How will they rule ??!

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What facts? I bashed both candidates? They are both terrible. I said I didnt care the DNC was rigged or that the RNC tried to rig theirs.

My mistake in responding to your post, I forgot who you were. Nice anecdotal quip or whatever, really fact driven. [eyeroll]

The question was is it fact. You just don't care about those facts because they do not help your repub bashing ways. But you needing so many and being liberal is ironic, no?
Yes, I have been paying attention and the fact remains, you do not get to speak of what Trump will or will not do with the same weight that I get to speak of what O'bama and HRC have already done and are doing. Pretty simple, for real.
We're listening...
Just curious is it fact that the DNC and Hillary sabotaged the primary to gurantee Hillary the nomination?

Or is that Russia being nosy?
I believe the disgusting email was written in May just before the Kentucky and Oregon primaries. She was already presumed to be the winner. Much to the chagrin of most Americans.
I really hope the Dems try to run on Obama's economic record tonight; it would be the absolute death knell.
Anyone with even the slightest experience and understanding of the internet realizes that nothing is safe from hackers. Nothing. If they want your credit card information, your social security number, your emails, your texts, your iPhone pictures--they'll find them.

What's shocking is the Dems lack of understanding of this reality and their complete disregard of these facts by putting anything and everything in emails.

It doesn't matter who found them, it's either arrogance, naivety or both that make the Dems out as fools.

Having been involved with many securities case ultimately involving tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, it's not just a DNC or politician thing. It's stunning how much dumb stuff people in positions of power (CEOs, COOs, etc...) put in emails knowing they can be discovered in litigation someday, much less hacked. Really boggles the mind. And that's just the stuff we know about (i.e. no discovery shenanigans withholding documents).
You're a techie? You understand how much it takes for these kinds of penetrations?

And NOW you think conspiracies are loony?

You're proving the point that the traced IP are worthless. Most amateur hackers know how to cover their tracks and pinning it on Russia would be easy.

Whoever did this is advanced and savvy enough to hide their tracks. You are smart enough to know they are not going to be caught due to tracing IP addresses.
You're proving the point that the traced IP are worthless. Most amateur hackers know how to cover their tracks and pinning it on Russia would be easy.

Whoever did this is advanced and savvy enough to hide their tracks. You are smart enough to know they are not going to be caught due to tracing IP addresses.

Exactly. If anything, Russia is probably the least likely to be involved. Any group smart enough to do this, is smart enough to not make that mistake.

And to think just weeks ago, it was impossible that Hillary's personal email containing higher than top secret info was never hacked; according to her and her disciples. Laughable.
You're proving the point that the traced IP are worthless. Most amateur hackers know how to cover their tracks and pinning it on Russia would be easy.

Whoever did this is advanced and savvy enough to hide their tracks. You are smart enough to know they are not going to be caught due to tracing IP addresses.

You over-state what can and can't be done.
Exactly. If anything, Russia is probably the least likely to be involved. Any group smart enough to do this, is smart enough to not make that mistake.

And to think just weeks ago, it was impossible that Hillary's personal email containing higher than top secret info was never hacked; according to her and her disciples. Laughable.

That wasn't what was said.
I really hope the Dems try to run on Obama's economic record tonight; it would be the absolute death knell.

6 years of Republican obstruction. 6 years if purposefully NOT doing the most basic economic stimulus measures. Everything we learned from the Great Depression, ignored. That should be what the Dems run on. Hang it all around the Republican necks.
You going to clue us in?
Oh, nothing much...

Slam NATO then cozy up to Russia all in the same speech. Call upon Russia to find Hillary Clinton's missing emails. I bet the boys at the State Department, our Allies in Europe, the Ukraine, and anyone else with brain bigger than a pea doesn't think that comedy routine was very funny.

Going to be fun watching the Republicans scramble to walk this one back.
Can someone please explain to me how asking Russia (I'm assuming tongue in cheek) to find Clinton's missing emails is welcoming espionage?

I mean, they were all personal emails, right? So there's no value to anyone outside of Clinton and her yoga instructor, right?
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6 years of Republican obstruction. 6 years if purposefully NOT doing the most basic economic stimulus measures. Everything we learned from the Great Depression, ignored. That should be what the Dems run on. Hang it all around the Republican necks.
Obviously you do not know what your are talking about. If the Dems give actual data and not cherry picked data about the economy, they would be all but finished.
Do a simple Google search.

I did based on your suggestion. Here's what I found thanks to Google.

Historically, a country recovering from a financial crisis takes an average of eight years to return to its precrisis level of income. It's eight years later, and the US is back to less than 5% unemployment.

Last year, Bernie Sanders was saying the richest one percent captured 99 percent of all new income. By last month, that figure he was citing was down to 57 percent, but those figures are badly out of date, relying on two- or three-year-old trends that have begun to reverse.

As workers have finally grown scarce, they have finally gained the market power to demand higher wages. The rate at which workers quit their jobs has returned to prerecession levels. Companies like Walmart, Starbucks, Target, and McDonald's have raised their employee salaries. Wages in the middle have started to rise again — the non–one percent saw its income grow 3.9 percent last year, the highest rate of any year since 1999. Obama’s economy is an incomplete story, a fact that cuts both ways. If the economy again collapses into crisis, any current gains will be quickly reversed.

Thanks for motivating me to find out things are getting better!
Can someone please explain to me how asking Russia (I'm assuming tongue in cheek) to find Clinton's missing emails is welcoming espionage?

I mean, they were all personal emails, right? So there's no value to anyone outside of Clinton and her yoga instructor, right?

Exactly - another calculated troll job by Trump.

Either the emails are a big deal or they aren't. He knows you cant have it both ways.
( Trump tweets from David Frum ... deleted )

Frum is a former Bush Sr. speechwriter. Condemnation of Trump isn't just coming from the Democratic Party. His remarks about Russia are farking unprecedented.

