse.... got injured and disabled... at that time I just got married quick to get on her insurance and I just stayed home taking care of our son until I started doing some editing for youtube.

i was doing ebay since 2004 and had to be on obamacare for a time after it came out up until my injury and even a little after since workmans comp didnt pay for non injury medical stuff
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Obama/Biden voters and Obamacare recipients.

Just look at the eyes.....evil, demented, tortured

It is the people who created the environment for that psychosis to flourish who will soon be in charge.
Trump “There was voter fraud because I lost. Lawyers go find it”.

A lot more to it than that, but consistent conclusion with what is given to you by your media trainers.
doesnt even matter if it is true.... in the email.. he told the chinese person that he doesnt have that kind of pull with his dad. nothing burger.
Just as I figured, you believe the the lawyer raided by the FBI and the porn star, but don't believe the guy Tucker interviewed who had e-mails and recordings.....ha ha
No hope for you and those like you....absolutely no hope. To ignore you go
As predicted beshear wins his case. Not mentioned is the fact that Cameron and co botched the case the moment they conceded there was a public health crisis.

Had they contested that fact and forced them to prove it through actual proof and raw data, the information could've at least been released to the public for major political win.

Instead here we are. Life in ky will be hell till the legislature comes back and takes his toys away. This is a prime example why you never instill such power in the executive branch. Your party won't always have the seat.
This legislature needs to recognize this point.
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so then you would also say african americans have rights to be upset about their own being killed this year because of the past 200 + years of racial injustice right?

Absolutely. But the problem with that is that the numbers don’t bear out a systemic targeting of black males by police.

Like most things emanating from media, it’s not true.
Not offering any opinions on anything but odds for the 2024 GOP Nominee are out!

Where does everyone see value here? I like Scott at +1400, DeSantis at +3500, Rand at +4000. Not that I am predicting any of them win it, but those are good value to me.

  • Donald Trump+400
  • Mike Pence+400
  • Nikki Haley+500
  • John Kasich+800
  • Josh Hawley+1000
  • Ted Cruz+1200
  • Tim Scott+1400
  • Tom Cotton+1400
  • Dan Crenshaw+1600
  • Bill Weld+2000
  • Paul Ryan+2000
  • Carly Fiorina+2500
  • Donald Trump Jr.+2500
  • Mark Cuban+2500
  • Rudy Giuliani+2500
  • Kristi Noem+3000
  • Candace Owens+3300
  • Ron DeSantis+3500
  • Mitt Romney+4000
  • Rand Paul+4000
  • Jared Kushner+5000
  • Condoleezza Rice+6000
  • Mike Pompeo+6000
  • Jeff Flake+7500
  • Lindsey Graham+7500
  • Charlie Baker+8000
  • Greg Abbott+8000
  • Tommy Tuberville+8000
  • George P. Bush+10000
  • Kanye West+10000
  • Kayleigh McEnany+15000
Ivanka +399 Oh those titties!
Couple days old but first time I've seen it. Real/fair media and we wouldn't have to worry about all the fraud BS...
An MRC study finds that 4.6% of Joe Biden voters would NOT have voted for him had they known about the Biden family's corrupt business dealings.
And that's why we shouldn't count every vote. Need an anti-stupidity test.
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Wait a minute, I thought we were supposed to follow the science? The leading epidemiologists in the country were saying it wasn’t to get all in a twist about.
The President listened to them over a the Chinese dictator.
you really dont see why someone like Fauci would need accurate info and why it matters if they knew another countries info on the virus or not?
It would appear Trump sees the writing on the wall. He's going to have to rely on donations to fund his golfing vacations instead of being able to charge taxpayers whatever he wants starting in January.

His next book should just be titled "the art of the grift"
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