How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Closing one eye helps 😉

I've already voted, so #1 is irrelevant. If it was true and I hadn't, possibly. I haven't really thought about it much honestly because I know it doesn't matter.

Personally I lose nothing if Trump wins. Well, maybe I lose $500 for the gun I have to buy because there will be blood in the streets if he does. This summer will look like a gay pride parade if he wins. Plus, I live in a nice neighborhood so I'm not taking any chances with shit extending to the 'burbs.

But I'm not getting any abortions (got snipped last year!) or harboring illegal aliens, and have a secure job, so no, Trump winning doesn't affect me personally. At the same time, neither does Biden winning affect me. That's been true for every president in my adult life.
I don't disagree with most of your points, but there's not going to be a bunch of blood in the streets, regardless of who wins. This is not a 3rd world country, no matter how much the Left wants it to be. If Trump wins, and he probably will, the Antifa idiots will have mini-riots just as they did last time. If Biden wins, the Right will not riot at all; there will be a focus on the taking back the House in 2022, which is probably a lock in that event.
I don't disagree with most of your points, but there's not going to be a bunch of blood in the streets, regardless of who wins. This is not a 3rd world country, no matter how much the Left wants it to be. If Trump wins, and he probably will, the Antifa idiots will have mini-riots just as they did last time. If Biden wins, the Right will not riot at all; there will be a focus on the taking back the House in 2022, which is probably a lock in that event.
Hope you're right
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Hunter is 50. He has known nothing but his father being rich and powerful. Again Im not making fun of his drug addiction, Im just saying Ive known people who are scum that got into drugs and people with actual struggles and demons that got into drugs because of that. Im just saying it seems like all signs are pointing to Hunter being a scumming individual who also happens to do drugs.
Wasn't accusing you, didn't mean to come off that way. My brain and my fingers don't always work together.
I agree with you.
Larry Schweikart is gutsy with his calls . . .

Schweikart is one of the best in terms of analyzing political numbers. However, he's 100 percent partisan as well. My thought is that if he is seeing negative trends, he will either refrain from saying too much or try to put a positive spin on bad news, but, if he's seeing positive trends, he will put his neck out there and take his chances. It's positive that he is very confident at this point. If he wasn't, he would probably just be relatively silent about what he is seeing.
Closing one eye helps 😉

I've already voted, so #1 is irrelevant. If it was true and I hadn't, possibly. I haven't really thought about it much honestly because I know it doesn't matter.

Personally I lose nothing if Trump wins. Well, maybe I lose $500 for the gun I have to buy because there will be blood in the streets if he does. This summer will look like a gay pride parade if he wins. Plus, I live in a nice neighborhood so I'm not taking any chances with shit extending to the 'burbs.

But I'm not getting any abortions (got snipped last year!) or harboring illegal aliens, and have a secure job, so no, Trump winning doesn't affect me personally. At the same time, neither does Biden winning affect me. That's been true for every president in my adult life.
The Biden corruption story isn't new. We've just got more details. Everybody knew about it well before the dem primary. Just as we knew that Russia collusion was a lie over 3 years ago. You either haven't been paying attention, only relying on the corrupt MSM, or were to emotionally invested in your political beliefs to accept it.

The Obama administration is the most corrupt ever based on what has already been revealed. If Trump wins and justice is served, and I hope for the sake of our country it is, you may finally be forced to see how you've been played as a fool by the democrats and their media allies.

Edit: And one more thing: It does matter. A lot. This election will have dire consequences if the left wins and becomes empowered to carry out their radical agenda. Then it will be too late. Every vote counts and must be well considered and selected wisely.
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There's a first time for everything and this was your first good post on this forum. With that said, I am hoping for the best and expecting the worst, which has happened no less than 37 times in the last 40 years. Pretty much my entire life, or at least since I've been old enough to watch and understand what is happening.
You can't see the truth when you shut your eyes. Beat TN.
So Trump just gave a terrorist country billions of dollars if they pretend to like israel? Hmmm, I wonder what trumpsters think about presidents giving Muslim countries piles of money.

@Platinumdrgn : "you gave McDonald's money for a burger? Well then, thats the same as Obama giving money to Iran! An entity gave money to another, no difference!"
Me and my wife have separate health plans through work. Her plan is much better for her needs and I go with a cheaper high deductible plan since I am lucky to be very healthy right now. She got her 21-22 benefits selection info yesterday. Health care is $33 cheaper per paycheck than last year. Same coverage. Not a high deductible plan.

So, for those who say Trump winning will not affect their lives any, well at least for us her saving $66 a month plus we saved around $3000 in taxes last year and gas is under $2 per gallon, you do the math on how much more money we have in our pockets to put back into the economy. Under Obama we paid more taxes, gas was higher, and we saw health care costs explode. Same will happen under Biden when we once again become energy dependent on others and you see gas back in the $3 to $4+ per Gallon, he raises taxes, and we all know how expensive Obamacare is.
Id bet a pretty penny that Hunter falls under the scummy people category. Starting to date your dead brother's wife within a year of him dying. That is beyond low in my book and as scummy as it gets. He seems like he is a spoiled brat that has grown up with a silver spoon and has never been told no in his life and every time something bad has happened, he has been able to skate by with no consequences.
Told the Mrs the exact same thing last night. Daddy's a big shot Senator, lavish lifestyle, etc, etc,
Plus throw in that Hunter may have his dad's personality....a blow hard, I can kick your a**.....and you've got the perfect recipe for what has happened to him.
Then what's Biden's updated TV number? Can't update one and not the other if you're attempting to rebut a different place source's numbers.
Well, so where ITF are the arrests? If this is true, then it is a travesty and we Americans deserve justice.
Exactly. just going to be another “investigation” by barr, maybe.
Me and my wife have separate health plans through work. Her plan is much better for her needs and I go with a cheaper high deductible plan since I am lucky to be very healthy right now. She got her 21-22 benefits selection info yesterday. Health care is $33 cheaper per paycheck than last year. Same coverage. Not a high deductible plan.