And maybe calculatedly so. His lack of appetite for the office -- particularly the work -- has been confirmed by Trump himself. From the earliest days of his campaign people have wondered whether he actually wanted the office. Some even wondered whether his campaign had been concocted between him and the Clintons in order to destroy the Republican Party.

But whatever. I'd hate to see the kind of Chamberlain-at-Munich appeasement he's been advocating actually become the de facto policy of the Republican Party because people's necks were too stiff to back off the bozo.
Obviously you do not know what your are talking about. If the Dems give actual data and not cherry picked data about the economy, they would be all but finished.

I know exactly what I talking about. Record numbers of filibusters. Shutting down the government as publicity stunts. The refusal to do the most elemental stimulus. The most shameful 6 year record by Congress since the days of slavery.
Can someone please explain to me how asking Russia (I'm assuming tongue in cheek) to find Clinton's missing emails is welcoming espionage?

I mean, they were all personal emails, right? So there's no value to anyone outside of Clinton and her yoga instructor, right?

You're asking a state actor, one that is hostile to US interests, to hack US citizens. All states commit espionage, but no politician - let alone Presidential candidate - has ever condone or encouraged it. These are new norms no politician will abide by. I imagine some Congressional Republicans who get classified briefings are going to be breaking stuff in their offices today.

They weren't personal emails. They were State Dept. emails. The same ones that contained classified information that she was being investigated over. He's asking them to find these classified emails. This is the same guy who is about to start getting classified briefings since he's now his party's nominee for President, but he's proven with these words he can't be trusted.
I did based on your suggestion. Here's what I found thanks to Google.

"Historically, a country recovering from a financial crisis takes an average of eight years to return to its precrisis level of income. It's eight years later, and the US is back to less than 5% unemployment."

Misleading data. More people out of the work force than before and are not looking for a job which is not counted in the numbers. But like a few on here, you knew that already.
Hey, just what this thread needed; some outdated, superficial policy prescriptions! Maybe read an economics book from the last 20 or so years

I do read about contemporary economics, thank you very much. And a lot of it is about the bankruptcy of freshwater economists.
Add Gus to the catpaw people I will pass on apologies from if I ever meet GWB.

Or we talk household income, overall optimism, sub 2 GDP, household debt, national debt (cash advance, lol), workforce hey go sell Americans they are better off than they think they are.

Thank goodness the private sector did not listen to Obama said we could not drill our way to lower energy costs. That $1200 per family has been quite helpful. And also thank goodness the GOP did not cave when he said the sequestration would cripple American and kill women and children....that $100b has aided the deficit.
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You're asking a state actor, one that is hostile to US interests, to hack US citizens. All states commit espionage, but no politician - let alone Presidential candidate - has ever condone or encouraged it. These are new norms no politician will abide by. I imagine some Congressional Republicans who get classified briefings are going to be breaking stuff in their offices today.

They weren't personal emails. They were State Dept. emails. The same ones that contained classified information that she was being investigated over. He's asking them to find these classified emails. This is the same guy who is about to start getting classified briefings since he's now his party's nominee for President, but he's proven with these words he can't be trusted.


Hilarious. Let's just excuse the information contained in those emails as if it didn't happen.
So Gus, you're telling me the email's Clinton deleted were State Department emails containing classified information and not personal emails?

And you're feigning outrage over Trump sarcastically asking Russia to find these emails? You aren't outraged at Clinton for deleting State Department emails and lying to the FBI?
Shutting down the government as publicity stunts.

again you ignore the $1T (notice the T for trillion) in porkulus that was pushed with zero concessions to the GOP)

And if hate the sequestration pls tell the campaign to quit trying to brag about reduced deficits (btw, the CBO is projecting they start rising quickly again starting this year).

You are brutally dishonest.
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Hilarious. Let's just excuse the information contained in those emails as if it didn't happen.

I don't think there's any excuse for her keeping classified emails on a private server, so you miss the point.

So Gus, you're telling me the email's Clinton deleted were State Department emails containing classified information and not personal emails?

And you're feigning outrage over Trump sarcastically asking Russia to find these emails? You aren't outraged at Clinton for deleting State Department emails and lying to the FBI?[/QUOTE]

They did contain classified emails, according to the FBI investigation. It's ALSO messed up Trump doesn't care if a foreign actor seized classified info. I'm not feigning any outrage. That's messed up. If a Democrat did that he'd be rightfully be labeled a traitor.
I for one want every hacker in the world, sovereign state or otherwise, doing everything they can to find the missing emails.

I then want Trump to shit all over Clinton, the Justice Department and the director of the FBI when some clown using a Mac in Eastern Europe comes up with the emails the FBI couldn't find.
You are brutally dishonest.
but he did come up with something original when he suggested the Dems "Hang it all around the Republican necks."

I'm certain they never would've thought of that. never been tried......
again you ignore the $1T (notice the T for trillion) in porkulus that was pushed with zero concessions to the GOP)

And if hate the sequestration pls tell the campaign to quit trying to brag about reduced deficits (btw, the CBO is projecting they start rising quickly again starting this year).

You are brutally dishonest.

Since the 2010 election, federal budgets have been Republican budgets. If you like or don't like the results, take it up with them.
Oh Moe is a krugman much cash advance as we wish until the WH changes hands.
Also, it's not even hacking. Didn't she already destroy the server?

He's basically asking Russia (or Assange, etc.) to check their "Clinton Emails" folder on their desktop and see if they have the deleted emails.
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but he did come up with something original when he suggested the Dems "Hang it all around the Republican necks."

I'm certain they never would've thought of that. never been tried......

You're a smart man. Tell me how much spending since 2010 has been Democratic spending.