No it won't. While this socialist movement is gaining steam within the democratic party, its relatively small when it comes to a general election. Almost zero independents will vote bernie, and a large percentage of moderate Democrats, which still make up the majority of that party, will just stay home or even convert to trump rather than vote socialist. I have democratic friends from all over the country and not a single one says they can vote for bernie. These are people that hate trump with every breath they take. While I understand that's a very small sample size, I do think it represents a larger feeling across the country. Moderate democrats are just as scared of socialism as conservatives.
Another very large part of this that is talked about very little is the media. The MSM tried very hard to get Hillary elected, and while a portion would support bernie, a large part will not. Just look at what some of the MSM people are currently saying, they HATE Bernie. Hillary didnt have that problem with a single member of the MSM.
The last point is Bernie has A LOT of skeletons in his closet. He can be proven to be pro communist and anti american with his own words. No lying or twisting of words required. The democrats are not taking advantage of this so as to not totally destroy their likely candidate. Trump will relentlessly show the american public sanders true colors. He wont hold back as he never does.
Trump is the perfect candidate to run against the Bern. He will say what needs to be said and have Bernie constantly defending his indefensible positions. Bernie's bad temper will flare constantly and it will be fun to watch. Bernie's base of ignorant 20 year old uneducated idiots like Dion will not be near enough to get bernie even close to elected.