How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Trump will win in nov bc his voters don’t care if they get the virus while the libs are scared shitless bc of their media. It’s gonna backfire
That’d be s BIG false on that theory . . . through Darwinism, the tRump herd will be thinned. Too stupid to heed CDC and WHO statements recommending self-quarantine and social distancing, their contraction rate and subsequent death rate will be higher than those intelligent enough to take the recommended common sense precautions. It’ll be a natural thinning of sorts, taking out many more blue hairs, which are typically tRumpers. Come November, it’ll have an overall net negative impact on tRumps re-election chances.
That’d be s BIG false on that theory . . . through Darwinism, the tRump herd will be thinned. Too stupid to heed CDC and WHO statements recommending self-quarantine and social distancing, their contraction rate and subsequent death rate will be higher than those intelligent enough to take the recommended common sense precautions. It’ll be a natural thinning of sorts, taking out many more blue hairs, which are typically tRumpers. Come November, it’ll have an overall net negative impact on tRumps re-election chances.

Yeah, mistaken for moose mallory.

Moose went to play for a California team. Scored 68.

That’d be s BIG false on that theory . . . through Darwinism, the tRump herd will be thinned. Too stupid to heed CDC and WHO statements recommending self-quarantine and social distancing, their contraction rate and subsequent death rate will be higher than those intelligent enough to take the recommended common sense precautions. It’ll be a natural thinning of sorts, taking out many more blue hairs, which are typically tRumpers. Come November, it’ll have an overall net negative impact on tRumps re-election chances.

This is false. Wishful thinking. Most of the people at the clubs are not Trump supporters. Trump supporters are typically more rural than leftist. Your population is concentrated.
Based on the numbers of confirmed cases in ky and elsewhere that I saw, the number of confirmed cases is about 10% of those tested. So that means the 90% that met testing criteria were also sick just with something else?
Based on the numbers of confirmed cases in ky and elsewhere that I saw, the number of confirmed cases is about 10% of those tested. So that means the 90% that met testing criteria were also sick just with something else?

I heard the CDC say 98% of those tested were coming back negative. I'd take that with a grain of salt without knowing the number of tests given.
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I heard the CDC say 98% of those tested were coming back negative. I'd take that with a grain of salt without knowing the number of tests given.

It's in the thousands at this point. Ky for sure was about 10%. To even get a test you have to meet criteria. What illness did the others have?
Now that we have bailouts certainly on the way - who gets them? Everyone will be severely impacted but how can everyone be bailed out?

The only fair way is to waive income tax for an entire taxable year.

Of course we can't afford it. But we can't afford the other bailouts either and at least this is the most fair
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Now that we have bailouts certainly on the way - who gets them? Everyone will be severely impacted but how can everyone be bailed out?

The only fair way is to waive income tax for an entire taxable year.

Of course we can't afford it. But we can't afford the other bailouts either and at least this is the most fair
It will probably be more tax refunds to people that don’t pay federal income tax.
That’d be s BIG false on that theory . . . through Darwinism, the tRump herd will be thinned. Too stupid to heed CDC and WHO statements recommending self-quarantine and social distancing, their contraction rate and subsequent death rate will be higher than those intelligent enough to take the recommended common sense precautions. It’ll be a natural thinning of sorts, taking out many more blue hairs, which are typically tRumpers. Come November, it’ll have an overall net negative impact on tRumps re-election chances.
If you’re trying to insinuate that supporting Trump makes you an idiot, I’d argue that people who hang on every word the MSM puts out and believe it as long as “orange man bad!” are the ones in real danger. You know, the type to run here and post about google not working with the government regarding Covid testing... when they in fact are.

You’ve been duped by media for years and continue to be duped despite all the blatant lies and clear agenda. I’m betting there’s a better chance of a thinning of the herd when your type gathers to protest the sexism of Covid19 or some crazy BS like that.
Wondering how long this all goes on. If it goes into summer or re-emerges in the fall, I wonder how long it’ll be before we start hearing about something like online voting?
The part of the Democrat debate I watched was maddening. Neither of them actually offered up any plans or solutions. Just kept rambling about it being a crisis and needing to take drastic measures. Yet neither candidate, nor the moderators, felt the need to press anyone on how the hell they planned to get anything done.

The only policy plan we got was make everything free and give people money.
Good to see msm in full propaganda mode.

Comparisons to typhoid fever and Spanish flu, both well over 100 years ago.

Handy little match video showing the "power" of being the person who stays at home. Problem is all the matches are in a straight line. Our scenario is more like a match being completely surrounded after the fire already started.

Don't be #patient31 - stay home! Although in the Reuters story they subtly admit they don't know where patient 31 got the virus. So their entire premise is flawed and thinly veiled propaganda

If it's as bad as they say, nothing we are doing will have any impact except destroying our economy
If it's as bad as they say, nothing we are doing will have any impact except destroying our economy
And it’s not that bad at the moment. The problem is the media continues to report the worst case scenario like it’s current. It’s not. My understanding is we’re taking similar precautions other countries took that saw a sharp decline in Covid cases. Currently things are nowhere near that bad.