So, for those who say Trump winning will not affect their lives any, well at least for us her saving $66 a month plus we saved around $3000 in taxes last year and gas is under $2 per gallon, you do the math on how much more money we have in our pockets to put back into the economy. Under Obama we paid more taxes, gas was higher, and we saw health care costs explode. Same will happen under Biden when we once again become energy dependent on others and you see gas back in the $3 to $4+ per Gallon, he raises taxes, and we all know how expensive Obamacare is.

Glad that your premiums went down.

Some have suggested that the lockdowns, which resulted in people not going to the doctor, getting check-ups, delaying surgeries, etc, would likely lead to this.

Now, the fallout comes when people go back to the doctor and are told that they have a very aggressive form of cancer. “Wish we had caught this sooner.”
This is with almost all states on registration- the Rs crushed the Ds in most over final months.

So far there is no evidence of record turnout. The groups that would have to make that happen aren’t the demos that have already voted. So far, it is the Dems who are not hitting their early marks...maybe their voters have changed their opinion on mail in and they’ll switch to day of - but we will see.
I’m not sure what to make of all the increases/gains the Rs have had in registrations. Common sense would tell you that’s good for Trump and bad for Biden. But there is something of a political realignment going on. There are people who have historically been conservative who are disgusted by Trump, and will vote against him, irrespective of how they’re registered. Likewise, there are people disgusted by what they see on the left these days, and will vote against it. Over the years we’ve heard countless stories of people who were faithful Democrats all their lives - until the chaos of the 1960s. “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, it left me”. I suspect years from now we’ll be hearing a bunch of that, from both sides this time. Anyway, everything is so volatile, I don’t know if it’s as simple as “increase in registrations in R counties = more R votes.”
My guess is they were gonna hold it in hopes Biden won election. Break it out soon thereafter. Boom - Harris is our president. The marxists are elite at deception.
I wonder if this is why a week or so ago Pelosi brought up the 25th amendment. She knew a crap ton of stuff was going to come out on Biden maybe? And if he wins hes absolutely getting impeached.
Will he still be impeached if the Dems control Congress? Or will they still impeach him because it just speeds up their kicking him to the curb for Kamala process.

For some reason, when I pasted the tweet the date of the original tweet (Himalaya Global) didn't come up. It's September 28!

Me and my wife have separate health plans through work. Her plan is much better for her needs and I go with a cheaper high deductible plan since I am lucky to be very healthy right now. She got her 21-22 benefits selection info yesterday. Health care is $33 cheaper per paycheck than last year. Same coverage. Not a high deductible plan.

So, for those who say Trump winning will not affect their lives any, well at least for us her saving $66 a month plus we saved around $3000 in taxes last year and gas is under $2 per gallon, you do the math on how much more money we have in our pockets to put back into the economy. Under Obama we paid more taxes, gas was higher, and we saw health care costs explode. Same will happen under Biden when we once again become energy dependent on others and you see gas back in the $3 to $4+ per Gallon, he raises taxes, and we all know how expensive Obamacare is.

Please don't cloud the issues with facts.
Honest question. If the roles were reversed and it came out that Don Jr's laptop was miraculously discovered and its incriminating emails were given to Biden's personal lawyer and the NYT three weeks before the election, would you all believe it was real or fake?
I would be skeptical, TBH. I’m not saying Don Jr is a candidate for sainthood, but Hunter has had a long history of shady deals and ethical / moral lapses. In other words, what’s been published in the NYP confirms what’s been talked about and speculated about him for quite some time.

Again, I’m not saying Don Jr is pure as the driven snow, but I’m not aware of any major scandals on his part. However, if the roles were reversed as you have hypothesized, I have no doubt the MSM would be treating it differently.
I’m not sure what to make of all the increases/gains the Rs have had in registrations. Common sense would tell you that’s good for Trump and bad for Biden. But there is something of a political realignment going on. There are people who have historically been conservative who are disgusted by Trump, and will vote against him, irrespective of how they’re registered. Likewise, there are people disgusted by what they see on the left these days, and will vote against it. Over the years we’ve heard countless stories of people who were faithful Democrats all their lives - until the chaos of the 1960s. “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, it left me”. I suspect years from now we’ll be hearing a bunch of that, from both sides this time. Anyway, everything is so volatile, I don’t know if it’s as simple as “increase in registrations in R counties = more R votes.”
Good points...and only time will tell. But I think the huge gains for the R's in registration is a plus for Trump.
One thing....if you don't like Trump and are going to vote against him, why register as a 'R'? I would just register as 'I'. And secondly, I would imagine all these increases in voter registration are new voters. Not someone changing their registration?