The media seems to want everyone to believe we’re all doomed. But why is anyone surprised? They’ve been obscuring facts and pushing agendas for years upon years now.
I'm still curious how the Brits turn out because I think theirs is the better approach. Had it not been an election year, I think we probably get a similar approach because that's the path we started down.

We should've told all vulnerable people to stay home. Also if you're sick stay home. Everyone else go about your life but make sure to wash your hands.

In a few weeks, max, the virus would run its course with healthy people getting a cold. It would run its course because it would run out of people to infect.

Instead flattening the curve means vulnerable people are more likely to get it because they can't self isolate for months. AND as an added bonus we annihilated our economy and work force.

So the path we took will achieve non of the objectives we want, and drop an economic nuke at the same time.
This is an example of how Trump thinks. He hasn't got a cooperative bone in his body, which is exactly why he is such a failure as President. The only people who still support him are the cultist groupies who cannot think for themselves or are just as self-obsess and narcissist as he is.
The entire world sees him for what he is except his mindless cult here in the USA.
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We have a media who detests this president and can't even tell you why
The media cannot help what the news is that they report. FYI it is reported all around the world. You on the other hand do not have to be part of a cult. For example: I prefer the success of Stoops way more than the glitter of Mumme.
That’d be s BIG false on that theory . . . through Darwinism, the tRump herd will be thinned. Too stupid to heed CDC and WHO statements recommending self-quarantine and social distancing, their contraction rate and subsequent death rate will be higher than those intelligent enough to take the recommended common sense precautions. It’ll be a natural thinning of sorts, taking out many more blue hairs, which are typically tRumpers. Come November, it’ll have an overall net negative impact on tRumps re-election chances.

I'm sorry to tell you that I have it and it isn't that bad. The person I came in contact with who had it is already over it with no trouble. So we will both be in the voting booth come November voting for TRUMP!

After thinking about it, the democrats should LOVE this virus, as dead people have a tendency to vote Democrat. The higher the mortality rate, the bigger your voters base gets...
Also, the democrats were just nonchalantly talking about deploying the US military on US soil last night. No specifics, other than Biden just saying he’d deploy the military.

People need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize the politicians are using this the same way they used 9/11. Scare people into forgetting we have a Constitution, and eviscerate our rights while people are too scared to be reasonable.

Edit: AirRade beat me by like 30 seconds
That’d be s BIG false on that theory . . . through Darwinism, the tRump herd will be thinned. Too stupid to heed CDC and WHO statements recommending self-quarantine and social distancing, their contraction rate and subsequent death rate will be higher than those intelligent enough to take the recommended common sense precautions. It’ll be a natural thinning of sorts, taking out many more blue hairs, which are typically tRumpers. Come November, it’ll have an overall net negative impact on tRumps re-election chances.
You are an idiot. Urban areas will be hit hardest due to proximity. Nice of you to wish death for your fellow Americans. You have some bad karma coming.
A married Democrat with 3 kids who was almost the Gov. of Florida...was caught having a gay meth orgy and you know the rest...time for rehab...

And b/c he is a Democrat...the media is gushing...

The FOOLS in Florida nearly elected him. He's a good guy, just has all kinds of PERSONAL ISSUES. No biggie. Put a freak into office. He can get counseling and still lead the ...sane.[eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll] (Yeah the "sane" nearly voted the deviant into office "again"...)

Go ahead, keep making excuses and give "reasoning" to the insane, deviant, sub-humans....Nope, call a spade a spade and QUIT making yourselves "feel good" because you care....If you really care you will put them where they can really get help and real help is not allowing them into society at large...
That’d be s BIG false on that theory . . . through Darwinism, the tRump herd will be thinned. Too stupid to heed CDC and WHO statements recommending self-quarantine and social distancing, their contraction rate and subsequent death rate will be higher than those intelligent enough to take the recommended common sense precautions. It’ll be a natural thinning of sorts, taking out many more blue hairs, which are typically tRumpers. Come November, it’ll have an overall net negative impact on tRumps re-election chances.

One word comes to mind when I see you have posted.....Sicko....just a sicko...
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Moose went to play for a California team. Scored 68.

This is false. Wishful thinking. Most of the people at the clubs are not Trump supporters. Trump supporters are typically more rural than leftist. Your population is concentrated.
exactly, LOL...where are the highest concentrations of the virus at the moment? Seattle (Lib Country), New York (Lib Country), California (Lib Country), Massachusetts (Lib Country). The large and spread out state of Texas only has 67 cases and no deaths so far.

If you subtract the 42 out of 67 deaths (as of yesterday's numbers) which were largely isolated to one area in Washington State, the entire rest of the country has a death rate less than 1%
Best part of last nights debate was Joe Biden saying he refrains from touching his face, forgetting that 10 seconds earlier he touched his face saying he was knocking on wood.

Ole Pandering Bantering Joe (PB&J)...anything to sound like he's a regular Joe...but when he tries it. He fails...